Naast de verschillende dienstverleningen aan de Vlaamse overheid dragen de onderzoekers van ECOOM ook bij tot het academisch onderzoek in verschillende onderzoeksdomeinen.
Publicaties filteren
Van Looy, B., Krols, K., Buyens, D., Vandenbossche, T., Stevens, W., Faems, D. (2013)
People practices that enable delivery
In: Service Management - An Integrated Approach, Chapt. 11. Essex (UK): Pearson Education Limited, pp. 246-279
Visnjic Kastalli, I., Van Looy, B. (2013)
Servitization: Disentangling the impact of service business model innovation on manufacturing firm performance
In: Journal of Operations Management, 31(4), pp. 169-180
Visnjic Kastalli, I., Van Looy, B., Neely, A. (2013)
Steering manufacturing firms towards service business model innovation
In: California Management Review, 56 (1), pp. 100-123
Callaert, J., Grouwels, J., Van Looy, B. (2012)
Delineating the scientific footprint in technology: Identifying scientific publications within non-patent references
In: Scientometrics, 91(2), pp. 383-398 (IF most recent: 1.97)
Faems, D., Van Looy, B., Janssens, M., Vlaar, P. (2012)
The process of value realization in asymmetric new venture development alliances: Governing the transition from exploration to exploitation
In: Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 29(4), pp. 508-527 (IF most recent: 1.03)
Snellings, D., Van Looy, B., Vervliet, S. (2012)