Research output is a collective term for various categories of output produced by research. The work of ECOOM-Hasselt includes the classification and semantic harmonisation of publication categories and research datasets.

Publication categories

Publication categories categorise publications based on their publication type. A few years ago, ECOOM-Hasselt analysed the publication categories used within the various research institutions in Flanders and aligned them, based on their content, with the publication categories used by the FWO and on the FRIS research portal. In addition, the semantic harmonisation of the metadata itself was taken into account.

ECOOM-Hasselt is responsible for supporting the information providers of the FRIS research portal and the FWO with regard to the supply of data related to publication categories.

Research datasets

In addition to publishing scientific literature, the registration of and reporting on research datasets is growing rapidly. The FRIS research portal will soon also incorporate information on research data. To ensure correct and qualitative reporting on research datasets, ECOOM-Hasselt will define a standard for metadata related to research data, in consultation with the Flemish stakeholders. This standard will be provided with a defined semantics in order to achieve a uniform data registration of research data in Flanders. Accordingly, ECOOM-Hasselt will be responsible for the creation of business and validation rules that will be used to send and to visualise this information on the FRIS research portal. In addition, ECOOM-Hasselt will develop a classification scheme for research datasets. This classification scheme will comply with the needs of all stakeholders and will be in line with the international trends. Finally, a model will be developed to recognise and label open datasets as such.
