
In addition to the services for the Flemish government, the researchers of ECOOM also contribute to academic research in various research domains.

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San Giorgi, C. and Van Daele, J. (2016)

What's next? A practical guide for exploring your job opportunities outside academia


2016 - Doctoral careers - UGent

Output ECOOM UGent; PhD; PhD holders; Doctoraat; Doctoraathouders; Niet-academische arbeidsmarkt; Non-academic career; Mobiliteit; Mobility; intersectoral mobility; intersectorele mobiliteit; PhD Careers; doctoraatscarrières

San Giorgi, C., Van Daele, J. (2016)

Wat nu? Werk vinden dat bij je past: een praktische gids

2016 - Doctoral careers - UGent

Stassen, L., Levecque, K., Anseel, F. (2016)

PhDs in transitie: Wat is de waarde van een doctoraat buiten de universiteit?

2016 - Doctoral careers - UGent

Stassen, L., Levecque, K., Anseel, F. (2016)

PhDs in transition : what is the value of a PhD outside academia?

2016 - Doctoral careers - UGent

Output ECOOM UGent; Interviews; PhD; PhD holders; Doctoraat; Doctoraathouders; Niet-academische carrirère; Non-academic career; Mobiliteit; Mobility; intersectoral mobility, intersectorele mobiliteit; PhD careers; doctoraatscarrières

Derycke H, Levecque K, Debacker N, Vandevelde K & Anseel F (2014).

STI Leiden 2014. Factors influencing the scientific productivity of PhD students. In: Proceedings of the science and technology indicators conference 2014 Leiden. "Context Counts: Pathways to Master Big and Little Data". p 155-163.

2014 - Doctoral careers - UGent

Levecque, K., Baute, S., Van Rossem, R., Anseel, F. (2014)

Money, money, money ... On PhDs, wages and gender

In: ECOOM Brief 9 - January 2014

2014 - Doctoral careers - UGent

Output ECOOM UGent; Enquête naar de Arbeidskrachten (EAK); PhD; Doctoraat; PhD holder; Doctoraathouder; Loon; Wage

Levecque, K., Baute, S., Van Rossem, R., Anseel, F. (2014)

Money, money, money… Over doctoraten, lonen en gender

In: ECOOM Brief 9 - Januari 2014

2014 - Doctoral careers - UGent

Vandevelde, K., Boosten, K. (2014)

What do Doctorate Holders in Belgium do? Key results from the OECD survey 2010

In: ECOOM Brief 10 - Maart 2014

2014 - Doctoral careers - UGent

Vandevelde, K., Van Brakel, R., Hageman, R., Peters, A. (2014)

PhD: promoveren doctoreren

In: Th&ma (2014) 4. 62-67

2014 - Doctoral careers - UGent

Derycke, H., Van Rossem, R., Levecque, K. (2013)

The work-related well-being of male and female Ph.D. students: how important is the mentoring style of their supervisor?

In: ECOOM Brief 7 - Januari 2013

2013 - Doctoral careers - UGent