The Centre for Research & Development Monitoring (Expertisecentrum Onderzoek en Ontwikkelingsmonitoring, ECOOM) is an interuniversity consortium with participation of all Flemish universities (KU Leuven, UGent, VUB, UAntwerpen and UHasselt). Its mission is to develop a consistent system of R&D and Innovation (RD&I) indicators for the Flemish government. This indicator system has to assist the Flemish government in mapping and monitoring the RD&I efforts in the Flemish region.
ECOOM's activity supports the Flemish government's ambition to consolidate and to further develop its position as a European innovation intensive region. To serve this ambition, a well-developed RD&I indicator system is needed. This is the challenge the Flemish government has taken on, together with ECOOM. To this end, ECOOM collaborates intensely with all relevant actors in the Flemish RD&I system: universities, research institutes and industry. The government agencies EWI and VLAIO are close partners in this endeavor.
This website provides you with an overview of the activities of ECOOM. You will find detailed information on our major tasks, you will be able to download research reports and studies, and you will have access to publicly available RD&I statistics for Flanders.