
In addition to the services for the Flemish government, the researchers of ECOOM also contribute to academic research in various research domains.

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Carletto, E., Debacker, N. (2020)

Success rates among doctoral researchers in Flanders who enrolled in 2009-2010 and 2010-2011

In: ECOOM Briefs, N° 33, December 2020

2020 - Doctoral careers - UGent

Debacker, N. (2020)

Doctoral researchers without appointments: who are they and how do they perform? The situation in Flanders (Belgium)

In: ECOOM Briefs, N° 26, Juli 2020

2020 - Doctoral careers - UGent

Debacker, N. (2020)

Doctorandi zonder aanstellingen: wie zijn ze en hoe zien hun slaagcijfers eruit? De situatie voor Vlaanderen

In: ECOOM Briefs, N° 26, Juli 2020

2020 - Doctoral careers - UGent

Debacker, N. (2020)

Is the PhD funding period sufficiently long to successfully complete a
PhD – the situation in Flanders (Belgium)

2020 - Doctoral careers - UGent

Debacker, N. (2020)

Is the PhD funding period sufficiently long to successfully complete a PhD – the situation in Flanders (Belgium)

In: ECOOM Briefs, N° 24, Maart 2020

2020 - Doctoral careers - UGent

Legrand, V., Mortier, A., Levecque, K., Wille, L. (2020)

Doctorandi en hun tevredenheid met de carrièrekansen in de niet-academische sector

In: ECOOM Briefs, N° 31, December 2020

2020 - Doctoral careers - UGent

Legrand, V., Mortier, A., Levecque, K., Wille, L. (2020)

PhD candidates and their satisfaction with non-academic career opportunities

In: ECOOM Briefs, N° 31, December 2020

2020 - Doctoral careers - UGent

Legrand, V., Mortier, A., Levecque, K., Wille, L. (2020)

There is more to life than money: de tevredenheid van doctoraathouders over extralegale voordelen

In: ECOOM Briefs, N° 28, December 2020

2020 - Doctoral careers - UGent

Legrand, V., Mortier, A., Levecque, K., Wille, L. (2020)

There is more to life than money: PhD holders' satisfaction with their fringe benefits

In: ECOOM Briefs, N° 28, December 2020

2020 - Doctoral careers - UGent

Mortier, A., Levecque, K., Wille, L. (2020)

PhD holders and job contracts: is one better off in the non-academic sector?

In: ECOOM Briefs, N° 30, December 2020

2020 - Doctoral careers - UGent