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Nummer Omschrijving Status peer review Alternatief ISSN Open access
0001-0782 Communications of the ACM 1 1557-7317 ---
0001-2343 Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie = Archives for philosophy of law and social philosophy 1 2363-5614 ---
0001-253X Aslib proceedings 1 --- ---
0001-2793 A.U.M.L.A 1 --- ---
0001-3072 Abacus (Sydney. Print) 1 1467-6281 ---
0001-415X Bulletin de la Commission royale d'histoire - Académie royale de Belgique = Handelingen van de Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis - Koninklijke academie van België 1 --- ---
0001-4273 Academy of Management journal 1 1948-0989 ---
0001-4575 Accident analysis and prevention 1 1879-2057 ---
0001-4788 Accounting and business research 1 2159-4260 ---
0001-4826 The Accounting review 1 1558-7967 ---
0001-4966 The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1 1520-8524 ---
0001-5164 Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica 1 2736-5239 ---
0001-5172 Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 1 1399-6576 ---
0001-5342 Acta biotheoretica 1 1572-8358 ---
0001-5385 Acta cardiologica (Imprimé) 1 1784-973X ---
0001-5458 Acta chirurgica Belgica (Ed. bilingue) 1 --- ---
0001-5512 Acta clinica belgica (Ed. multilingue) 1 --- ---
0001-5555 Acta dermato-venereologica (Print) 1 1651-2057 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0001-5644 Acta gastro-enterologica belgica (Ed. multilingue) 1 1784-3227 ---
0001-5903 Acta informatica 1 --- ---
0001-6241 Acta musicologica (Basel. Print) 1 --- ---
0001-6268 Acta neurochirurgica 1 0942-0940 ---
0001-6314 Acta neurologica Scandinavica 1 --- ---
0001-6322 Acta neuropathologica 1 1432-0533 ---
0001-6349 Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica 1 1600-0412 ---
0001-6373 Acta oeconomica (Print) 1 --- ---
0001-6446 Acta orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae (Print) 1 1588-2667 ---
0001-6462 Acta orthopaedica belgica (Ed. bilingue) 1 --- ---
0001-6489 Acta oto-laryngologica 1 1651-2251 ---
0001-6497 Acta oto-rhino-laryngologica belgica 1 --- ---
0001-6772 Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 1 --- ---
0001-6810 Acta politica (Meppel) 1 1741-1416 ---
0001-6829 Acta Poloniae Historica 1 --- ---
0001-690X Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica 1 1600-0447 ---
0001-6918 Acta psychologica 1 1873-6297 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0001-6993 Acta sociologica (Trykt utg.) 1 1502-3869 ---
0001-706X Acta tropica (Print) 1 1873-6254 ---
0001-771X Actualité économique 1 --- ---
0001-8244 Behavior genetics 1 1573-3297 ---
0001-8325 Administration (Dublin) 1 --- ---
0001-8449 Adolescence 1 --- ---
0001-8678 Advances in Applied Probability 1 1475-6064 ---
0001-8686 Advances in colloid and interface science (Print) 1 1873-3727 ---
0001-8791 Journal of vocational behavior (Print) 1 1095-9084 ---
0001-9593 Aevum (Testo stampato) 1 1827-787X ---
0001-9704 Afinidad 1 --- ---
0001-9720 Africa (London. 1928) 1 1750-0184 ---
0001-9887 Africa today 1 1527-1978 ---
0001-9909 African affairs (London) 1 1468-2621 ---
0002-0184 African studies (Johannesburg) 1 --- ---
0002-0206 African studies review 1 1555-2462 ---
0002-0397 Afrikaspectrum (Hamburg) 1 1868-6869 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0002-0443 The Journal of nursing administration 1 --- ---
0002-0729 Age and ageing 1 1468-2834 ---
0002-1121 Agrarwirtschaft (Print) = German journal of agricultural economics (Print) 1 --- ---
0002-1466 Agricultural finance review 1 --- ---
0002-1482 Agricultural history 1 --- ---
0002-1490 Agricultural history review 1 --- ---
0002-3752 Die Aktiengesellschaft 1 --- ---
0002-5275 Algemeen Nederlands tijdschrift voor wijsbegeerte (Print) 1 2352-1244 ---
0002-6980 Ambix 1 --- ---
0002-7162 The annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 1 1552-3349 ---
0002-7189 Journal of the American Academy of Religion 1 1477-4585 ---
0002-726X American annals of the deaf (Washington, D.C. 1886. Print) 1 1543-0375 ---
0002-7294 American anthropologist 1 --- ---
0002-7642 American behavioral scientist (Beverly Hills) 1 1552-3381 ---
0002-7820 Journal of the American Ceramic Society 1 --- ---
0002-7863 Journal of the American Chemical Society (Print) 1 1520-5126 ---
0002-8223 Journal of the American Dietetic Association 1 --- ---
0002-8231 Journal of the American Society for Information Science 1 1097-4571 ---
0002-8282 The American economic review 1 1944-7981 ---
0002-8312 American educational research journal 1 --- ---
0002-8614 Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 1 1532-5415 ---
0002-8703 The American heart journal 1 1097-6744 ---
0002-9092 American journal of agricultural economics 1 1467-8276 ---
0002-9114 American journal of archaeology 1 --- ---
0002-9149 The American journal of cardiology 1 1879-1913 ---
0002-9165 The American journal of clinical nutrition 1 1938-3207 ---
0002-919X The American journal of comparative law 1 --- ---
0002-9254 American journal of enology and viticulture 1 --- ---
0002-9262 American journal of epidemiology 1 1476-6256 ---
0002-9270 The American journal of gastroenterology 1 1572-0241 ---
0002-9297 American journal of human genetics 1 1537-6605 ---
0002-9300 American journal of international law 1 2161-7953 ---
0002-9343 The American journal of medicine 1 1555-7162 ---
0002-9378 American journal of obstetrics and gynecology (Print) 1 1097-6868 ---
0002-9394 American journal of ophthalmology 1 1879-1891 ---
0002-9432 American journal of orthopsychiatry 1 1939-0025 ---
0002-9440 The American journal of pathology (Print) 1 1525-2191 ---
0002-9459 American journal of pharmaceutical education 1 1553-6467 ---
0002-9475 American journal of philology (Print) 1 1086-3168 ---
0002-9483 American journal of physical anthropology 1 1096-8644 ---
0002-953X The American journal of psychiatry 1 1535-7228 ---
0002-9548 The American journal of psychoanalysis 1 --- ---
0002-9556 The American journal of psychology 1 --- ---
0002-9564 American journal of psychotherapy 1 2575-6559 ---
0002-9629 The American journal of the medical sciences (Print) 1 1538-2990 ---
0002-9637 The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 1 --- ---
0002-9645 American journal of veterinary research 1 1943-5681 ---
0002-9890 The American mathematical monthly 1 1930-0972 ---
0002-9939 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 --- ---
0003-021X Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 1 1558-9331 ---
0003-0279 Journal of the American Oriental Society 1 2169-2289 ---
0003-0481 American philosophical quarterly (Oxford) 1 2152-1123 ---
0003-0538 Journal of the American Podiatry Association 1 8750-7315 ---
0003-0651 Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 1 --- ---
0003-066X The American psychologist 1 1935-990X ---
0003-1054 The Journal of the American Society for Geriatric Dentistry 1 --- ---
0003-1186 The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (Printed) 1 1938-6958 ---
0003-1224 American sociological review 1 1939-8271 ---
0003-1232 The American sociologist 1 1936-4784 ---
0003-1283 American speech 1 1527-2133 ---
0003-1305 The American statistician 1 1537-2731 ---
0003-1488 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 1 1943-569X ---
0003-2409 Anaesthesia 1 1365-2044 ---
0003-2468 Analecta Bollandiana (Printed) 1 --- ---
0003-2638 Analysis (Oxford. Print) 1 1467-8284 ---
0003-2654 Analyst (London. 1877. Print) 1 1364-5528 ---
0003-2670 Analytica chimica acta (Print) 1 1873-4324 ---
0003-2697 Analytical biochemistry (Print) 1 1096-0309 ---
0003-2700 Analytical chemistry (Washington) 1 1520-6882 ---
0003-2719 Analytical letters 1 --- ---
0003-2999 Anesthesia and analgesia 1 1526-7598 ---
0003-3472 Animal behaviour (Print) 1 1095-8282 ---
0003-3790 Annals of science 1 --- ---
0003-3804 Annalen der Physik (Leipzig) 1 1521-3889 ---
0003-3995 Annales de génétique 1 --- ---
0003-4118 Annales de médecine vétérinaire (Imprimé) 1 --- ---
0003-4347 Annales des télécommunications 1 --- ---
0003-4452 Annales internationales de criminologie = Anales internacionales de criminologia 1 --- ---
0003-4487 Annales médico-psychologiques 1 1769-6631 ---
0003-4800 Annals of human genetics (Print) 1 1469-1809 ---
0003-4819 Annals of internal medicine 1 1539-3704 ---
0003-4878 Annals of occupational hygiene 1 --- ---
0003-4894 The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology 1 1943-572X ---
0003-4916 Annals of physics (Print) 1 --- ---
0003-4932 Annals of surgery 1 1528-1140 ---
0003-4967 Annals of the rheumatic diseases 1 1468-2060 ---
0003-4975 The annals of thoracic surgery 1 --- ---
0003-4983 Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology 1 --- ---
0003-5033 L'Année psychologique 1 1955-2580 ---
0003-5157 Annuarium historiae conciliorum 1 --- ---
0003-5491 Anthropological quarterly (Print) 1 1534-1518 ---
0003-598X Antiquity 1 1745-1744 ---
0003-6072 Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (Gedrukt) 1 1572-9699 ---
0003-6390 Apeiron 1 2156-7093 ---
0003-682X Applied acoustics = Angewandte Akustik 1 1872-910X ---
0003-6846 Applied economics (Print) 1 1466-4283 ---
0003-6870 Applied Ergonomics 1 1872-9126 ---
0003-6935 Applied optics 1 --- ---
0003-6951 Applied physics letters 1 --- ---
0003-7028 Applied spectroscopy 1 1943-3530 ---
0003-7982 Arcadia (Berlin) 1 1613-0642 ---
0003-8113 Archaeology 1 --- ---
0003-813X Archaeometry 1 1475-4754 ---
0003-8504 Architectural design 1 --- ---
0003-8695 L'Architecture d'aujourd'hui 1 --- ---
0003-8970 Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 1 1866-5381 ---
0003-9101 Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 1 1613-0650 ---
0003-9292 Archiv für Musikwissenschaft 1 --- ---
0003-9381 Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte = Archive for reformation history 1 --- ---
0003-9519 Archive for history of exact sciences (Print) 1 1432-0657 ---
0003-9632 Archives de philosophie 1 --- ---
0003-9756 Archives européennes de sociologie = Europäisches Archiv für Soziologie 1 1474-0583 ---
0003-9810 Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences (Printed) = International archive of the history of science 1 2507-038X ---
0003-987X Archives of dermatology (1960) 1 --- ---
0003-9888 Archives of disease in childhood 1 1468-2044 ---
0003-9896 Archives of environmental health 1 --- ---
0003-990X Archives of general psychiatry 1 --- ---
0003-9926 Archives of internal medicine (1960) 1 1538-3679 ---
0003-9942 Archives of neurology (Chicago) 1 --- ---
0003-9950 Archives of ophthalmology (1960) 1 --- ---
0003-9969 Archives of oral biology (Print) 1 1879-1506 ---
0003-9993 Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation (Print) 1 1532-821X ---
0004-0002 Archives of sexual behavior 1 1573-2800 ---
0004-0088 Archivio di filosofia (Testo stampato) 1 1970-0792 ---
0004-0207 Archivio glottologico italiano (Testo stampato) 1 --- ---
0004-069X Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis 1 --- ---
0004-0894 Area (London 1969) 1 1475-4762 ---
0004-153X Arizona law review 1 --- ---
0004-2870 Ars aequi (Print) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) 2212-5205 ---
0004-3591 Arthritis and rheumatism 1 --- ---
0004-4482 Asia major 1 --- ---
0004-4687 Asian survey 1 --- ---
0004-511X Assicurazioni (Roma) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0004-5608 Annals of the Association of American Geographers 1 1467-8306 ---
0004-6337 Astronomische Nachrichten (Print) = Astronomical notes (Print) 1 1521-3994 ---
0004-6361 Astronomy & astrophysics (Print) 1 1432-0746 ---
0004-637X The Astrophysical journal 1 1538-4357 ---
0004-640X Astrophysics and space science 1 --- ---
0004-6574 Athenaeum 1 --- ---
0004-8003 Augustiniana (Heverlee. Printed) 1 2295-6093 ---
0004-8011 Augustinianum 1 --- ---
0004-802X Augustinus 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0004-8216 Aussenwirtschaft 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0004-8380 Australasian journal of dermatology (Print) 1 --- ---
0004-8402 Australasian journal of philosophy 1 1471-6828 ---
0004-8658 Australian & New Zealand journal of criminology 1 1837-9273 ---
0004-8674 Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry (Print) 1 1440-1614 ---
0004-9018 Australian economic review (Print) 1 1467-8462 ---
0004-9441 Australian journal of education 1 --- ---
0004-9514 Australian journal of physiotherapy 1 --- ---
0004-9530 Australian journal of psychology 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0005-0601 Aut Aut 1 --- ---
0005-1098 Automatica (Oxford) 1 --- ---
0005-2736 Biochimica et biophysica acta. Biomembranes 1 --- ---
0005-3503 Babel (Melbourne) 1 --- ---
0005-7894 Behavior therapy 1 1878-1888 ---
0005-7916 Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry 1 1873-7943 ---
0005-7940 Behavioral science (Print) 1 --- ---
0005-7959 Behaviour (Leiden. Print) 1 1568-539X ---
0005-7967 Behaviour research and therapy 1 1873-622X ---
0005-8076 Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur (Tübingen) 1 1865-9373 ---
0005-8114 Beiträge zur Namenforschung 1 --- ---
0005-8335 MBB. Belastingbeschouwingen 1 --- ---
0006-0887 Biblica (Roma. Testo stampato) 1 2385-2062 ---
0006-128X The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 1 --- ---
0006-1913 Bibliotheca orientalis (Printed) 1 --- ---
0006-1999 Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance 1 --- ---
0006-2014 Biblische Zeitschrift 1 --- ---
0006-2278 Bijdragen (Gedrukt) 1 1783-1377 ---
0006-2286 Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis 1 --- ---
0006-2294 Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde (Print) = Journal of the Royal Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology 1 2213-4379 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0006-291X Biochemical and biophysical research communications (Print) 1 --- ---
0006-2952 Biochemical pharmacology 1 1873-2968 ---
0006-2960 Biochemistry (Easton) 1 --- ---
0006-3126 Biology of the neonate (Print) 1 1421-9727 ---
0006-3207 Biological conservation 1 1873-2917 ---
0006-3223 Biological psychiatry (1969) 1 1873-2402 ---
0006-3398 Biomedical engineering 1 1475-925X ---
0006-341X Biometrics 1 1541-0420 ---
0006-3444 Biometrika 1 1464-3510 ---
0006-3495 Biophysical journal (Print) 1 1542-0086 ---
0006-3568 Bioscience (Print) 1 1525-3244 ---
0006-4971 Blood 1 1528-0020 ---
0006-6583 Bollettino di studi latini (Testo stampato) 1 2035-2611 ---
0006-8314 Boundary - layer meteorology 1 --- ---
0006-8950 Brain (Print) 1 1460-2156 ---
0006-8993 Brain research (Print) 1 1872-6240 ---
0007-070X British food journal (1966) 1 1758-4108 ---
0007-0874 British journal for the history of science 1 1474-001X ---
0007-0882 British journal for the philosophy of science 1 1464-3537 ---
0007-0904 British journal of aesthetics 1 --- ---
0007-0912 British journal of anaesthesia 1 1471-6771 ---
0007-0920 British journal of cancer 1 1532-1827 ---
0007-0955 British journal of criminology 1 1464-3529 ---
0007-0963 British journal of dermatology (1951. Print) 1 1365-2133 ---
0007-0998 British journal of educational psychology 1 2044-8279 ---
0007-1005 British journal of educational studies (Print) 1 1467-8527 ---
0007-1013 British journal of educational technology (Print) 1 1467-8535 ---
0007-1048 British journal of haematology (Print) 1 1365-2141 ---
0007-1080 British journal of industrial relations (Print) 1 1467-8543 ---
0007-1102 British journal of mathematical & statistical psychology 1 2044-8317 ---
0007-1145 British journal of nutrition 1 1475-2662 ---
0007-1161 British journal of ophthalmology 1 1468-2079 ---
0007-1188 British journal of pharmacology 1 1476-5381 ---
0007-1226 British journal of plastic surgery (Print) 1 --- ---
0007-1234 British journal of political science (Print) 1 1469-2112 ---
0007-1250 British journal of psychiatry (Print) 1 1472-1465 ---
0007-1269 British journal of psychology (1953) 1 2044-8295 ---
0007-1285 British journal of radiology 1 1748-880X ---
0007-1315 British journal of sociology (Print) 1 1468-4446 ---
0007-1323 British journal of surgery (Print) 1 1365-2168 ---
0007-1668 British poultry science (Print) 1 1466-1799 ---
0007-1773 JBSP. Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 1 2332-0486 ---
0007-1870 British tax review 1 --- ---
0007-4217 Bulletin de correspondance hellénique (Print) 1 --- ---
0007-4322 Bulletin de littérature ecclésiastique 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0007-4403 Bulletin de psychologie 1 --- ---
0007-4624 Bulletin for International Fiscal Documentation = Bulletin de documentation fiscale internationale 1 --- ---
0007-4640 Bulletin hispanique (Bordeaux) 1 --- ---
0007-473X Bulletin monumental 1 --- ---
0007-4918 Bulletin of Indonesian economic studies 1 --- ---
0007-4977 Bulletin of marine science 1 --- ---
0007-5140 Bulletin of the history of medicine 1 --- ---
0007-6287 Burlington magazine 1 2044-9925 ---
0007-6503 Business & society 1 1552-4205 ---
0007-6791 Business history 1 1743-7938 ---
0007-6805 Business history review 1 --- ---
0007-6813 Business horizons 1 1873-6068 ---
0007-7704 Byzantinische Zeitschrift 1 1868-9027 ---
0007-7712 Byzantinoslavica (Praha) 1 --- ---
0007-7720 Canadian review of American studies 1 --- ---
0007-8506 CIRP annals 1 1726-0604 ---
0007-9731 Cahiers de civilisation médiévale 1 --- ---
0007-9758 Cahiers de droit européen (Bruxelles. Imprimé) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) 2566-1612 ---
0007-9871 Cahiers de lexicologie 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) 2262-0346 ---
0007-9960 Cahiers de nutrition et de diététique 1 --- ---
0008-0055 Cahiers d'études africaines 1 --- ---
0008-0195 Cahiers économiques de Bruxelles 1 --- ---
0008-0365 Les Cahiers naturalistes (Paris) 1 --- ---
0008-1221 California law review 1 --- ---
0008-1256 California management review 1 --- ---
0008-1795 Calvin theological journal 1 --- ---
0008-1973 Cambridge law journal (Print) 1 --- ---
0008-199X Cambridge quarterly 1 --- ---
0008-3496 Canadian ethnic studies = Etudes ethniques du Canada 1 --- ---
0008-350X Canadian family physician = Médecin de famille canadien 1 --- ---
0008-3968 Canadian journal of African studies = Journal canadien des études africaines 1 1923-3051 ---
0008-3976 Canadian journal of agricultural economics = Revue canadienne d'économie rurale 1 --- ---
0008-4085 Canadian journal of economics = Revue canadienne d'économique 1 1540-5982 ---
0008-4107 Canadian journal of history = Annales canadiennes d'histoire 1 --- ---
0008-4131 Canadian journal of linguistics 1 1710-1115 ---
0008-4166 Canadian journal of microbiology (Print) = Revue canadienne de microbiologie 1 1480-3275 ---
0008-4212 Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology (Print) = Revue canadienne de physiologie et pharmacologie 1 1205-7541 ---
0008-4239 Canadian journal of political science = Revue canadienne de science politique 1 1744-9324 ---
0008-4395 Canadian mathematical bulletin = Bulletin canadien de mathématiques 1 --- ---
0008-4506 Canadian modern language review = Revue canadienne des langues vivantes 1 1710-1131 ---
0008-4697 Peace research 1 --- ---
0008-4840 Canadian public administration = Administration publique du Canada 1 --- ---
0008-543X Cancer (Print) 1 1097-0142 ---
0008-5472 Cancer research (Chicago, Ill.) 1 1538-7445 ---
0008-6312 Cardiology 1 1421-9751 ---
0008-6363 Cardiovascular research 1 1755-3245 ---
0008-6568 Caries research 1 --- ---
0008-7041 Cartographic journal 1 1743-2774 ---
0008-7157 Casa de las Américas 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0008-8080 The Catholic historical review 1 1534-0708 ---
0008-8501 Catholica (Münster) 1 --- ---
0008-8846 Cement and concrete research (Print) 1 1873-3948 ---
0008-8994 Centaurus (Copenhagen) 1 1600-0498 ---
0009-0352 Cereal chemistry 1 1943-3638 ---
0009-0468 Česká literatura (Print) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0009-062X Ceskoslovenská psychologie (Print) 1 --- ---
0009-1774 Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 1 --- ---
0009-2509 Chemical engineering science 1 1873-4405 ---
0009-2541 Chemical geology 1 1872-6836 ---
0009-2614 Chemical physics letters (Print) 1 1873-4448 ---
0009-2665 Chemical reviews 1 --- ---
0009-3599 Chicago-Kent law review 1 --- ---
0009-3696 Chicago review 1 --- ---
0009-3920 Child development 1 1467-8624 ---
0009-398X Child psychiatry and human development 1 1573-3327 ---
0009-4021 Child welfare 1 --- ---
0009-4293 Chimia (Basel) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0009-4455 China report (New Delhi) 1 0973-063X ---
0009-4536 Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society (Taipei) = Zhōngguó huàxuéhuì huìzhì 1 --- ---
0009-5141 Het Christelijk Oosten 1 --- ---
0009-5893 Chromatographia (Wiesbaden) 1 --- ---
0009-6067 Chronique d'Egypte (Imprimé) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) 2034-6441 ---
0009-6407 Church history 1 1755-2613 ---
0009-7322 Circulation (New York, N.Y.) 1 1524-4539 ---
0009-7330 Circulation research 1 1524-4571 ---
0009-7497 Cîteaux Commentarii Cistercienses 1 --- ---
0009-7756 La Ciudad de Dios (1936) 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0009-8140 Civilisations (Bruxelles. Imprimé) 1 2032-0442 ---
0009-8353 The Classical journal (Classical Association of the Middle West and South) 1 --- ---
0009-837X Classical philology 1 1546-072X ---
0009-8388 Classical quarterly 1 1471-6844 ---
0009-840X Classical review 1 1464-3561 ---
0009-8418 The Classical world 1 1558-9234 ---
0009-8655 The Clearing house 1 --- ---
0009-8981 Clinica chimica acta (Print) 1 1873-3492 ---
0009-9104 Clinical and experimental immunology (Print) 1 1365-2249 ---
0009-9120 Clinical biochemistry 1 --- ---
0009-9147 Clinical chemistry (Baltimore, Md.) 1 1530-8561 ---
0009-9163 Clinical genetics 1 1399-0004 ---
0009-921X Clinical orthopaedics and related research 1 1528-1132 ---
0009-9228 Clinical pediatrics 1 1938-2707 ---
0009-9236 Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 1 1532-6535 ---
0010-0277 Cognition (The Hague) 1 1873-7838 ---
0010-0285 Cognitive psychology (Print) 1 1095-5623 ---
0010-1338 Colloquia germanica 1 --- ---
0010-1958 Columbia law review 1 --- ---
0010-3624 Communications in soil science and plant analysis 1 --- ---
0010-3713 Communio Viatorum 1 --- ---
0010-3853 Community mental health journal 1 1573-2789 ---
0010-4051 The Comparative and international law journal of Southern Africa = Jornal de direito comparativo e internacional para os países do Sul da Africa 1 --- ---
0010-4078 Comparative drama 1 --- ---
0010-4086 Comparative education review 1 1545-701X ---
0010-4132 Comparative literature studies (Urbana) 1 --- ---
0010-4140 Comparative political studies 1 1552-3829 ---
0010-4159 Comparative politics 1 --- ---
0010-4175 Comparative studies in society and history (Print) 1 1475-2999 ---
0010-440X Comprehensive psychiatry (Print) 1 1532-8384 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0010-4485 Computer Aided Design 1 1879-2685 ---
0010-4620 Computer journal (Print) 1 1460-2067 ---
0010-4655 Computer physics communications 1 1879-2944 ---
0010-4817 Computers and the humanities (Print) 1 1572-8412 ---
0010-4825 Computers in biology and medicine 1 1879-0534 ---
0010-485X Computing (Wien. Print) 1 1436-5057 ---
0010-5236 Concilium (English language edition) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0010-7484 Contemporary literature 1 1548-9949 ---
0010-7824 Contraception (Stoneham) 1 --- ---
0010-8367 Cooperation and conflict 1 1460-3691 ---
0010-8634 Copyright bulletin (Multilingual ed.) = Boletín de derecho de autor (Multilingual ed.) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0010-8847 Cornell law review 1 --- ---
0010-938X Corrosion science 1 --- ---
0010-9452 Cortex (Testo stampato) 1 1973-8102 ---
0011-0000 The Counseling psychologist 1 --- ---
0011-1287 Crime and delinquency 1 1552-387X ---
0011-1384 Criminology (Beverly Hills) 1 1745-9125 ---
0011-1511 Critica d'arte 1 --- ---
0011-1570 Critical survey 1 --- ---
0011-1589 Criticism (Detroit) 1 --- ---
0011-1600 Critique (Revue) 1 --- ---
0011-1619 Critique - Bolingbroke Society 1 1939-9138 ---
0011-2356 Cuadernos americanos 1 --- ---
0011-250X Cuadernos hispanoamericanos 1 --- ---
0011-3204 Current anthropology 1 1537-5382 ---
0011-3735 Current musicology 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0011-3891 Current Science (Bangalore) 1 --- ---
0011-3921 Current sociology (Print) = Sociologie contemporaine 1 1461-7064 ---
0011-7315 Decision sciences 1 1540-5915 ---
0011-9059 International journal of dermatology 1 --- ---
0011-9164 Desalination (Amsterdam) 1 --- ---
0011-9741 Deutsch als Fremdsprache 1 --- ---
0012-0200 Blätter (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Versicherungsmathematik) 1 --- ---
0012-0472 Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 1 1439-4413 ---
0012-0936 Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte 1 --- ---
0012-1045 Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie (Print) 1 --- ---
0012-1223 Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 1 2194-3842 ---
0012-1363 Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt 1 --- ---
0012-155X Development and change (Print) 1 1467-7660 ---
0012-1622 Developmental medicine and child neurology (Print) 1 1469-8749 ---
0012-1630 Developmental psychobiology (Print) 1 1098-2302 ---
0012-1649 Developmental psychology 1 1939-0599 ---
0012-1797 Diabetes (New York, N.Y.) 1 1939-327X ---
0012-186X Diabetologia (Berlin) 1 1432-0428 ---
0012-2017 Dialectica (Bern) 1 1746-8361 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0012-2173 Dialogue - Canadian Philosophical Association 1 1759-0949 ---
0012-2440 Dickensian 1 --- ---
0012-2823 Digestion (Basel) 1 --- ---
0012-3692 Chest (American College of Chest Physicians) 1 1931-3543 ---
0012-3706 Diseases of the colon & rectum 1 --- ---
0012-3846 Dissent (New York) 1 --- ---
0012-4273 XVIIe siècle (Paris) 1 --- ---
0012-4486 Documenta ophthalmologica 1 --- ---
0012-5806 Downside review 1 2397-3498 ---
0012-6667 Drugs (Basel) 1 --- ---
0012-7353 Dyna 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0012-740X Dynamische Psychiatrie = Dynamic psychiatry 1 --- ---
0012-821X Earth and planetary science letters 1 1385-013X ---
0012-8252 Earth-science reviews 1 1872-6828 ---
0012-8708 Eastern Buddhist. New series (Kyoto. 1965) 1 --- ---
0012-8775 Eastern European economics 1 1557-9298 ---
0012-9682 Econometrica 1 1468-0262 ---
0012-9976 Economic and political weekly 1 --- ---
0012-9984 Economic and social review 1 --- ---
0013-0079 Economic development and cultural change 1 1539-2988 ---
0013-0117 Economic history review 1 1468-0289 ---
0013-0133 Economic journal (London. Print) 1 1468-0297 ---
0013-0427 Economica (London. Print) 1 1468-0335 ---
0013-0451 Economics of planning (Oslo. Print) 1 --- ---
0013-0486 Maandschrift economie 1 --- ---
0013-0494 Economie appliquée 1 --- ---
0013-0575 Economisch en sociaal tijdschrift 1 --- ---
0013-0583 Economisch-statistische berichten 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) 2588-9907 ---
0013-063X Economist (Amsterdam) 1 1572-9982 ---
0013-0796 The Ecumenical review 1 1758-6623 ---
0013-1237 Education and training of the mentally retarded 1 --- ---
0013-1245 Education and urban society 1 1552-3535 ---
0013-161X Educational administration quarterly 1 1552-3519 ---
0013-1644 Educational and psychological measurement 1 1552-3888 ---
0013-1784 Educational leadership 1 --- ---
0013-1857 Educational philosophy and theory (Print) 1 1469-5812 ---
0013-1881 Educational research (Windsor. Print) 1 1469-5847 ---
0013-1911 Educational review (Birmingham) 1 1465-3397 ---
0013-1954 Educational studies in mathematics 1 1573-0816 ---
0013-1962 Educational technology 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0013-2004 Educational theory 1 1741-5446 ---
0013-2586 Eighteenth-century studies 1 1086-315X ---
0013-2683 Éire-Ireland (St. Paul) 1 --- ---
0013-2942 Ekistics (Athens) = Oikistikī 1 --- ---
0013-3035 Ekonomický časopis = Journal of Economics 1 --- ---
0013-4651 Journal of the Electrochemical Society 1 1945-7111 ---
0013-4686 Electrochimica acta 1 1873-3859 ---
0013-5194 Electronics letters 1 1350-911X Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0013-5585 Biomedizinische Technik (Berlin. Zeitschrift) 1 --- ---
0013-5984 The Elementary school journal 1 --- ---
0013-6662 Emérita (Madrid) 1 1988-8384 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0013-7006 L'Encéphale (Paris) 1 --- ---
0013-7227 Endocrinology (Philadelphia) 1 1945-7170 ---
0013-726X Endoscopy (Stuttgart) 1 1438-8812 ---
0013-7952 Engineering geology 1 --- ---
0013-8215 English (London) 1 --- ---
0013-8266 English historical review 1 1477-4534 ---
0013-8282 English language notes 1 --- ---
0013-8304 ELH 1 1080-6547 ---
0013-8339 English literature in transition, 1880-1920 1 1559-2715 ---
0013-838X English studies (Amsterdam) 1 1744-4217 ---
0013-9165 Environment and behavior 1 1552-390X ---
0013-9351 Environmental research (New York, N.Y. Print) 1 1096-0953 ---
0013-936X Environmental science & technology 1 1520-5851 ---
0013-9513 Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses (Gedrukt) 1 1783-1423 ---
0013-9572 Epigraphica 1 --- ---
0013-9580 Epilepsia (Copenhagen) 1 1528-1167 ---
0013-9696 Epitheōrīsī koinōnikōn ereunōn = Greek review of social research 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0013-9998 Die Erde 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0014-0015 Erdkunde 1 --- ---
0014-0139 Ergonomics (London. Print) 1 1366-5847 ---
0014-0759 Esprit (1940) 1 2111-4579 ---
0014-0767 L'Esprit créateur 1 1931-0234 ---
0014-0856 Essays in criticism 1 --- ---
0014-1437 Estudios bíblicos 1 --- ---
0014-1704 Ethics 1 1539-297X ---
0014-1828 Ethnology 1 --- ---
0014-1844 Ethnos 1 1469-588X ---
0014-195X Études anglaises (Revue) 1 --- ---
0014-200X Les études classiques (Namur) 1 --- ---
0014-2026 Etudes de lettres (Imprimé) 1 --- ---
0014-2085 Etudes françaises (Montréal) 1 1492-1405 ---
0014-2115 Études germaniques 1 2426-5543 ---
0014-214X Etudes littéraires 1 1708-9069 ---
0014-2166 Les Études philosophiques (Paris) 1 --- ---
0014-2204 Les Études sociales (Paris) 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0014-2328 Euphorion 1 --- ---
0014-2336 Euphytica (Wageningen) 1 --- ---
0014-2751 Europe (Paris. 1923) 1 --- ---
0014-2808 L'Europe en formation 1 --- ---
0014-2921 European economic review 1 1873-572X ---
0014-2972 European journal of clinical investigation (Print) 1 1365-2362 ---
0014-2980 European Journal of Immunology 1 --- ---
0014-2999 European journal of pharmacology 1 --- ---
0014-3006 European Judaism 1 1752-2323 ---
0014-3022 European neurology (Print) 1 1421-9913 ---
0014-3138 European taxation (Print) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) 2352-9199 ---
0014-3154 European transport law = Europees vervoerrecht 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0014-3855 Evolution psychiatrique 1 --- ---
0014-4029 Exceptional children 1 2163-5560 ---
0014-4797 Experimental agriculture (Print) 1 1469-4441 ---
0014-4800 Experimental and molecular pathology (Print) 1 1096-0945 ---
0014-4819 Experimental brain research = Experimentelle Hirnforschung 1 1432-1106 ---
0014-4886 Experimental neurology 1 --- ---
0014-4894 Experimental parasitology 1 1090-2449 ---
0014-4940 The Explicator 1 --- ---
0014-4983 Explorations in economic history (Print) 1 1090-2457 ---
0014-5246 Expository times 1 --- ---
0014-5793 FEBS letters (Print) 1 1873-3468 ---
0014-6242 Fabula 1 1613-0464 ---
0014-7370 Family process 1 1545-5300 ---
0014-8059 Farm management (Kenilworth) 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0014-9527 Quærendo (Print) 1 1570-0690 ---
0015-0282 Fertility and sterility 1 1556-5653 ---
0015-1831 Filosofický časopis (Print) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0015-1920 Finance a úvěr (Print) = Czech Journal of the Economics and Finance 1 --- ---
0015-198X Financial analysts journal 1 1938-3312 ---
0015-2218 Finanzarchiv 1 --- ---
0015-5659 Folia Morphologica (Druk) 1 --- ---
0015-5675 Folia Orientalia 1 --- ---
0015-5713 Folia primatologica (Print) 1 1421-9980 ---
0015-587X Folklore (London) 1 --- ---
0015-6191 Fontes artis musicae 1 2471-156X ---
0015-7120 Foreign affairs (New York, N.Y.) 1 2327-7793 ---
0015-7325 Foreign Trade Review 1 0971-7625 ---
0015-8518 Forum for modern language studies 1 1471-6860 ---
0015-9018 Foundations of physics 1 1572-9516 ---
0015-9409 Le Francais moderne 1 --- ---
0016-0725 Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie = Rivista filosofica e teologica di Friburgo 1 2624-6775 ---
0016-1071 French historical studies 1 --- ---
0016-111X The French review 1 --- ---
0016-2361 Fuel (Guildford) 1 1873-7153 ---
0016-3287 Futures (London) 1 1873-6378 ---
0016-4119 Gallia (Paris) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0016-5085 Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) 1 1528-0012 ---
0016-5107 Gastrointestinal endoscopy (Print) 1 --- ---
0016-5492 Gazette (Leiden) 1 --- ---
0016-5522 Gazette des archives (Paris) 1 --- ---
0016-5921 Geist und Leben (Würzburg) 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0016-6723 Genetical research (Print) 1 1469-5073 ---
0016-6731 Genetics (Austin, Tex.) 1 --- ---
0016-6995 Geobios (Lyon) 1 --- ---
0016-7037 Geochimica et cosmochimica acta (Print) 1 1872-9533 ---
0016-7061 Geoderma (Amsterdam) 1 1872-6259 ---
0016-7185 Geoforum 1 1872-9398 ---
0016-7223 Geografisk tidsskrift (Papirform) 1 1903-2471 ---
0016-7363 Geographical analysis 1 1538-4632 ---
0016-7479 Geographische Zeitschrift 1 --- ---
0016-7606 Geological Society of America bulletin 1 1943-2674 ---
0016-7746 Geologie & mijnbouw 1 1573-9708 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0016-8777 German life and letters (Print) 1 1468-0483 ---
0016-8831 The German quarterly 1 1756-1183 ---
0016-8904 Germanisch-romanische Monatsschrift 1 --- ---
0016-9013 The Gerontologist 1 1758-5341 ---
0016-9080 Nachrichten der Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens, Hamburg 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0016-9161 Gesnerus (Print) 1 --- ---
0016-9420 Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht 1 --- ---
0017-0372 Giornale di metafisica (Testo stampato) 1 1825-6570 ---
0017-0496 Giornale storico della letteratura italiana 1 --- ---
0017-0895 Glasgow mathematical journal (Print) 1 --- ---
0017-1298 Glotta (Göttingen) 1 2196-9043 ---
0017-257X Government and opposition (London) 1 1477-7053 ---
0017-3134 Grana (Print) 1 1651-2049 ---
0017-3835 Greece and Rome 1 --- ---
0017-3894 The Greek Orthodox theological review 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0017-3916 Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies 1 2159-3159 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0017-4114 Gregorianum (Testo stampato) 1 --- ---
0017-4815 Growth and change 1 1468-2257 ---
0017-5749 Gut 1 1468-3288 ---
0017-8012 Harvard business review 1 --- ---
0017-8136 Harvard Library bulletin 1 --- ---
0017-8160 Harvard theological review 1 1475-4517 ---
0017-8322 Hastings law journal 1 --- ---
0017-8748 Headache 1 --- ---
0017-8969 Health education journal 1 1748-8176 ---
0017-9078 Health physics (1958) 1 --- ---
0017-9124 Health services research 1 1475-6773 ---
0017-9310 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Print) 1 1879-2189 ---
0018-067X Heredity (Edinburgh. Print) 1 1365-2540 ---
0018-0777 Hermes (Wiesbaden) 1 2365-3116 ---
0018-098X Hesperia 1 --- ---
0018-1196 Heythrop journal (Print) 1 1468-2265 ---
0018-1560 Higher education (Amsterdam) 1 1573-174X ---
0018-2176 Hispanic review 1 1553-0639 ---
0018-2281 Historia (1946) 1 --- ---
0018-229X Historia (Three Rivers) 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0018-2311 Historia (Wiesbaden) 1 2365-3108 ---
0018-2427 Historica (Reggio Calabria) 1 --- ---
0018-2648 History (London. Print) 1 1468-229X ---
0018-2656 History and theory 1 1468-2303 ---
0018-2680 History of education quarterly 1 --- ---
0018-2702 History of political economy 1 --- ---
0018-2710 History of religions 1 --- ---
0018-442X Homo (Stuttgart) 1 --- ---
0018-5043 Hormone and metabolic research = Hormon- und Stoffwechselforschung 1 --- ---
0018-506X Hormones and behavior (Print) 1 1095-6867 ---
0018-7143 Human biology (Print) 1 1534-6617 ---
0018-716X Human development 1 --- ---
0018-7208 Human factors 1 --- ---
0018-7267 Human relations (New York) 1 1741-282X ---
0018-8158 Hydrobiologia (The Hague. Print) 1 1573-5117 ---
0018-9162 Computer (Long Beach, Calif. Print) 1 1558-0814 ---
0018-9219 Proceedings of the IEEE 1 --- ---
0018-926X IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation (Print) 1 1558-2221 ---
0018-9294 IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering (Print) 1 1558-2531 ---
0018-9316 IEEE transactions on broadcasting 1 --- ---
0018-9340 I.E.E.E. transactions on computers (Print) 1 --- ---
0018-9375 IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility (Print) 1 1558-187X ---
0018-9391 IEEE transactions on engineering management 1 1558-0040 ---
0018-9456 IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement 1 1557-9662 ---
0018-9464 IEEE transactions on magnetics 1 --- ---
0018-9499 IEEE transactions on nuclear science 1 --- ---
0018-9529 IEEE transactions on reliability 1 --- ---
0018-9731 Ifo-Studien 1 --- ---
0018-9855 IIC (München) 1 2195-0237 ---
0019-0365 International philosophical quarterly 1 2153-8077 ---
0019-042X IRAL. International review of applied linguistics in language teaching = Internationale Zeitschrift für angewandte Linguistik in der Spracherziehung 1 1613-4141 ---
0019-0810 ITL. Internationaler technischer Literaturanzeiger = ITL. International technical literature guide 1 1783-1490 ---
0019-0829 ITL. Institut voor Toegepaste Linguistiek 1, vanaf 2012 1783-1490 ---
0019-0993 Ibero-romania 1 1865-9039 ---
0019-2805 Immunology (Oxford. Print) 1 1365-2567 ---
0019-3577 Indagationes mathematicae (Print) 1 1872-6100 ---
0019-5634 Indian journal of social work (Print) 1 --- ---
0019-6398 International journal of contemporary sociology 1, tot en met 2025 (0, vanaf 2026) --- ---
0019-7262 Indogermanische Forschungen 1 1613-0405 ---
0019-7939 Industrial & labor relations review 1 2162-271X ---
0019-8366 Industrial Health 1 1880-8026 ---
0019-8501 Industrial marketing management 1 1873-2062 ---
0019-8676 Industrial relations (Berkeley) 1 1468-232X ---
0019-8692 Industrial relations journal (London. Print) 1 1468-2338 ---
0019-9249 de Industrieele eigendom (1912) 1 --- ---
0019-9567 Infection and immunity (Print) 1 1098-5522 ---
0020-0190 Information processing letters (Print) 1 1872-6119 ---
0020-0255 Information sciences (Print) 1 1872-6291 ---
0020-1324 Respiratory care 1 1943-3654 ---
0020-1383 Injury 1 1879-0267 ---
0020-1669 Inorganic chemistry 1 1520-510X ---
0020-174X Inquiry (Oslo) 1 1502-3923 ---
0020-2754 Transactions - Institute of British Geographers (1965) 1 1475-5661 ---
0020-3157 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 1 1572-9052 ---
0020-4277 Instructional science 1 1573-1952 ---
0020-4536 Insula (Madrid) 1 --- ---
0020-5346 Intereconomics (Baden-Baden) 1 1613-964X ---
0020-5850 International affairs (London. 1944. Print) 1 1468-2346 ---
0020-5893 International and comparative law quarterly 1 1471-6895 ---
0020-6059 International associations = Associations internationales 1 --- ---
0020-6539 International dental journal 1 1875-595X Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0020-6598 International economic review (Philadelphia) 1 1468-2354 ---
0020-7020 International journal (Toronto) 1 --- ---
0020-7047 International journal for philosophy of religion (Print) 1 1572-8684 ---
0020-7063 The International journal of accounting education and research 1 --- ---
0020-7136 International journal of cancer (Print) = Journal international du cancer 1 1097-0215 ---
0020-7144 International journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis 1 --- ---
0020-7152 International journal of comparative sociology 1 1745-2554 ---
0020-7160 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 1 --- ---
0020-7233 International journal of environmental studies 1 1029-0400 ---
0020-7276 International journal of game theory (Print) 1 1432-1270 ---
0020-7284 International journal of group psychotherapy 1 1943-2836 ---
0020-7292 International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics 1 1879-3479 ---
0020-7314 International journal of health services (Print) 1 1541-4469 ---
0020-739X International journal of mathematical education in science and technology 1 1464-5211 ---
0020-7411 International journal of mental health 1 --- ---
0020-7489 International journal of nursing studies 1 1873-491X ---
0020-7519 International Journal for Parasitology 1 1879-0135 ---
0020-7527 International journal of physical distribution 1 --- ---
0020-7543 International journal of production research (Print) 1 1366-588X ---
0020-7578 The international journal of psycho-analysis 1 --- ---
0020-7594 International journal of psychology (Print) = Journal international de psychologie 1 1464-066X ---
0020-7608 International journal of quantum chemistry 1 --- ---
0020-7640 International journal of social psychiatry 1 1741-2854 ---
0020-7683 International journal of solids and structures 1 --- ---
0020-7748 International journal of theoretical physics 1 --- ---
0020-7780 International labour review (Print) 1 1564-913X ---
0020-7810 The International lawyer 1 --- ---
0020-7985 International migration (Geneva. Print) = Migraciones internacionales 1 1468-2435 ---
0020-8132 International nursing review (1954) 1 --- ---
0020-8183 International organization (Print) 1 1531-5088 ---
0020-8523 International review of administrative sciences 1 1461-7226 ---
0020-8566 International review of education = Revue internationale de pédagogie 1 1573-0638 ---
0020-8590 International review of social history (Print) 1 1469-512X ---
0020-8701 International social science journal (Print) 1 1468-2451 ---
0020-871X International social security review (Print) 1 1468-246X ---
0020-8728 International social work 1 1461-7234 ---
0020-8825 International studies of management & organization 1 1558-0911 ---
0020-8841 International sugar journal 1 --- ---
0020-9252 Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift (Print) = International church review 1 --- ---
0020-9317 Internationale spectator (Print) 1, vanaf 2014 2405-8319 ---
0020-9996 Investigative radiology 1 1536-0210 ---
0021-0862 Iranian studies 1 --- ---
0021-0870 Iranica antiqua (Leiden) 1 1783-1482 ---
0021-1273 Irish jurist 1 --- ---
0021-1400 The Irish theological quarterly 1 1752-4989 ---
0021-1427 Irish university review 1 2047-2153 ---
0021-1753 Isis (Chicago, Ill.) 1 1545-6994 ---
0021-1818 Der Islam (Berlin) 1 1613-0928 ---
0021-2059 Israel exploration journal 1 --- ---
0021-2237 Israel law review 1 2047-9336 ---
0021-2423 Istina (Boulogne-sur-Seine) 1 --- ---
0021-2571 Annali dell'Istituto superiore di sanità (Testo stampato) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0021-2954 Italian quarterly 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0021-3020 Italica (New York, N.Y.) 1 --- ---
0021-4027 Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik = Journal of economics and statistics 1 --- ---
0021-4183 James Joyce quarterly 1 1938-6036 ---
0021-4841 Japanese economic studies 1 --- ---
0021-4922 Japanese journal of applied physics 1 1347-4065 ---
0021-5368 Japanese psychological research (Print) 1 1468-5884 ---
0021-6682 The Jewish quarterly review 1 1553-0604 ---
0021-7557 Jornal de Pediatria (Impresso) 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0021-7905 Journal de médecine de Strasbourg 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0021-812X Journal des Tribunaux (Imprimé) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) 2566-1795 ---
0021-8251 Journal for research in mathematics education 1 --- ---
0021-8286 Journal for the history of astronomy 1 1753-8556 ---
0021-8294 Journal for the scientific study of religion 1 1468-5906 ---
0021-8308 Journal for the theory of social behaviour (Print) 1 1468-5914 ---
0021-843X Journal of abnormal psychology (1965) 1 1939-1846 ---
0021-8456 Journal of accounting research 1 1475-679X ---
0021-8499 Journal of advertising research 1 1740-1909 ---
0021-8510 The Journal of aesthetic education (Print) 1 1543-7809 ---
0021-8529 The Journal of aesthetics and art criticism (Print) 1 1540-6245 ---
0021-8553 Journal of African law (Print) 1 1464-3731 ---
0021-8561 Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 1 1520-5118 ---
0021-857X Journal of agricultural economics 1 1477-9552 ---
0021-8693 Journal of algebra (Print) 1 1090-266X ---
0021-8782 Journal of anatomy (Print) 1 1469-7580 ---
0021-8812 Journal of animal science 1 1525-3163 ---
0021-8863 The Journal of applied behavioral science 1 1552-6879 ---
0021-8901 Journal of applied ecology (Print) 1 1365-2664 ---
0021-8979 Journal of applied physics 1 1089-7550 ---
0021-9002 Journal of Applied Probability 1 --- ---
0021-9010 Journal of applied psychology 1 1939-1854 ---
0021-9029 Journal of applied social psychology 1 1559-1816 ---
0021-910X Journal of Asian history 1 --- ---
0021-9150 Atherosclerosis (Amsterdam) 1 1879-1484 ---
0021-9193 Journal of bacteriology (Print) 1 --- ---
0021-9231 Journal of Biblical literature 1 1934-3876 ---
0021-9258 The Journal of biological chemistry (Print) 1 1083-351X Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0021-9266 Journal of biological education 1 --- ---
0021-9274 The Journal of biological psychology 1 --- ---
0021-9290 Journal of biomechanics 1 1873-2380 ---
0021-9320 Journal of biosocial science (Print) 1 1469-7599 ---
0021-9355 Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume (Print ed.) 1 1535-1386 ---
0021-9436 Journal of business communication (1973) 1 1552-4582 ---
0021-9460 Journal of business law 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0021-9495 Journal of Canadian studies = Revue d'études canadiennes 1 --- ---
0021-9509 Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery (Print) 1 1827-191X ---
0021-9541 Journal of cellular physiology (Print) 1 1097-4652 ---
0021-9584 Journal of chemical education 1 --- ---
0021-9606 The Journal of chemical physics 1 --- ---
0021-9630 Journal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines (Print) 1 1469-7610 ---
0021-9665 Journal of chromatographic science 1 --- ---
0021-9673 Journal of chromatography (Print) 1 1873-3778 ---
0021-969X Journal of church and state 1 2040-4867 ---
0021-972X The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 1 1945-7197 ---
0021-9746 Journal of clinical pathology 1 1472-4146 ---
0021-9762 Journal of clinical psychology (Print) 1 1097-4679 ---
0021-9797 Journal of colloid and interface science (Print) 1 1095-7103 ---
0021-9886 Journal of common market studies (Print) 1 1468-5965 ---
0021-9916 Journal of communication 1 1460-2466 ---
0021-9924 Journal of communication disorders 1 1873-7994 ---
0021-9967 Journal of comparative neurology (1911) 1 1096-9861 ---
0022-0027 The Journal of conflict resolution 1 1552-8766 ---
0022-006X Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 1 1939-2117 ---
0022-0078 The journal of consumer affairs 1 1745-6606 ---
0022-0094 Journal of contemporary history 1 1461-7250 ---
0022-0167 Journal of counseling psychology 1 1939-2168 ---
0022-0175 The Journal of creative behavior 1 2162-6057 ---
0022-0221 Journal of cross-cultural psychology 1 1552-5422 ---
0022-0256 Journal of cuneiform studies 1 2325-6737 ---
0022-0272 Journal of curriculum studies (Print) 1 1366-5839 ---
0022-0299 Journal of dairy research (Print) 1 1469-7629 ---
0022-0302 Journal of dairy science 1 1525-3198 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0022-0337 Journal of dental education (Print) 1 1930-7837 ---
0022-0345 Journal of dental research 1 --- ---
0022-0388 Journal of development studies 1 1743-9140 ---
0022-0396 Journal of differential equations (Print) 1 1090-2732 ---
0022-0418 Journal of documentation 1 1758-7379 ---
0022-0426 Journal of drug issues 1 1945-1369 ---
0022-0469 Journal of ecclesiastical history (Print) 1 1469-7637 ---
0022-0477 Journal of ecology (Print) 1 1365-2745 ---
0022-0485 The Journal of economic education 1 --- ---
0022-0507 The journal of economic history 1 1471-6372 ---
0022-0515 Journal of economic literature 1 2328-8175 ---
0022-0531 Journal of economic theory (Print) 1 1095-7235 ---
0022-0558 Journal of ecumenical studies 1 --- ---
0022-0574 Journal of education (Boston, Mass.) 1 2515-5741 ---
0022-0655 Journal of educational measurement 1 1745-3984 ---
0022-0663 Journal of educational psychology 1 1939-2176 ---
0022-0671 The Journal of educational research (Washington, D.C.) 1 1940-0675 ---
0022-0795 Journal of Endocrinology 1 1479-6805 ---
0022-0833 Journal of engineering mathematics 1 --- ---
0022-0949 Journal of experimental biology 1 1477-9145 ---
0022-0957 Journal of experimental botany 1 --- ---
0022-0965 Journal of experimental child psychology (Print) 1 1096-0457 ---
0022-0973 The Journal of experimental education 1 1940-0683 ---
0022-1015 Journal of experimental psychology 1 --- ---
0022-1031 Journal of experimental social psychology (Print) 1 1096-0465 ---
0022-1082 The Journal of finance (New York. Print) 1 1540-6261 ---
0022-1090 Journal of financial and quantitative analysis 1 1756-6916 ---
0022-1112 Journal of fish biology 1 1095-8649 ---
0022-1147 Journal of food science 1 1750-3841 ---
0022-1198 Journal of forensic sciences 1 1556-4029 ---
0022-1295 The Journal of general physiology 1 --- ---
0022-1309 The Journal of general psychology 1 1940-0888 ---
0022-1317 Journal of general virology (Print) 1 1465-2099 ---
0022-1325 The Journal of genetic psychology 1 1940-0896 ---
0022-1333 Journal of Genetics 1 --- ---
0022-1341 Journal of geography (Houston) 1 1752-6868 ---
0022-1376 The Journal of geology 1 --- ---
0022-1422 Journal of gerontology (Kirkwood) 1 --- ---
0022-1430 Journal of Glaciology 1 1727-5652 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0022-1465 Journal of health and social behavior 1 2150-6000 ---
0022-1546 The Journal of higher education (Columbus) 1 --- ---
0022-1554 ˜The œjournal of histochemistry and cytochemistry 1 --- ---
0022-166X The Journal of human resources 1 1548-8004 ---
0022-1678 Journal of humanistic psychology 1 1552-650X ---
0022-1694 Journal of hydrology (Amsterdam) 1 1879-2707 ---
0022-1759 Journal of immunological methods (Print) 1 1872-7905 ---
0022-1767 The Journal of immunology (1950) 1 1550-6606 ---
0022-1821 Journal of industrial economics (Print) 1 1467-6451 ---
0022-1856 Journal of industrial relations 1 1472-9296 ---
0022-1899 The Journal of infectious diseases 1 1537-6613 ---
0022-1910 Journal of insect physiology 1 --- ---
0022-1953 The Journal of interdisciplinary history 1 1530-9169 ---
0022-1996 Journal of international economics (Print) 1 1873-0353 ---
0022-202X Journal of investigative dermatology 1 1523-1747 ---
0022-2151 Journal of laryngology and otology 1 1748-5460 ---
0022-2186 The Journal of law & economics 1 1537-5285 ---
0022-2194 Journal of learning disabilities 1 1538-4780 ---
0022-2216 Journal of leisure research 1 --- ---
0022-2267 Journal of linguistics (Print) 1 1469-7742 ---
0022-2275 Journal of lipid research (Print) 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0022-2380 Journal of management studies (Oxford. Print) 1 1467-6486 ---
0022-2410 Journal of maritime law and commerce 1 --- ---
0022-2429 Journal of marketing 1 1547-7185 ---
0022-2437 Journal of marketing research 1 1547-7193 ---
0022-2445 Journal of marriage and the family 1 1741-3737 ---
0022-2461 Journal of materials science 1 --- ---
0022-247X Journal of mathematical analysis and applications (Print) 1 1096-0813 ---
0022-2488 Journal of mathematical physics 1 --- ---
0022-2496 Journal of mathematical psychology (Print) 1 1096-0880 ---
0022-250X Journal of mathematical sociology 1 1545-5874 ---
0022-2593 Journal of medical genetics (Print) 1 1468-6244 ---
0022-2615 Journal of Medical Microbiology 1 1473-5644 ---
0022-2623 Journal of medicinal chemistry 1 1520-4804 ---
0022-278X Journal of Modern African studies (Print) 1 1469-7777 ---
0022-281X Journal of modern literature 1 1529-1464 ---
0022-2828 Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 1 --- ---
0022-2836 Journal of Molecular Biology 1 --- ---
0022-2844 Journal of molecular evolution 1 --- ---
0022-2879 Journal of money, credit and banking 1 1538-4616 ---
0022-2895 Journal of motor behavior 1 1940-1027 ---
0022-2909 Journal of music theory 1 --- ---
0022-2925 The Journal of narrative technique 1 --- ---
0022-2968 Journal of Near Eastern studies 1 --- ---
0022-3018 The journal of nervous and mental disease (Print) 1 1539-736X ---
0022-3042 Journal of neurochemistry 1 1471-4159 ---
0022-3050 Journal of neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry 1 1468-330X ---
0022-3069 Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology 1 --- ---
0022-3077 Journal of neurophysiology 1 1522-1598 ---
0022-3085 Journal of neurosurgery 1 --- ---
0022-3166 The Journal of nutrition (Print) 1 1541-6100 ---
0022-3239 Journal of optimization theory and applications 1 --- ---
0022-3263 Journal of organic chemistry 1 1520-6904 ---
0022-3417 Journal of pathology (Print) 1 1096-9896 ---
0022-3433 Journal of peace research 1 1460-3578 ---
0022-3468 Journal of pediatric surgery (Print) 1 1531-5037 ---
0022-3476 The Journal of pediatrics 1 1097-6833 ---
0022-3492 Journal of periodontology (1970) 1 --- ---
0022-3506 Journal of personality 1 1467-6494 ---
0022-3514 Journal of personality and social psychology 1 1939-1315 ---
0022-3530 Journal of petrology (Print) 1 1460-2415 ---
0022-3565 The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics (Print) 1 1521-0103 ---
0022-3611 Journal of philosophical logic 1 1573-0433 ---
0022-362X The Journal of philosophy 1 --- ---
0022-3646 Journal of phycology 1 --- ---
0022-3751 Journal of physiology (London. Print) 1 1469-7793 ---
0022-3808 Journal of political economy 1 1537-534X ---
0022-3816 The Journal of politics 1 1468-2508 ---
0022-3840 Journal of popular culture 1 1540-5931 ---
0022-3891 Journal of personality assessment 1 1532-7752 ---
0022-3921 The Journal of protozoology 1 --- ---
0022-3956 Journal of psychiatric research 1 1879-1379 ---
0022-3980 The Journal of psychology 1 1940-1019 ---
0022-3999 Journal of psychosomatic research (Print) 1 1879-1360 ---
0022-4049 Journal of pure and applied algebra (Print) 1 1873-1376 ---
0022-4065 Journal of quality technology 1 2575-6230 ---
0022-4146 Journal of regional science 1 1467-9787 ---
0022-4197 Journal of religion and health 1 1573-6571 ---
0022-4200 Journal of religion in Africa (Print) = Religion en Afrique 1 1570-0666 ---
0022-4227 Journal of religious history (Print) 1 1467-9809 ---
0022-4359 Journal of retailing 1 1873-3271 ---
0022-4367 The Journal of risk and insurance 1 1539-6975 ---
0022-4375 Journal of safety research 1 1879-1247 ---
0022-4391 Journal of school health 1 --- ---
0022-4405 Journal of school psychology (Print) 1 1873-3506 ---
0022-4499 The Journal of sex research (Print) 1 1559-8519 ---
0022-4510 Journal of small animal practice 1 --- ---
0022-4529 Journal of social history 1 1527-1897 ---
0022-4537 Journal of social issues (Print) 1 1540-4560 ---
0022-4545 The Journal of social psychology 1 1940-1183 ---
0022-460X Journal of sound and vibration 1 1095-8568 ---
0022-4634 Journal of Southeast Asian studies (Singapore) 1 --- ---
0022-4669 The Journal of special education 1 1538-4764 ---
0022-4685 Journal of speech and hearing research 1 --- ---
0022-4707 Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness (Print) 1 1827-1928 ---
0022-4790 Journal of surgical oncology (Print) 1 --- ---
0022-4804 The Journal of surgical research (Print) 1 1095-8673 ---
0022-4812 ˜The œJournal of symbolic logic 1 --- ---
0022-4871 Journal of teacher education 1 1552-7816 ---
0022-4928 Journal of the atmospheric sciences 1 --- ---
0022-4995 Journal of the economic and social history of the Orient = Journal de l'histoire économique et sociale de l'Orient 1 --- ---
0022-5010 Journal of the history of biology 1 1573-0387 ---
0022-5037 Journal of the history of ideas 1 1086-3222 ---
0022-5053 Journal of the history of philosophy 1 1538-4586 ---
0022-510X Journal of the neurological sciences 1 1878-5883 ---
0022-5142 Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 1 1097-0010 ---
0022-5185 Journal of theological studies 1 1477-4607 ---
0022-5193 Journal of theoretical biology 1 1095-8541 ---
0022-5223 Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery (Print) 1 1097-685X ---
0022-5258 Journal of transport economics and policy 1 1754-5951 ---
0022-5266 Journal of transport history 1 --- ---
0022-5282 The Journal of trauma 1 --- ---
0022-5347 The Journal of urology 1 1527-3792 ---
0022-5363 Journal of value inquiry 1 1573-0492 ---
0022-538X Journal of virology (Print) 1 1098-5514 ---
0022-6858 The Jurist (Washington) 1 --- ---
0022-8877 Kant-Studien 1 1613-1134 ---
0022-9032 Kardiologia Polska (Warszawa. 1957) = Polish Heart Journal 1 1897-4279 ---
0022-9164 Kartographische Nachrichten = Journal of cartography and geographic information 1 --- ---
0023-2653 Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 1 --- ---
0023-3404 Verslagen en Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Taal- en Letterkunde 1 --- ---
0023-3609 Konsthistorisk tidskrift (Print) = Journal of art history 1 1651-2294 ---
0023-3900 Korea journal 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0023-3919 Korea observer = han-gug hagsul yeon-gu 1 --- ---
0023-4001 Korean Journal of Parasitology (Print) = Gisaengchunghag jabji 1 --- ---
0023-4222 Kosmorama (København) 1 --- ---
0023-4699 Kriminalistik 1 --- ---
0023-5954 Kybernetika (Prague, Print) 1 --- ---
0023-5962 Kyklos (Basel) = International review for social sciences 1 1467-6435 ---
0023-6438 Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie (Print) = Science + technologie alimentaire 1 1096-1127 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0023-656X Labor history 1 --- ---
0023-6772 Laboratory animals (London) 1 1758-1117 ---
0023-6837 Laboratory investigation (Print) 1 1530-0307 ---
0023-7205 Läkartidningen 1 --- ---
0023-7213 Læknablaðið (Print) = The Icelandic Medical journal 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0023-7353 Lakimies 1 --- ---
0023-7639 Land economics 1 1543-8325 ---
0023-8309 Language and speech 1 --- ---
0023-8333 Language learning 1 1467-9922 ---
0023-8368 Langue française (Paris. 1969) 1 1957-7982 ---
0023-8376 Les Langues modernes 1 --- ---
0023-852X The Laryngoscope 1 1531-4995 ---
0023-8791 Latin American research review 1 --- ---
0023-8856 Latomus (Printed) 1 2294-4427 ---
0023-9054 Laval théologique et philosophique 1 --- ---
0023-9186 Law and contemporary problems 1 1945-2322 ---
0023-9356 Buffalo law review 1 --- ---
0023-9690 Learning and motivation (Print) 1 1095-9122 ---
0024-094X Leonardo (Oxford) 1 1530-9282 ---
0024-1334 Lettere Italiane (Testo stampato) 1 2035-6315 ---
0024-1415 Lettres romanes (Imprimé) 1 --- ---
0024-1482 Leuvense bijdragen (Gedrukt) 1 1783-1598 ---
0024-2160 Library 1 1744-8581 ---
0024-2306 Library history 1 --- ---
0024-2519 The library quarterly (Chicago, Ill.) 1 --- ---
0024-2594 Library trends 1 --- ---
0024-2829 Lichenologist (London) 1 --- ---
0024-3205 Life sciences (1973) 1 --- ---
0024-3795 Linear algebra and its applications 1 1873-1856 ---
0024-3841 Lingua (Haarlem. Print) 1 1872-6135 ---
0024-3892 Linguistic inquiry 1 --- ---
0024-3922 Linguistica (Ljubljana, Print) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0024-3930 Linguistische Berichte 1 --- ---
0024-3949 Linguistics 1 1613-396X Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0024-4201 Lipids 1 --- ---
0024-4457 Listy filologické (Print) = Folia philologica 1 2570-9410 ---
0024-5100 Liturgisches Jahrbuch 1 --- ---
0024-5836 Logique et analyse 1 2295-5836 ---
0024-5895 Logos (Yorkton) 1 --- ---
0024-6301 Long range planning (Print) 1 1873-1872 ---
0024-6964 Louvain Studies (Printed) 1 1783-161X ---
0024-7324 Lumen vitae (Ed. française) 1 --- ---
0024-7359 Lumière et vie (Lyon) 1, tot en met 2025 (0, vanaf 2026) --- ---
0024-7758 Journal of reproductive medicine 1 1943-3565 ---
0024-7766 Lymphology 1 2522-7963 ---
0024-8622 Maandblad voor accountancy en bedrijfshuishoudkunde 1 --- ---
0024-9033 McGill journal of education = Revue des sciences de l'éducation de McGill 1 1916-0666 ---
0025-0538 Maia (Testo stampato) 1 --- ---
0025-0937 La Maison-Dieu 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0025-1003 Journal of the International Phonetic Association 1 1475-3502 ---
0025-1747 Management decision 1 1758-6070 ---
0025-181X Management international review 1 --- ---
0025-1909 Management science 1 1526-5501 ---
0025-2611 Manuscripta mathematica 1 --- ---
0025-3154 Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (Print) 1 1469-7769 ---
0025-3227 Marine geology (Print) 1 1872-6151 ---
0025-326X Marine pollution bulletin 1 1879-3363 ---
0025-3987 Marquette law review 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0025-5025 Master drawings 1 --- ---
0025-5564 Mathematical biosciences 1 1879-3134 ---
0025-5610 Mathematical programming (Print) 1 1436-4646 ---
0025-5629 Mathematical reviews 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0025-570X Mathematics magazine 1 --- ---
0025-6196 Mayo Clinic proceedings 1 --- ---
0025-7079 Medical care 1 1537-1948 ---
0025-7273 Medical history 1 --- ---
0025-729X Medical journal of Australia (Print) 1 1326-5377 ---
0025-7818 ˜La œMedicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) = Medicine, Health and Working Life 1 --- ---
0025-7826 Medicina dello sport (Testo stampato) 1 1827-1863 ---
0025-7877 Medicina nei secoli 1 --- ---
0025-7931 Respiration (Basel. Print) 1 1423-0356 ---
0025-8024 Medicine, Science and the Law 1 2042-1818 ---
0025-8431 Medizinhistorisches Journal 1 --- ---
0025-9284 Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 1 1943-2828 ---
0025-9454 Mensch en maatschappij (Print) 1 1876-2816 ---
0026-0452 Meta (Montréal) 1 1492-1421 ---
0026-0495 Metabolism, clinical and experimental (Print) 1 1532-8600 ---
0026-1068 Metaphilosophy 1 1467-9973 ---
0026-1270 Methods of information in medicine = Methodik der Information in der Medizin 1 --- ---
0026-1335 Metrika (Heidelberg) 1 --- ---
0026-1386 Metroeconomica (Testo stampato) 1 --- ---
0026-265X Microchemical journal (Print) 1 1095-9149 ---
0026-3079 American studies (Lawrence) 1 --- ---
0026-3206 Middle Eastern studies 1 1743-7881 ---
0026-3788 Milchwissenschaft = Milk science international 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0026-4075 Military medicine (Print) 1 1930-613X ---
0026-4326 Milton quarterly 1 --- ---
0026-4423 Mind (Print) 1 1460-2113 ---
0026-461X Mineralogical magazine (Print) 1 --- ---
0026-4695 Minerva (London) 1 1573-1871 ---
0026-4806 Minerva medica (Testo stampato) 1 1827-1669 ---
0026-4946 Minerva pediatrica (Testo stampato) 1 1827-1715 ---
0026-7074 Mnemosyne (Lugduni Batavorum. Print) 1 1568-525X ---
0026-7503 Modern Austrian literature 1 --- ---
0026-7724 Modern fiction studies 1 --- ---
0026-7902 The Modern language journal (Boulder, Colo.) 1 1540-4781 ---
0026-7910 MLN 1 1080-6598 ---
0026-7929 Modern language quarterly (Seattle) 1 --- ---
0026-7937 Modern language review 1 2222-4319 ---
0026-7961 The modern law review 1 1468-2230 ---
0026-8577 Moderna språk 1 2000-3560 ---
0026-8666 Moderne Sprachen 1 --- ---
0026-9255 Monatshefte für Mathematik (Print) 1 1436-5081 ---
0026-9301 Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform = Journal of criminology and penal reform 1 2366-1968 ---
0026-9662 The Monist 1 --- ---
0027-0644 Monthly weather review 1 --- ---
0027-1276 Mosaic (Winnipeg) 1 1925-5683 ---
0027-2507 The Mount Sinai journal of medicine 1 --- ---
0027-2671 Le Mouvement social 1 --- ---
0027-2841 Le Moyen-âge (Imprimé) 1 1782-1436 ---
0027-3171 Multivariate behavioral research 1 1532-7906 ---
0027-4224 Music & letters 1 1477-4631 ---
0027-4380 Notes (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1 --- ---
0027-4801 Die Musikforschung 1 --- ---
0027-4909 The Muslim world (Hartford) 1 1478-1913 ---
0027-5107 Mutation research (Print) 1 --- ---
0027-514X Muttersprache (Wiesbaden) 1 --- ---
0027-6723 NIR. Nordiskt immateriellt rättsskydd 1 --- ---
0027-8424 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1 1091-6490 ---
0027-8874 Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Print) 1 1460-2105 ---
0028-0836 Nature (London) 1 1476-4687 ---
0028-2030 Nederlandsch archief voor kerkgeschiedenis = Dutch review of church history 1 --- ---
0028-212X Nederlands theologisch tijdschrift 1 --- ---
0028-2138 Nederlands tijdschrift voor internationaal recht = Revue neerlandaise de droit international 1 --- ---
0028-2162 Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor geneeskunde 1 1876-8784 ---
0028-2200 Nederlands tijdschrift voor tandheelkunde (Print) 1 2214-6822 ---
0028-2235 Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor de psychologie 1 --- ---
0028-2677 Neophilologus 1 1572-8668 ---
0028-2804 Nervenarzt 1 --- ---
0028-3045 Networks (New York, N.Y. Print) 1 1097-0037 ---
0028-3495 Neue Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft = Nouvelle revue de science missionnaire 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0028-3517 Neue Zeitschrift für systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie 1 1612-9520 ---
0028-3754 Neuphilologische Mitteilungen (Print) = Bulletin of the Modern Language Society of Helsinki 1 --- ---
0028-3770 Neuro-chirurgie 1 --- ---
0028-3843 Neurologia i Neurochirurgia Polska = Polish Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery 1 --- ---
0028-3878 Neurology 1 1526-632X ---
0028-3908 Neuropharmacology 1 1873-7064 ---
0028-3932 Neuropsychologia (Print) 1 1873-3514 ---
0028-3940 Neuroradiology (Berlin. Print) 1 1432-1920 ---
0028-3983 NM. Neusprachliche Mitteilungen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis 1 --- ---
0028-4289 New Blackfriars 1 1741-2005 ---
0028-4793 The New England journal of medicine (Print) 1 1533-4406 ---
0028-6087 New literary history (Print) 1 1080-661X ---
0028-646X New phytologist (Print) 1 1469-8137 ---
0028-6885 New Testament studies (Print) 1 1469-8145 ---
0028-8683 New Zealand Slavonic journal 1 --- ---
0028-9825 Nieuw archief voor wiskunde 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0029-3105 Northern Ireland legal quarterly 1 --- ---
0029-3571 Northwestern University law review 1 --- ---
0029-3970 Notes and queries 1 1471-6941 ---
0029-4527 Notre Dame journal of formal logic 1 --- ---
0029-4586 Nottingham French studies 1 2047-7236 ---
0029-4802 La Nouvelle revue française 1 --- ---
0029-4845 Nouvelle revue théologique (Imprimé) 1 --- ---
0029-5507 Nuclear engineering international 1 --- ---
0029-5566 Nuclear-Medizin 1 2567-6407 ---
0029-5973 Numen 1 --- ---
0029-5981 International journal for numerical methods in engineering (Print) 1 1097-0207 ---
0029-6465 ˜The œNursing clinics of North America 1 --- ---
0029-6554 Nursing outlook 1 --- ---
0029-6562 Nursing research (New York) 1 --- ---
0029-6570 Nursing standard 1, vanaf 2014 --- ---
0029-6643 Nutrition reviews 1 1753-4887 ---
0029-6651 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 1 1475-2719 ---
0029-7844 Obstetrics and gynecology (New York. 1953) 1 1873-233X ---
0029-8654 Ökumenische Rundschau 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0029-9138 Mitteilungen der österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft 1 --- ---
0029-9669 Österreichische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde 1 --- ---
0030-1299 Oikos (København) 1 1600-0706 ---
0030-2228 Omega (Farmingdale. Print) 1 1541-3764 ---
0030-2414 Oncology (Basel) 1 --- ---
0030-364X Operations research 1 --- ---
0030-3747 Ophthalmic research 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0030-3755 Ophthalmologica (Basel) 1 --- ---
0030-4387 Orbis (Philadelphia) 1 --- ---
0030-5197 Oriens extremus 1 --- ---
0030-5367 Orientalia (Roma) 1 --- ---
0030-6428 Osteuropa (Stuttgart) 1 --- ---
0030-672X Oud-Holland (Print) 1 1875-0176 ---
0030-7270 Outlook on agriculture 1 2043-6866 ---
0030-7580 The Owl of Minerva 1 --- ---
0030-7653 Oxford economic papers 1 1464-3812 ---
0030-8129 Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 1 --- ---
0030-9230 Paedagogica historica (Imprimé) 1 1477-674X ---
0030-9729 Pakistan development review 1 --- ---
0031-0182 Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology 1 1872-616X ---
0031-0387 Pallas (Toulouse) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0031-0514 Pamiętnik Literacki 1 --- ---
0031-1723 Parameters (Carlisle, Pa.) 1 --- ---
0031-1812 Parasitica 1 --- ---
0031-1820 Parasitology (London. Print) 1 1469-8161 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0031-2290 Parliamentary affairs (Print) 1 1460-2482 ---
0031-2746 Past & present 1 --- ---
0031-305X Patient care 1 --- ---
0031-3203 Pattern recognition 1 1873-5142 ---
0031-322X Patterns of prejudice 1 --- ---
0031-3831 Scandinavian journal of educational research 1 --- ---
0031-3998 Pediatric research 1 1530-0447 ---
0031-4005 Pediatrics (Evanston) 1 1098-4275 ---
0031-4056 Pedobiologia (Jena) 1 --- ---
0031-4137 Pelagos 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0031-4749 Pensamiento (Madrid. 1945) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0031-5117 Perception & psychophysics 1 --- ---
0031-5125 Perceptual and motor skills 1 --- ---
0031-5621 The Personalist 1 --- ---
0031-5826 Personnel psychology 1 1744-6570 ---
0031-5982 Perspectives in biology and medicine 1 --- ---
0031-5990 Perspectives in psychiatric care 1 1744-6163 ---
0031-6016 Perspectives of new music 1 --- ---
0031-6768 Pflügers Archiv 1 1432-2013 ---
0031-6911 Pharmaceutisch weekblad (Amsterdam. 1945) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0031-6970 European journal of clinical pharmacology 1 1432-1041 ---
0031-7217 Phi Delta Kappan 1 --- ---
0031-7977 Philological quarterly 1 --- ---
0031-7985 Philologus (Berlin) 1 2196-7008 ---
0031-8019 Philosophia mathematica 1 1744-6406 ---
0031-8027 Philosophia naturalis 1 --- ---
0031-8035 Philosophia reformata (Print) 1 --- ---
0031-806X Philosophical forum 1 1467-9191 ---
0031-8094 Philosophical quarterly (Print) 1 1467-9213 ---
0031-8108 ˜The œPhilosophical review 1 --- ---
0031-8116 Philosophical studies 1 1573-0883 ---
0031-8159 Philosophische Rundschau 1 1868-7261 ---
0031-8183 Philosophisches Jahrbuch (Freiburg) 1 --- ---
0031-8191 Philosophy (London. Print) 1 1469-817X ---
0031-8205 Philosophy and phenomenological research 1 1933-1592 ---
0031-8221 Philosophy east & west 1 1529-1898 ---
0031-8248 Philosophy of science (East Lansing) 1 1539-767X ---
0031-8256 Philosophy today (Celina) 1 2329-8596 ---
0031-8299 Phoenix (Toronto) 1 1929-4883 ---
0031-868X Photogrammetric record 1 --- ---
0031-8868 Phronesis (Assen. Print) 1 1568-5284 ---
0031-8949 Physica scripta (Print) 1 1402-4896 ---
0031-9007 Physical review letters (Print) 1 1079-7114 ---
0031-9015 Journal of the Physical Society of Japan = Nihon Butsuri Gakkai ōji hōkoku 1 --- ---
0031-9023 Physical therapy 1 1538-6724 ---
0031-9155 Physics in medicine and biology (Print) 1 1361-6560 ---
0031-9201 Physics of the earth and planetary interiors 1 --- ---
0031-9317 Physiologia plantarum (København. 1948) 1 1399-3054 ---
0031-9333 Physiological reviews 1 1522-1210 ---
0031-9384 Physiology & behavior (Print) 1 1873-507X ---
0031-9406 Physiotherapy 1 1873-1465 ---
0031-9422 Phytochemistry 1 --- ---
0031-949X Phytopathology 1 --- ---
0032-0633 Planetary and space science 1 --- ---
0032-0781 Plant and cell physiology 1 --- ---
0032-079X Plant and soil (Print) 1 1573-5036 ---
0032-0935 Planta 1 1432-2048 ---
0032-0943 Planta medica 1 --- ---
0032-1052 Plastic and reconstructive surgery (1963) 1 1529-4242 ---
0032-2024 Poétique (Collection) 1 --- ---
0032-258X Police journal (Chichester) 1 --- ---
0032-2687 Policy sciences 1 1573-0891 ---
0032-2970 The Polish review (New York. 1956) 1 --- ---
0032-3179 Political quarterly (London. 1930. Print) 1 1467-923X ---
0032-3187 Political science 1 --- ---
0032-3217 Political studies (Print) 1 1467-9248 ---
0032-3292 Politics & society 1 --- ---
0032-3772 Polskie Archiwum Medycyny Wewnętrznej = Polish Archives of Internal Medicine 1 1897-9483 ---
0032-423X Il Ponte (Firenze) 1 --- ---
0032-4663 Population (Ed. française) 1 1957-7966 ---
0032-4728 Population Studies 1 1477-4747 ---
0032-5473 Postgraduate medical journal 1 1469-0756 ---
0032-5481 Postgraduate medicine 1 1941-9260 ---
0032-5791 Poultry science (Print) 1 1525-3171 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0032-5910 Powder technology (Print) 1 1873-328X ---
0032-6895 Matériaux et techniques 1 1778-3771 ---
0032-6976 Pravnik (Print) 1 --- ---
0032-7034 Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie 1 --- ---
0032-8855 The Prison journal (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1 1552-7522 ---
0033-0124 The Professional geographer 1 1467-9272 ---
0033-0337 Program (London. 1966) 1 --- ---
0033-2615 Psyche (Cambridge, Mass.) 1 1687-7438 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0033-2623 Psyche 1 --- ---
0033-2720 Psychiatric quarterly 1 1573-6709 ---
0033-2747 Psychiatry (Washington, D.C.) 1 1943-281X ---
0033-2828 The Psychoanalytic quarterly 1 2167-4086 ---
0033-2879 Psychologica belgica 1 2054-670X Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0033-2909 Psychological bulletin 1 1939-1455 ---
0033-2917 Psychological medicine (Print) 1 1469-8978 ---
0033-2933 The Psychological record 1 2163-3452 ---
0033-2941 Psychological reports 1 1558-691X ---
0033-295X Psychological review 1 1939-1471 ---
0033-2968 Psychological Studies 1 0974-9861 ---
0033-3123 Psychometrika 1 1860-0980 ---
0033-3158 Psychopharmacologia 1 1432-2072 ---
0033-3174 Psychosomatic medicine 1 1534-7796 ---
0033-3182 Psychosomatics (Washington, D.C. Print) 1 1545-7206 ---
0033-3190 Psychotherapy and psychosomatics 1 1423-0348 ---
0033-3204 Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.) 1 1939-1536 ---
0033-3298 Public administration (Print) 1 1467-9299 ---
0033-3352 PAR. Public administration review 1 1540-6210 ---
0033-3506 Public health (London) 1 1476-5616 ---
0033-362X Public opinion quarterly 1 --- ---
0033-4545 Pure and applied chemistry (Print) 1 1365-3075 ---
0033-4987 Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica (Testo stampato) 1 1724-1901 ---
0033-5177 Quality and quantity 1 1573-7845 ---
0033-5533 The Quarterly journal of economics 1 1531-4650 ---
0033-555X Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 1 --- ---
0033-5770 The Quarterly review of biology 1 1539-7718 ---
0033-5894 Quaternary research (Print) 1 1096-0287 ---
0033-6297 Quest (Champaign, Ill.) 1 1543-2750 ---
0033-6572 Quintessence international 1 --- ---
0033-6807 R & D management (Print) 1 1467-9310 ---
0033-6882 RELC journal 1 1745-526X ---
0033-698X RLA. Revista de lingüística teórica y aplicada (Impresa) 1 0718-4883 ---
0033-7250 Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht = Rabel journal of comparative and international private law (Print) 1 1868-7059 ---
0033-7587 Radiation research 1 --- ---
0033-8222 Radiocarbon 1 1945-5755 ---
0033-8389 ˜The œRadiologic clinics of North America 1 --- ---
0033-8419 Radiology 1 1527-1315 ---
0033-8451 Radioprotection (Paris. 1966) 1 1769-700X ---
0033-9423 La Rassegna della letteratura italiana (Testo stampato) = La Rassegna della letteratura italiana (Genova) 1 --- ---
0033-9725 Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata (Testo stampato) 1, vanaf 2012 --- ---
0033-9873 Rassegna storica del risorgimento 1 --- ---
0034-0006 Ratio (Oxford. Print) 1 1467-9329 ---
0034-0111 Raumforschung und Raumordnung = Spatial research and planning (Print) 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0034-0553 Reading research quarterly 1 1936-2722 ---
0034-1258 Recherches de science religieuse 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0034-1835 Recueil Dalloz Sirey de doctrine de jurisprudence et de législation 1 --- ---
0034-3404 Regional studies 1 1360-0591 ---
0034-3552 Rehabilitation counseling bulletin 1 --- ---
0034-379X Relations industrielles = Industrial relations (Québec) 1 --- ---
0034-4087 Religious education 1 1547-3201 ---
0034-4095 Religious humanism 1 --- ---
0034-4257 Remote sensing of environment 1 1879-0704 ---
0034-429X Renaissance and Reformation 1 --- ---
0034-4338 Renaissance quarterly 1 1935-0236 ---
0034-4877 Reports on mathematical physics 1 --- ---
0034-4893 Representation 1 1749-4001 ---
0034-5210 Research in African literatures 1 --- ---
0034-5237 Research in education (Manchester) 1 --- ---
0034-5288 Research in Veterinary Science 1 1532-2661 ---
0034-5822 Restoration and 18th century theatre research 1 --- ---
0034-6446 The Review of Black political economy 1 1936-4814 ---
0034-6527 Review of economic studies 1 1467-937X ---
0034-6535 The review of economics and statistics 1 1530-9142 ---
0034-6543 Review of educational research 1 1935-1046 ---
0034-6551 Review of English studies 1 --- ---
0034-6586 The Review of income and wealth 1 1475-4991 ---
0034-6632 The review of metaphysics 1 --- ---
0034-6659 Nutrition & food science 1 --- ---
0034-6667 Review of palaeobotany and palynology 1 1879-0615 ---
0034-6748 Review of scientific instruments 1 1089-7623 ---
0034-6764 Review of social economy 1 --- ---
0034-690X Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo 1 --- ---
0034-7329 Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional (Impresso) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0034-7981 Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0034-818X Revista de estudios hispánicos (University, Ala.) 1 2164-9308 ---
0034-8236 Revista de filosofía (Santiago. Impresa) 1 0718-4360 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0034-8309 Revista de História (São Paulo. Impresso) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0034-849X Revista de literatura (Madrid) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0034-8910 Revista de saúde pública (Impresso) 1 1518-8787 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0034-9593 Revista hispánica moderna 1 --- ---
0034-9631 Revista iberoamericana 1 2154-4794 ---
0034-9690 Interamerican journal of psychology = Interamerican journal of psychology 1 2329-4795 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0034-9712 Revista internacional de sociología 1 1988-429X Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0034-9887 Revista médica de Chile (Impresa) 1 0717-6163 ---
0035-0451 Revista signos (Impresa) 1 --- ---
0035-077X Revue belge d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art = Belgisch tijdschrift voor oudheidkunde en kunstgeschiedenis 1 --- ---
0035-0788 Revue belge de droit international (Imprimé) = Belgian Review of International Law (Printed) 1 2566-1906 ---
0035-0818 Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (Imprimé) = Belgisch tijdschrift voor filologie en geschiedenis : (Printed) 1 2295-9068 ---
0035-0834 Revue belge de sécurité sociale - Ministère de la prévoyance sociale 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0035-0869 Revue belge d'histoire contemporaine (Imprimé) = The Journal of Belgian History : (Printed) 1 2295-3744 ---
0035-0893 Revue Bénédictine (Imprimé) 1 2295-9009 ---
0035-0907 Revue biblique (1946) 1 --- ---
0035-0958 Revue critique de droit international 1 --- ---
0035-0966 Revue critique de jurisprudence belge (Imprimé) 1 2566-1914 ---
0035-1083 Revue de droit intellectuel. L'ingénieur-conseil 1 --- ---
0035-1113 Revue de droit social (Bruxelles) = Tijdschrift voor sociaal recht 1 --- ---
0035-1326 Revue de l'art (Paris) 1 --- ---
0035-1423 Revue de l'histoire des religions 1 --- ---
0035-1458 Revue de linguistique romane 1 --- ---
0035-1466 Revue de littérature comparée 1 1965-0264 ---
0035-1563 Revue de métallurgie (Imprimé) 1 1156-3141 ---
0035-1571 Revue de métaphysique et de morale 1 2102-5177 ---
0035-1601 Revue de musicologie 1 --- ---
0035-1725 Revue de Qumrân (Printed) 1 --- ---
0035-175X Revue de statistique appliquée 1 --- ---
0035-1849 Revue d'égyptologie 1 --- ---
0035-2004 Revue des études anciennes (Bordeaux) 1 --- ---
0035-2012 Revue des études augustiniennes 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) 1777-5779 ---
0035-2039 Revue des études grecques (Paris) 1 --- ---
0035-2047 Revue des études italiennes (Paris) 1 --- ---
0035-2209 Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques 1 --- ---
0035-2217 Revue des sciences religieuses (Strasbourg) 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0035-2381 Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique (Imprimé) 1 2294-1088 ---
0035-2411 Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France 1 2105-2689 ---
0035-2624 Revue du Nord (Lille. 1910) 1 2271-7005 ---
0035-2756 Revue E (1953) = Tijdschrift E 1 --- ---
0035-2764 Revue économique (Paris. 1950) 1 1950-6694 ---
0035-2942 Revue française de psychanalyse 1 --- ---
0035-2950 Revue française de science politique 1 --- ---
0035-3086 Revue générale de droit 1 --- ---
0035-3264 Revue historique (Paris) 1 --- ---
0035-3280 Revue historique de droit français et étranger (1922) 1, tot en met 2025 (0, vanaf 2026) --- ---
0035-3329 Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique 1 --- ---
0035-3337 Revue internationale de droit comparé 1 --- ---
0035-3515 Revue internationale du droit d'auteur 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0035-3620 Revue Mabillon 1 2295-9696 ---
0035-3787 Revue neurologique (Paris) 1 --- ---
0035-3841 Revue philosophique de Louvain (Imprimé) 1 1783-1768 ---
0035-3906 Revue romane 1 1600-0811 ---
0035-3957 Revue roumaine de linguistique = Romanian Review of Linguistics 1 --- ---
0035-4384 Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie 1 --- ---
0035-449X Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 1, vanaf 2014 --- ---
0035-5267 Rig 1 --- ---
0035-6190 Rivista di economia agraria (Testo stampato) 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) 2281-1559 ---
0035-6212 Rivista di estetica (Testo stampato) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0035-6220 Rivista di filologia e d'istruzione classica (Testo stampato) 1 --- ---
0035-6247 Rivista di filosofia neo-scolastica (Testo stampato) 1 1827-7926 ---
0035-6573 Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa (Testo stampato) 1 2035-7583 ---
0035-6727 Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto 1 --- ---
0035-6751 Rivista internazionale di scienze economiche e commerciali = International review of economics and business 1 --- ---
0035-6832 Rivista italiana di economia, demografia e statistica 1 --- ---
0035-6867 Rivista italiana di musicologia (Testo stampato) 1 2036-5586 ---
0035-7707 Roczniki Humanistyczne 1 2544-5200 ---
0035-7995 Romance notes 1 2165-7599 ---
0035-8002 Romance philology (Printed) 1 2295-9017 ---
0035-8126 Romanische Forschungen 1 --- ---
0035-8711 Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Print) 1 1365-2966 ---
0035-9009 Quarterly journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 1 1477-870X ---
0035-9203 Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (Print) 1 1878-3503 ---
0035-9238 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, General 1 --- ---
0035-9254 Applied statistics (Print) 1 1467-9876 ---
0035-9602 Ruch Literacki = Mouvement Littéraire 1 --- ---
0036-0341 The Russian review (Stanford) 1 --- ---
0036-3502 Salesianum (Roma) 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0036-3634 Salud pública de México (Impresa) 1 1606-7916 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0036-5513 Scandinavian journal of clinical and laboratory investigation 1 1502-7686 ---
0036-5548 Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases 1 --- ---
0036-5564 Scandinavian journal of psychology (Print) 1 1467-9450 ---
0036-5599 Scandinavian journal of urology and nephrology (Print) 1 1651-2065 ---
0036-5653 Scandinavica 1 --- ---
0036-7672 Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift = Journal suisse de médecine 1 --- ---
0036-7834 Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte (Print) = Rivista storica svizzera 1 --- ---
0036-8075 Science (New York, N.Y.) 1 1095-9203 ---
0036-8237 Science & society (New York, N.Y. 1936) 1 --- ---
0036-8326 Science education (Salem, Mass. Print) 1 --- ---
0036-8725 Scientiarum Historia (Antwerpen) 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0036-8733 Scientific American 1 --- ---
0036-9292 Scottish journal of political economy (Print) 1 1467-9485 ---
0036-9330 Scottish medical journal 1 --- ---
0036-9543 Screen (London. Print) 1 1460-2474 ---
0036-9764 Scripta theologica 1 --- ---
0036-9772 Scriptorium (Gent) 1 --- ---
0037-0738 Sedimentary geology 1 1879-0968 ---
0037-0746 Sedimentology (Amsterdam. Print) 1 1365-3091 ---
0037-119X Selecciones de teología 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0037-1939 Seminar (Toronto) 1 --- ---
0037-1963 Seminars in hematology (Print) 1 1532-8686 ---
0037-1998 Semiotica 1 1613-3692 ---
0037-458X Siculorum gymnasium 1 --- ---
0037-5411 Simiolus (Bussum) 1 --- ---
0037-6752 Slavic and East European journal 1 --- ---
0037-6795 Slavonic and East European review 1 --- ---
0037-7686 Social compass (Imprimé) 1 1461-7404 ---
0037-7732 Social forces 1 1534-7605 ---
0037-7961 The Social service review (Chicago) 1 --- ---
0037-802X Social theory and practice 1 2154-123X ---
0037-8097 Sociale wetenschappen 1 --- ---
0037-8887 Archivum historicum societatis Iesu 1 --- ---
0037-9069 Bulletin de la Société de linguistique de Paris 1 1783-1385 ---
0037-9085 Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique 1 --- ---
0037-9271 Annales de la Société entomologique de France 1 --- ---
0037-9700 Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research 1 --- ---
0037-976X Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development (Print) 1 1540-5834 ---
0037-9808 Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 1 2150-5926 ---
0038-0121 Socio-economic planning sciences (Print) 1 1873-6041 ---
0038-0172 Netherlands journal of sociology 1 --- ---
0038-0199 Sociologia ruralis (Print) = Zeitschrift der Europäischen Gesellschaft für Ländliche Soziologie 1 1467-9523 ---
0038-0245 Sociological inquiry 1 --- ---
0038-0253 Sociological quarterly 1 1533-8525 ---
0038-0261 Sociological review (Keele. Print) 1 1467-954X ---
0038-030X Sociologie et sociétés 1 --- ---
0038-0334 Sociologische gids (Gedrukt) 1 --- ---
0038-0377 Sociologus 1 --- ---
0038-0385 Sociology (Oxford. Print) 1 1469-8684 ---
0038-0407 Sociology of education 1 --- ---
0038-0644 Software, practice & experience (Print) 1 1097-024X ---
0038-0717 Soil biology & biochemistry 1 --- ---
0038-092X Solar energy (Print) 1 1471-1257 ---
0038-1101 Solid-state electronics 1 --- ---
0038-1527 Sophia (Parkville) 1 1873-930X ---
0038-1969 South African archaeological bulletin 1 --- ---
0038-2280 South African Journal of economics = Suid-afrikaanse tydskrif vir ekonomie 1 1813-6982 ---
0038-2388 South African law journal 1 1996-2177 ---
0038-2469 South African medical journal = Suid-Afrikaanse Mediese Tydskrif 1 --- ---
0038-271X South African statistical journal = Suid-Afrikaanse Statistiese Tydskrif 1 --- ---
0038-2876 The South Atlantic quarterly 1 --- ---
0038-4038 Southern economic journal 1 2325-8012 ---
0038-4283 The Southern journal of philosophy 1 --- ---
0038-4941 Social science quarterly (Print) 1 1540-6237 ---
0038-6308 Space science reviews 1 --- ---
0038-7134 Speculum 1 2040-8072 ---
0038-7479 Spiegel der letteren (Gedrukt) 1 1783-1776 ---
0038-8483 Sprachkunst 1 1727-6993 ---
0038-9145 Der Stahlbau 1 --- ---
0039-0402 Statistica neerlandica (Print) 1 1467-9574 ---
0039-0526 Statistician (London. Print) 1 --- ---
0039-128X Steroids 1 --- ---
0039-2499 Stroke (1970) 1 1524-4628 ---
0039-2936 Studi Emigrazione = Migrations Studies 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0039-2944 Studi francesi (Testo stampato) 1 --- ---
0039-2995 Studi romani (1953) 1 --- ---
0039-310X Studia canonica 1 --- ---
0039-3169 Studia geophysica et geodaetica (Praha) 1 --- ---
0039-3193 Studia linguistica 1 1467-9582 ---
0039-3207 Studia liturgica 1 --- ---
0039-3215 Studia logica 1 1572-8730 ---
0039-3258 Studia monastica 1 --- ---
0039-3266 Studia musicologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae (Print) 1 --- ---
0039-3274 Studia neophilologica (Print) 1 1651-2308 ---
0039-3320 Studia psychologica (Bratislava) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0039-3444 Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Series Philologia 1 --- ---
0039-3533 Studies in African linguistics 1 2154-428X Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0039-3541 Studies in art education 1 --- ---
0039-3630 Studies in conservation 1 2047-0584 ---
0039-3657 Studies in English literature, 1500-1900 (Print) 1 1522-9270 ---
0039-3665 Studies in family planning 1 1728-4465 ---
0039-3681 Studies in history and philosophy of science 1 1879-2510 ---
0039-3738 Studies in philology 1 --- ---
0039-3746 Studies in philosophy and education 1 1573-191X ---
0039-3819 Studies in the literary imagination 1 --- ---
0039-3827 Studies in the novel 1 1934-1512 ---
0039-4238 Style (Fayetteville) 1 2374-6629 ---
0039-6338 Survival (London. 1959) 1 1468-2699 ---
0039-7679 Symbolae Osloenses (Trykt utg.) 1 1502-7805 ---
0039-7709 Symposium (Syracuse. Print) 1 1931-0676 ---
0039-7857 Synthese (Dordrecht. Print) 1 1573-0964 ---
0039-7946 Syria (Paris) 1 --- ---
0039-8217 TA informations (Paris) 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0039-8691 Taal en tongval (Print) 1 2215-1214 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0039-9140 Talanta (Oxford) 1 1873-3573 ---
0040-0041 Tax law review 1 --- ---
0040-0564 East Asian pastoral review 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0040-0912 Education + training (London) 1 --- ---
0040-1625 Technological forecasting & social change 1 1873-5509 ---
0040-165X Technology and culture (Print) 1 1097-3729 ---
0040-1706 Technometrics 1 1537-2723 ---
0040-2486 Telecommunication Journal of Australia 1 --- ---
0040-2982 Tempo (London. 1939) 1 --- ---
0040-3075 Les Temps modernes (Périodique) 1 --- ---
0040-3598 Teorija in praksa 1, vanaf 2015 --- ---
0040-3601 Teoriâ i praktika fizičeskoj kulʹtury = Theory and practice of physical culture 1 --- ---
0040-4020 Tetrahedron (Oxford. Print) 1 --- ---
0040-4039 Tetrahedron letters 1 --- ---
0040-4691 Texas studies in literature and language 1 1534-7303 ---
0040-4969 Textile history 1 1743-2952 ---
0040-5329 Text + Kritik 1 --- ---
0040-5477 Theatre design and technology 1 --- ---
0040-5523 Theatre notebook 1 2051-8358 ---
0040-5639 Theological studies (Baltimore) 1 2169-1304 ---
0040-5655 Theologie und Philosophie 1 --- ---
0040-5663 Theologisch-praktische Quartalsschrift 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0040-5671 Theologische Literaturzeitung 1 --- ---
0040-568X Theologische Revue 1 --- ---
0040-5779 Theoretical and mathematical physics 1 --- ---
0040-5825 Theoria 1 1755-2567 ---
0040-5833 Theory and decision 1 1573-7187 ---
0040-6031 Thermochimica acta (Print) 1 1872-762X ---
0040-6090 Thin solid films (Print) 1 1879-2731 ---
0040-6376 Thorax 1 1468-3296 ---
0040-7356 Tiers monde (Paris.Can) 1 1963-1359 ---
0040-7437 Tijdschrift voor bestuurswetenschappen en publiek recht 1 2684-6365 ---
0040-747X Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie = Journal of economic and human geography 1 1467-9663 ---
0040-750X Tijdschrift voor Philosophie 1 2031-8952 ---
0040-7518 Tijdschrift voor geschiedenis (Print) 1 2352-1163 ---
0040-7550 Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche taal- en letterkunde 1 2212-0521 ---
0040-7585 Tijdschrift voor rechtsgeschiedenis (Gedrukt) = ˆThe ‰legal history review (Imprimé) 1 1571-8190 ---
0040-7615 Tijdschrift voor sociale wetenschappen 1 --- ---
0040-7623 Tijdschrift voor vervoerswetenschap (1965) = Revue pour l'étude scientifique des transports 1 --- ---
0041-008X Toxicology and applied pharmacology 1 --- ---
0041-0101 Toxicon (Oxford) 1 --- ---
0041-1132 Transfusion (Arlington, Va.) 1 1537-2995 ---
0041-1337 Transplantation 1 1534-6080 ---
0041-1345 Transplantation proceedings 1 1873-2623 ---
0041-1612 Transportation journal 1 --- ---
0041-1647 Transportation research (Print) 1 --- ---
0041-1655 Transportation science 1 1526-5447 ---
0041-1868 Le Travail humain (Paris) 1 --- ---
0041-4751 Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe 1 2224-7912 ---
0041-476X Tydskrif vir letterkunde 1 2309-9070 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0041-5782 Ugeskrift for læger (Papirform) = Journal of the Danish Medical Association 1 --- ---
0041-977X Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 1 1474-0699 ---
0041-9907 University of Pennsylvania law review 1 --- ---
0042-0220 University of Toronto law journal 1 1710-1174 ---
0042-0247 University of Toronto quarterly 1 --- ---
0042-0859 Urban education (Beverly Hills, Calif.) 1 --- ---
0042-0980 Urban studies (Harlow. Print) 1 1360-063X ---
0042-1138 Urologia internationalis 1 --- ---
0042-3874 Tijdschrift van de Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis (Print) 1 --- ---
0042-4900 Veterinary record 1 2042-7670 ---
0042-4935 Vetus Testamentum (Print) 1 1568-5330 ---
0042-5206 Victorian poetry 1 --- ---
0042-5702 Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 1 --- ---
0042-6032 Vigiliae christianae (Print) 1 1570-0720 ---
0042-6822 Virology (New York, N.Y. Print) 1 --- ---
0042-6989 Vision research (Oxford) 1 1878-5646 ---
0042-7543 Vivarium (Assen) 1 1568-5349 ---
0042-8639 The Volta review 1 --- ---
0042-8744 Voprosy filosofii 1 --- ---
0042-9007 Vox sanguinis (Basel. 1956) 1 1423-0410 ---
0042-9686 Bulletin of the World Health Organization (Print) = Bulletin de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (1947) 1 1564-0604 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0043-1354 Water research (Oxford) 1 1879-2448 ---
0043-1648 Wear (Lausanne. Print) 1 --- ---
0043-1796 Weekblad voor fiscaal recht 1 --- ---
0043-2199 Weimarer Beiträge 1 --- ---
0043-2520 Die Welt der Slaven 1 --- ---
0043-2547 Die Welt des Orients 1 --- ---
0043-2636 Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv = Review of world economics (1913. Print) 1 --- ---
0043-3144 West Indian medical journal 1 --- ---
0043-3462 Western American literature 1 --- ---
0043-5325 Wiener klinische Wochenschrift 1 --- ---
0043-7956 Word (Worcester) 1 --- ---
0043-8006 Wordsworth circle 1 --- ---
0043-8243 World archaeology 1 1470-1375 ---
0043-9339 World's poultry science journal 1 1743-4777 ---
0043-941X Worship 1 --- ---
0044-0078 Yale French studies 1 --- ---
0044-118X Youth & society 1 1552-8499 ---
0044-1449 Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik 1 2366-2395 ---
0044-216X Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 1 --- ---
0044-2186 Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 1 --- ---
0044-2305 Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 1 2196-4726 ---
0044-2348 Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 1 --- ---
0044-2356 Zeitschrift für Balkanologie 1 2747-447X ---
0044-2372 Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft = Journal of business economics (Print) 1 1861-8928 ---
0044-2410 Zeitschrift für das gesamte Familienrecht 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0044-2496 Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 1 --- ---
0044-2518 Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur 1 --- ---
0044-2526 Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 1 1613-0103 ---
0044-2615 Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche 1 --- ---
0044-2666 Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 1 --- ---
0044-2747 Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur 1 2366-2425 ---
0044-2895 Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0044-2925 Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 1 --- ---
0044-2992 Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 1 --- ---
0044-3158 Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie = Journal of economics (1930) 1 --- ---
0044-3247 Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 1 --- ---
0044-3409 Zeitschrift für Psychologie mit Zeitschrift für angewandte Psychologie 1 --- ---
0044-3417 Zeitschrift für Psychotherapie und medizinische Psychologie 1 --- ---
0044-3441 Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte (Print) = Journal of religious and intellectual history 1 1570-0739 ---
0044-3492 Zeitschrift für slavische Philologie 1 --- ---
0044-3506 Zeitschrift für Slawistik 1 2196-7016 ---
0044-3514 Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie 1 --- ---
0044-3751 Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 1 --- ---
0044-6009 Acta hospitalia 1 --- ---
0044-7447 Ambio 1 1654-7209 ---
0044-8060 American studies in Scandinavia 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0044-8680 Architektúra a urbanizmus 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0044-8699 Archiv orientální (Print) = Oriental Archive 1 --- ---
0045-0766 Australian occupational therapy journal (Print) 1 1440-1630 ---
0045-3102 British journal of social work 1 1468-263X ---
0045-5091 Canadian journal of philosophy 1 1911-0820 ---
0045-6535 Chemosphere 1 1879-1298 ---
0045-6713 Children's literature in education 1 --- ---
0045-7825 Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 1 --- ---
0045-7930 Computers & fluids 1 --- ---
0045-9879 Delikt en delinkwent 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0046-1520 Educational psychologist 1 --- ---
0046-1628 Eirene (Praha) = Studia graeca et latina 1 --- ---
0046-2772 European journal of social psychology (Print) 1 1099-0992 ---
0046-3663 Feminist studies 1 --- ---
0046-3892 Financial management 1 1755-053X ---
0046-5070 Freshwater biology (Print) 1 1365-2427 ---
0046-5755 Geometriae dedicata 1 --- ---
0046-578X Georgia journal of international and comparative law 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0046-7596 Historisk tidskrift för Finland (Print) 1 --- ---
0046-760X History of education (Tavistock) 1 1464-5130 ---
0046-8177 Human pathology (Print) 1 --- ---
0046-8541 Idealistic studies 1 2153-8239 ---
0047-0767 International journal of sport psychology 1 --- ---
0047-1178 International relations (London) 1 1741-2862 ---
0047-2212 Journal for the study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman period (Print) 1 1570-0631 ---
0047-2328 Journal of comparative family studies 1 --- ---
0047-2352 Journal of criminal justice (Print) 1 1873-6203 ---
0047-2425 Journal of environmental quality 1 --- ---
0047-2441 Journal of european studies 1 --- ---
0047-245X Journal of food distribution research 1 --- ---
0047-2484 Journal of Human Evolution (Print) 1 1095-8606 ---
0047-2506 Journal of international business studies 1 1478-6990 ---
0047-2530 The Journal of legal studies 1 --- ---
0047-259X Journal of Multivariate Analysis (Print) 1 1095-7243 ---
0047-2662 Journal of phenomenological psychology (Print) 1 1569-1624 ---
0047-2727 Journal of public economics 1 --- ---
0047-2778 Journal of small business management (Print) 1 1540-627X ---
0047-2786 Journal of social philosophy 1 --- ---
0047-2794 Journal of social policy (Print) 1 1469-7823 ---
0047-2816 Journal of technical writing and communication (Print) 1 --- ---
0047-2875 Journal of travel research 1 1552-6763 ---
0047-2891 Journal of youth and adolescence 1 1573-6601 ---
0047-4045 Language in society (London. Print) 1 1469-8013 ---
0047-4800 Littérature (Paris. 1971) 1 1958-5926 ---
0047-6374 Mechanisms of ageing and development (Print) 1 1872-6216 ---
0047-6765 Mental retardation (Washington, D.C. Print) 1 --- ---
0048-1009 Novum Testamentum (Print) 1 1568-5365 ---
0048-3486 Personnel review 1 1758-6933 ---
0048-3893 Philosophia (Ramat Gan) 1 1574-9274 ---
0048-3931 Philosophy of the social sciences = Philosophie des sciences sociales 1 --- ---
0048-5772 Psychophysiology 1 1469-8986 ---
0048-5829 Public choice 1 1573-7101 ---
0048-5950 Publius 1 1747-7107 ---
0048-721X Religion (London. 1971) 1 1096-1151 ---
0048-7333 Research policy 1 1873-7625 ---
0048-7651 Revista chilena de literatura (Impresa) 1 0718-2295 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0048-8003 Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine (1954) 1 --- ---
0048-8143 Revue internationale de philosophie (Printed) 1 2033-0138 ---
0048-8267 Ricardian 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0048-8402 Rivista italiana di scienza politica = Italian political science review 1 2057-4908 ---
0048-9697 Science of the total environment 1 1879-1026 ---
0049-0172 Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism (Print) 1 1532-866X ---
0049-089X Social science research (Print) 1 1096-0317 ---
0049-1225 Sociológia (Tlačené vydanie) = Slovak sociological review 1 --- ---
0049-1241 Sociological methods & research 1 1552-8294 ---
0049-2361 Studi e problemi di critica testuale (Testo stampato) 1 1826-722X ---
0049-2426 Sub-stance 1 1527-2095 ---
0049-3449 Teología y vida (Impresa) 1 0717-6295 ---
0049-3848 Thrombosis research (Print) 1 1879-2472 ---
0049-4488 Transportation (Amsterdam) 1 1572-9435 ---
0049-4747 Tropical animal health and production 1 1573-7438 ---
0049-6979 Water, air and soil pollution (Print) 1 1573-2932 ---
0049-8246 X-Ray Spectrometry 1 1097-4539 ---
0049-8254 Xenobiotica (London. Print) 1 1366-5928 ---
0049-8599 Zeitschrift für ausländische Landwirtschaft 1 --- ---
0049-8653 Lili. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 1 2365-953X ---
0049-8661 Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 1 1865-9063 ---
0065-0536 Comptes-rendus des séances de l'année... (Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres) 1 --- ---
0065-1141 Acta classica (Print) 1 2227-538X ---
0065-1273 Acta Germanica 1, vanaf 2013 --- ---
0065-1346 Acta juridica (Cape Town) 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) 1996-2088 ---
0065-1400 Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis 1 --- ---
0065-1591 Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica. Supplementum 1 --- ---
0065-2113 Advances in agronomy 1 --- ---
0065-230X Advances in cancer research 1 --- ---
0065-2598 Advances in experimental medicine and biology (Print) 1 2214-8019 ---
0065-2601 Advances in experimental social psychology (Print) 1 1557-8410 ---
0065-308X Advances in Parasitology 1 --- ---
0065-3276 Advances in quantum chemistry 1 --- ---
0065-4124 Annalen - Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika. Menselijke wetenschappen = Annales - Musée royal de l'Afrique Centrale. Sciences humaines 1 --- ---
0065-7638 Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 1 2153-7925 ---
0065-860X American imago 1 1085-7931 ---
0065-9991 Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 1 --- ---
0066-1546 Anatolian studies 1 --- ---
0066-1554 Anatolica (Leiden) 1 1875-6654 ---
0066-1619 Ancient society (Printed) 1 1783-1334 ---
0066-2380 Année sociale - Institut de sociologie 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0066-4200 Annual review of information science and technology 1 --- ---
0066-4308 Annual review of psychology (Print) 1 1545-2085 ---
0066-4804 Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy (Print) 1 1098-6596 ---
0066-4812 Antipode (Oxford. Print) 1 1467-8330 ---
0066-5061 Anuario de estudios medievales 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0066-622X Architectural history 1 2059-5670 ---
0066-6297 Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0066-6459 Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete 1 1867-1551 ---
0066-6505 Archiv für Sozialgeschichte 1 --- ---
0066-6742 Archivo español de arqueología 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0066-6793 Archivum (München) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0066-7374 Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society (Print) 1 1467-9264 ---
0067-270X Azania 1 1945-5534 ---
0068-1202 Proceedings of the British Academy 1 --- ---
0068-2462 Papers of the British School at Rome 1 2045-239X ---
0068-4023 Bulletin de philosophie médiévale 1 --- ---
0068-516X Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 1 --- ---
0068-5178 Cahiers Jean Cocteau 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) 2728-3119 ---
0068-6611 Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society 1 --- ---
0069-3235 Museum studies (Chicago, Ill.) 1 --- ---
0069-9667 Contributions to Indian sociology (Print) 1 0973-0648 ---
0070-3370 Demography 1 1533-7790 ---
0070-4806 Diderot studies 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0070-6760 Dix-huitième siècle (Paris) 1 1760-7892 ---
0070-7546 Dumbarton Oaks papers 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0071-1357 Essays & studies (London. 1950) 1 --- ---
0071-1713 Estudios filológicos (Impresa) 1 --- ---
0071-190X Études de linguistique appliquée 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0071-9706 Frühmittelalterliche Studien 1 1613-0812 ---
0072-0127 Journal - Galpin Society 1 --- ---
0072-1050 Geological journal (Chichester) 1 --- ---
0072-1492 Germanistische Linguistik 1 --- ---
0073-0688 Harvard studies in classical philology 1 --- ---
0073-1579 Hegel-Jahrbuch 1 2192-5550 ---
0073-1587 Hegel-Studien 1 --- ---
0073-2753 History of science 1 1753-8564 ---
0073-4349 Ibero-Americana 1 --- ---
0073-8484 Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 1 --- ---
0074-1809 Symposium - International Astronomical Union 1 --- ---
0074-7742 International review of neurobiology 1 --- ---
0074-7769 International Review of Sport Sociology 1 --- ---
0075-1634 Italian studies 1 1748-6181 ---
0075-2355 Jahrbuch der Österreichischen byzantinischen Gesellschaft 1 --- ---
0075-2541 Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum 1 --- ---
0075-2800 Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte = Economic history yearbook (Print) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0075-4102 Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 1 --- ---
0075-4242 Journal of English linguistics 1 1552-5457 ---
0075-4250 Journal of glass studies 1 --- ---
0075-4269 Journal of Hellenic studies 1 --- ---
0075-4277 The Journal of Juristic Papyrology = Rocznik Papirologii Prawniczej 1 --- ---
0075-4358 Journal of Roman studies 1 1753-528X ---
0075-4390 Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 1 --- ---
0075-6334 Klio 1 2192-7669 ---
0075-966X La Linguistique (Paris. 1965) 1 2101-0234 ---
0076-0730 Bulletin - University of London. Institute of Classical Studies 1 2041-5370 ---
0076-230X Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0076-6097 Medieval archaeology 1 1745-817X ---
0076-6615 Mesopotamia (Testo stampato) 1, vanaf 2014 --- ---
0076-6879 Methods in enzymology (Print) 1 1557-7988 ---
0076-9762 Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 1 --- ---
0077-8923 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1 1749-6632 ---
0077-8958 Metropolitan Museum journal 1 --- ---
0077-9954 New Zealand economic papers 1 --- ---
0078-0421 Newsletters on stratigraphy 1 --- ---
0078-0545 Niederdeutsches Wort 1 --- ---
0078-2696 Numismatic chronicle (1966) 1 --- ---
0078-3234 Oceanologia (Wrocław) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0078-3579 Jahreshefte des Österreichischen archäologischen Institutes in Wien (1946) 1 --- ---
0078-463X Onoma 1 1783-1644 ---
0078-6527 Oriens (Leiden, Print) 1 1877-8372 ---
0078-7191 Oxford German studies 1 1745-9214 ---
0079-1636 Transactions of the Philological Society (Print) 1 1467-968X ---
0079-1946 Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (Print) 1 --- ---
0079-2993 Polish Psychological Bulletin 1 1641-7844 ---
0079-4236 Post-medieval archaeology 1 --- ---
0079-6107 Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 1 --- ---
0079-6123 Progress in brain research 1 1875-7855 ---
0079-6700 Progress in polymer science (Print) 1 --- ---
0079-7308 The Psychoanalytic study of the child 1 --- ---
0079-7421 The Psychology of learning and motivation (Print) 1 1557-802X ---
0080-2492 Revue canadienne de psycho-éducation 1 --- ---
0080-2557 Revue des études slaves 1 --- ---
0080-2654 Revue théologique de Louvain (Imprimé) 1 1783-8401 ---
0080-3898 Romanistisches Jahrbuch 1 --- ---
0080-5459 Franciscan studies 1 --- ---
0080-6757 Scandinavian political studies (Print) 1 1467-9477 ---
0080-6935 Schopenhauer-Jahrbuch 1 --- ---
0081-2463 South African journal of psychology = Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir sielkunde 1 2078-208X ---
0081-5691 Bulletin (The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities) 1 --- ---
0081-6124 Studi classici e orientali (Testo stampato) 1 1724-1820 ---
0081-6248 Studi Secenteschi (Testo stampato) 1 2035-7966 ---
0081-6442 Studia Germanica Gandensia 1 --- ---
0081-9077 Südost-Forschungen 1 --- ---
0082-2884 Terrae incognitae 1 --- ---
0082-4313 Tijdschrift voor privaatrecht 1 --- ---
0082-5433 T'oung pao (Print) 1 1568-5322 ---
0082-6049 Travaux de linguistique (Gand. Imprimé) 1 1782-1576 ---
0082-6847 Turcica (Paris) 1 --- ---
0083-5617 Jahrbuch des Vereins für Niederdeutsche Sprachforschung 1 --- ---
0083-5897 Viator (Berkeley) 1 --- ---
0083-6729 Vitamins and hormones 1 --- ---
0084-3695 Yearbook of comparative and general literature 1 --- ---
0084-4144 Year's work in English studies 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) 1471-6801 ---
0084-4152 Year's work in modern language studies 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) 2222-4297 ---
0084-4446 Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich = Problems of Literary Genres 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0084-5299 Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie 1 --- ---
0084-5388 Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0084-6570 Annual review of anthropology (Print) 1 1545-4290 ---
0084-6724 Archiv für Religionspsychologie (Print) = Archive for the psychology of religion 1 1573-6121 ---
0085-2376 Journal of Arabic literature (Print) 1 1570-064X ---
0085-2538 Kidney international (Print) 1 1523-1755 ---
0085-4522 Orientalia lovaniensia periodica (Gedrukt) 1 1783-1679 ---
0085-4530 Der Orthopäde 1 1433-0431 ---
0085-5553 Research in phenomenology 1 1569-1640 ---
0085-6401 South Asia 1 1479-0270 ---
0085-6827 Studi e saggi linguistici (Testo stampato) 1 --- ---
0085-7289 Nankyoku shiryo 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0090-0036 American journal of public health (1971) 1 --- ---
0090-1482 Journal of alcohol and drug education 1 --- ---
0090-3019 Surgical neurology (Print) 1 --- ---
0090-3493 Critical care medicine 1 1530-0293 ---
0090-3973 Journal of testing and evaluation 1 --- ---
0090-4260 Literature film quarterly 1 2573-7597 ---
0090-4295 Urology (Ridgewood, N.J.) 1 1527-9995 ---
0090-4341 Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology (Print) 1 1432-0703 ---
0090-4392 Journal of community psychology (Print) 1 1520-6629 ---
0090-4848 Human resource management 1 1099-050X ---
0090-502X Memory & cognition 1 1532-5946 ---
0090-5224 Poe studies 1 --- ---
0090-5364 Annals of statistics 1 2168-8966 ---
0090-5550 Rehabilitation psychology 1 --- ---
0090-5917 Political theory 1 1552-7476 ---
0090-5992 Nationalities papers 1 1465-3923 ---
0090-6514 Telos (New York, N.Y.) 1 1940-459X ---
0090-6778 IEEE transactions on communications (Print) 1 1558-0857 ---
0090-6905 Journal of psycholinguistic research 1 1573-6555 ---
0090-8258 Gynecologic oncology (Print) 1 1095-6859 ---
0090-8320 Ocean development and international law 1 1521-0642 ---
0090-9556 Drug metabolism and disposition 1 --- ---
0090-9882 Journal of applied communications research 1 1479-5752 ---
0091-0260 Public personnel management 1 1945-7421 ---
0091-0627 Journal of abnormal child psychology 1 1573-2835 ---
0091-1674 Clinical social work journal 1 1573-3343 ---
0091-2131 Ethos 1 --- ---
0091-2174 International journal of psychiatry in medicine (Print) 1 1541-3527 ---
0091-2700 Journal of clinical pharmacology 1 --- ---
0091-3057 Pharmacology, biochemistry and behavior 1 --- ---
0091-3286 Optical engineering (Bellingham. Print) 1 1560-2303 ---
0091-3367 Journal of advertising 1 1557-7805 ---
0091-3723 Journal of Chinese linguistics = Zhongguo yu yan xue bao 1 --- ---
0091-3847 Physician and sportsmedicine 1 --- ---
0091-4150 International journal of aging & human development (Print) 1 1541-3535 ---
0091-4509 Contemporary drug problems 1 --- ---
0091-6331 Exercise and sport sciences reviews (Print) 1 1538-3008 ---
0091-6749 Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 1 1097-6825 ---
0091-6765 Environmental health perspectives 1 1552-9924 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0091-7435 Preventive medicine (1972. Print) 1 1096-0260 ---
0091-7613 Geology (Boulder, Colo.) 1 1943-2682 ---
0091-7729 Science-fiction studies 1 --- ---
0091-8083 Studies in American fiction 1 --- ---
0091-8369 Journal of homosexuality 1 1540-3602 ---
0092-0703 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 1 1552-7824 ---
0092-1815 International journal of instructional media 1, tot en met 2025 (0, vanaf 2026) --- ---
0092-2102 Interfaces (Providence) 1 1526-551X ---
0092-2323 Journal of Indo-European studies 1 --- ---
0092-4563 Syntax and semantics 1 --- ---
0092-5853 American journal of political science 1 1540-5907 ---
0092-623X Journal of sex & marital therapy 1 1521-0715 ---
0092-6566 Journal of research in personality (Print) 1 1095-7251 ---
0092-7872 Communications in algebra 1 --- ---
0092-8615 Drug information journal 1 --- ---
0092-8674 Cell (Cambridge) 1 1097-4172 ---
0093-0334 The Hastings Center report 1 --- ---
0093-1896 Critical inquiry 1 1539-7858 ---
0093-3139 College literature (Print) 1 1542-4286 ---
0093-4690 Journal of field archaeology 1 2042-4582 ---
0093-5301 Journal of consumer research 1 1537-5277 ---
0093-6502 Communication research 1 1552-3810 ---
0093-8548 Criminal justice and behavior 1 1552-3594 ---
0093-934X Brain and language (Print) 1 1090-2155 ---
0094-033X New German critique 1 1558-1462 ---
0094-0496 American ethnologist 1 --- ---
0094-1190 Journal of urban economics (Print) 1 1095-9068 ---
0094-2065 Communio (Spokane, Wash.) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0094-3509 Journal of family practice 1 --- ---
0094-4467 Southeastern Europe (Pittsburgh) = Europe du Sud-Est 1 --- ---
0094-5056 Eastern economic journal 1 --- ---
0094-5323 Augustinian studies 1 --- ---
0094-5765 Acta astronautica 1 1879-2030 ---
0094-582X Latin American perspectives 1 1552-678X ---
0094-6176 Seminars in thrombosis and hemostasis (Print) 1 1098-9064 ---
0094-730X Journal of fluency disorders 1 1873-801X ---
0094-8276 Geophysical research letters 1 1944-8007 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0094-8705 Journal of the philosophy of sport 1 --- ---
0094-9655 Journal of statistical computation and simulation (Print) 1 1563-5163 ---
0094-9930 Journal of pressure vessel technology 1 --- ---
0095-0696 Journal of environmental economics and management (Print) 1 1096-0449 ---
0095-1137 Journal of clinical microbiology (Print) 1 1098-660X ---
0095-2583 Economic inquiry 1 1465-7295 ---
0095-327X Armed forces and society 1 1556-0848 ---
0095-3997 Administration & society 1 1552-3039 ---
0095-4470 Journal of phonetics (Print) 1 1095-8576 ---
0095-4543 Primary care 1 --- ---
0095-4918 Journal of portfolio management 1 2168-8656 ---
0095-6562 Aviation, space, and environmental medicine 1 --- ---
0095-7380 Theory of stochastic processes 1 --- ---
0095-7577 Journal of space law 1, tot en met 2025 (0, vanaf 2026) --- ---
0095-8964 The Journal of environmental education 1 --- ---
0096-140X Aggressive behavior (Print) 1 1098-2337 ---
0096-1442 Journal of urban history 1 1552-6771 ---
0096-1523 Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance 1 1939-1277 ---
0096-3003 Applied mathematics and computation 1 --- ---
0096-3402 Bulletin of the atomic scientists 1 --- ---
0096-3445 Journal of experimental psychology. General 1 1939-2222 ---
0096-882X Journal of studies on alcohol 1 --- ---
0097-5397 SIAM journal on computing (Print) 1 1095-7111 ---
0097-7403 Journal of experimental psychology. Animal behavior processes 1 --- ---
0097-8493 Computers & graphics (Print) 1 1873-7684 ---
0097-8507 Language (Baltimore) 1 1535-0665 ---
0098-1389 Social work in health care 1 --- ---
0098-1532 Medical and pediatric oncology 1 --- ---
0098-1818 Monthly labor review 1 --- ---
0098-2601 Eighteenth-century life (Print) 1 1086-3192 ---
0098-3004 Computers & geosciences 1 1873-7803 ---
0098-5589 IEEE transactions on software engineering 1 --- ---
0098-6283 Teaching of psychology 1 --- ---
0098-7484 JAMA (Chicago, Ill.) 1 1538-3598 ---
0098-7921 Population and development review 1 1728-4457 ---
0098-8472 Environmental and experimental botany 1 --- ---
0098-9053 Linguistic analysis 1 --- ---
0098-9134 Journal of gerontological nursing 1 1938-243X ---
0098-9258 Advances in consumer research 1 --- ---
0098-9355 French forum (Print) 1 1534-1836 ---
0098-9886 International journal of circuit theory and applications (Print) 1 1097-007X ---
0099-1112 Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing 1 2374-8079 ---
0099-1333 The Journal of academic librarianship 1 --- ---
0099-1767 Journal of emergency nursing 1 1527-2966 ---
0099-2240 Applied and environmental microbiology (Print) 1 1098-5336 ---
0099-2399 Journal of endodontics 1 --- ---
0100-3143 Educação & Realidade (Impresso) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0100-6045 Manuscrito (Impresso) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0101-7330 Educação & sociedade (Impresso) 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0101-7438 Pesquisa operacional (Impresso) 1 --- ---
0102-0188 Revista brasileira de história (Impresso) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0102-311X Cadernos de Saúde Pública (Impresso) = Reports in Public Health 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0103-0752 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics (Impresso) = Revista Brasileira de Probabilidade e Estatística 1 --- ---
0103-1813 Trabalhos em Lingüística Aplicada (Impresso) 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0103-3786 Transinformação (Impresso) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0103-815X Itinerários (Araraquara. Impresso) 1 --- ---
0104-0707 Texto & contexto enfermagem (Impresso) = Texto & contexto enfermería 1 1980-265X Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0104-0944 Moara (Impresso) 1 --- ---
0104-4443 Revista de Filosofia (Curitiba. Impresso) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0104-639X TradTerm (Impresso) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0105-1121 Retfærd (Oslo. 1976) 1 --- ---
0105-1873 Contact dermatitis 1 1600-0536 ---
0105-4538 Allergy (Copenhagen) 1 1398-9995 ---
0105-6263 International journal of andrology (Print) 1 1365-2605 ---
0105-7510 Orbis litterarum 1 1600-0730 ---
0107-1211 Psyke & logos 1 --- ---
0108-8416 NOWELE (Odense) 1 --- ---
0109-5641 Dental materials (Print) 1 1879-0097 ---
0112-1642 Sports medicine (Auckland) 1 1179-2035 ---
0112-2541 Journal of general practise 1 --- ---
0114-5916 Drug safety 1 1179-1942 ---
0115-9577 Philippiniana sacra (Print) 1 --- ---
0117-1968 Asian and Pacific migration journal (Print) 1 2057-049X ---
0118-5942 Budhi (Manila. Print) 1 2243-7886 ---
0119-5646 The Asia-Pacific education researcher 1 --- ---
0120-0062 Ideas y Valores 1 2011-3668 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0120-3347 Revista Colombiana de Anestesiología 1, vanaf 2014 --- ---
0120-4483 Ensayos sobre politica economica 1 --- ---
0120-6230 Revista Facultad de Ingenieria Universidad de Antioquia (Medellín) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0120-7555 Turismo y Sociedad (Bogotá) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0120-8705 Ces medicina 1 --- ---
0121-2117 Revista de estudios colombianos 1 --- ---
0121-2494 Pedagogía y saberes 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0121-3628 Estudios de Filosofia (Medellin) 1 2256-358X Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0123-9465 Ambiente juridico 1 --- ---
0125-2488 Pasaa 1 --- ---
0125-8125 Educational Technology Magazine = Kharusat Theknoloyi 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0129-0657 International journal of neural systems 1 1793-6462 ---
0129-167X International journal of mathematics 1 --- ---
0129-1831 International journal of modern physics C 1 --- ---
0129-2986 Asian journal of communication 1 --- ---
0129-7619 Singapore journal of tropical geography 1 1467-9493 ---
0137-2459 Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics 1 --- ---
0137-2475 Studia Romanica Posnaniensia 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0137-303X Przegląd Polonijny 1 --- ---
0137-4699 Lubelskie Materiały Neofilologiczne = Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature 1 --- ---
0137-477X Quaestiones Geographicae 1 --- ---
0138-9130 Scientometrics (Print) 1 1588-2861 ---
0139-3006 Acta alimentaria (Print) 1 1588-2535 ---
0139-570X Zemědělská ekonomika (Print) = Agricultural Economics 1 1805-9295 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0140-0118 Medical & biological engineering & computing 1 --- ---
0140-1963 Journal of arid environments 1 1095-922X ---
0140-1971 Journal of adolescence (London, England. Print) 1 1095-9254 ---
0140-2382 West European politics 1 1743-9655 ---
0140-2390 Journal of strategic studies 1 --- ---
0140-525X Behavioral and brain sciences (Print) 1 1469-1825 ---
0140-6736 Lancet (British edition) 1 1474-547X ---
0140-7775 Journal of fish diseases (Print) 1 1365-2761 ---
0140-7783 Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics (Print) 1 1365-2885 ---
0140-9883 Energy economics 1 1873-6181 ---
0141-0296 Engineering structures 1 1873-7323 ---
0141-0423 Journal of research in reading (Print) 1 1467-9817 ---
0141-0768 Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 1 1758-1095 ---
0141-1926 British educational research journal (Print) 1 1469-3518 ---
0141-5387 European journal of orthodontics (Print) 1 1460-2210 ---
0141-5492 Biotechnology letters (Print) 1 1573-6776 ---
0141-6200 British journal of religious education 1 1740-7931 ---
0141-6421 Journal of petroleum geology 1 --- ---
0141-6707 African journal of ecology 1 --- ---
0141-6790 Art history (Print) 1 1467-8365 ---
0141-7789 Feminist review (Print) 1 1466-4380 ---
0141-8130 International journal of biological macromolecules 1 1879-0003 ---
0141-8211 European journal of education 1 1465-3435 ---
0141-8955 Journal of inherited metabolic disease 1 --- ---
0141-9382 Displays (Print) 1 1872-7387 ---
0141-9838 Parasite immunology (Print) 1 --- ---
0141-9870 Ethnic and racial studies (Print) 1 1466-4356 ---
0141-9889 Sociology of health & illness (Print) 1 1467-9566 ---
0142-0461 European intellectual property review 1 --- ---
0142-064X Journal for the study of the New Testament 1 1745-5294 ---
0142-1123 International journal of fatigue 1 --- ---
0142-159X Medical teacher (1979. Print) 1 1466-187X ---
0142-2421 Surface and interface analysis (Print) 1 1096-9918 ---
0142-4319 Journal of muscle research and cell motility 1 1573-2657 ---
0142-5455 Employee relations 1 1758-7069 ---
0142-5692 British journal of sociology of education 1 1465-3346 ---
0142-6001 Applied linguistics 1 1477-450X ---
0142-6397 Landscape research 1 1469-9710 ---
0142-6540 Oxford art journal 1 1741-7287 ---
0142-694X Design studies 1 1872-6909 ---
0142-7164 Applied psycholinguistics (Print) 1 1469-1817 ---
0142-7237 First language 1 1740-2344 ---
0142-9418 Polymer testing 1 1873-2348 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0142-9612 Biomaterials 1 1878-5905 ---
0143-005X Journal of epidemiology and community health (1979) 1 1470-2738 ---
0143-0343 School psychology international 1 1461-7374 ---
0143-0750 International journal of ambient energy 1 --- ---
0143-0807 European journal of physics (Print) 1 --- ---
0143-1161 International journal of remote sensing (Print) 1 1366-5901 ---
0143-2087 Optimal control applications & methods 1 --- ---
0143-2095 Strategic management journal (Print) 1 1097-0266 ---
0143-2885 International endodontic journal (Print) 1 1365-2591 ---
0143-3334 Carcinogenesis (New York. Print) 1 1460-2180 ---
0143-3369 International journal of vehicle design 1 --- ---
0143-3636 Nuclear medicine communications 1 1473-5628 ---
0143-3768 Landscape history 1 --- ---
0143-4004 Placenta (Eastbourne) 1 1532-3102 ---
0143-4160 Cell calcium (Edinburgh) 1 1532-1991 ---
0143-4632 Journal of multilingual and multicultural development 1 1747-7557 ---
0143-5124 Library management 1 --- ---
0143-5221 Clinical science (1979) 1 1470-8736 ---
0143-5671 Fiscal studies 1 1475-5890 ---
0143-6228 Applied geography (Sevenoaks) 1 1873-7730 ---
0143-6503 Oxford journal of legal studies 1 1464-3820 ---
0143-6570 MDE. Managerial and decision economics (Print) 1 1099-1468 ---
0143-6597 Third world quarterly (Print) 1 1360-2241 ---
0143-7208 Dyes and pigments (Print) 1 1873-3743 ---
0143-7720 International journal of manpower 1 1758-6577 ---
0143-7739 Leadership & organization development journal 1 1472-5347 ---
0143-781X History of political thought 1 --- ---
0143-814X Journal of public policy (Print) 1 1469-7815 ---
0143-8166 Optics and lasers in engineering 1 --- ---
0143-831X Economic and industrial democracy 1 1461-7099 ---
0143-9685 Historical journal of film radio and television 1 1465-3451 ---
0144-0365 Journal of legal history 1 --- ---
0144-1027 Company lawyer 1 --- ---
0144-1647 Transport reviews 1 1464-5327 ---
0144-2872 Policy studies 1 1470-1006 ---
0144-3054 ECLR. European competition law review 1 --- ---
0144-333X International journal of sociology and social policy 1 1758-6720 ---
0144-3410 Educational psychology (Dorchester-on-Thames. Print) 1 1469-5820 ---
0144-3577 International journal of operations & production management 1 1758-6593 ---
0144-3585 Journal of economic studies (Bradford) 1 1758-7387 ---
0144-3593 Statute law review 1 --- ---
0144-3615 Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology 1 1364-6893 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0144-5138 History of universities 1 --- ---
0144-5154 Assembly automation 1 --- ---
0144-5340 History and philosophy of logic 1 1464-5149 ---
0144-5596 Social policy & administration (Print) 1 1467-9515 ---
0144-6657 British journal of clinical psychology 1 2044-8260 ---
0144-6665 British journal of social psychology 1 2044-8309 ---
0144-686X Ageing and society (Print) 1 1469-1779 ---
0144-7394 Teaching public administration 1 2047-8720 ---
0144-8188 International review of law and economics (Print) 1 1873-6394 ---
0144-8420 Radiation protection dosimetry 1 --- ---
0144-8617 Carbohydrate polymers 1 1879-1344 ---
0144-8722 Sobornost 1 --- ---
0144-929X Behaviour & information technology (Print) 1 1362-3001 ---
0144-932X The Liverpool law review (Print) 1 1572-8625 ---
0145-2096 Diplomatic history 1 --- ---
0145-2134 Child abuse & neglect (Print) 1 1873-7757 ---
0145-2258 African economic history 1 2163-9108 ---
0145-305X Developmental and comparative immunology (Print) 1 --- ---
0145-3890 Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies 1 --- ---
0145-4455 Behavior modification 1 1552-4167 ---
0145-482X Journal of visual impairment & blindness (Print) 1 1559-1476 ---
0145-5532 Social science history 1 1527-8034 ---
0145-6008 Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 1 1530-0277 ---
0145-7632 Heat transfer engineering 1 1521-0537 ---
0145-8973 Chasqui 1 2327-4247 ---
0146-0404 Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 1 1552-5783 ---
0146-1044 Sexuality and disability 1 1573-6717 ---
0146-1079 Biblical theology bulletin 1 --- ---
0146-1672 Personality & social psychology bulletin 1 1552-7433 ---
0146-3373 Communication quarterly 1 --- ---
0146-4310 The Journal of applied social sciences 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0146-4760 Journal of analytical toxicology 1 1945-2403 ---
0146-5422 Online (Weston, Conn.) 1 --- ---
0146-5856 Journal of the Arnold Schoenberg Institute 1 --- ---
0146-6216 Applied psychological measurement 1 1552-3497 ---
0146-6283 Cereal foods world 1 --- ---
0146-6518 International journal for housing science and its applications 1 --- ---
0146-6615 Journal of medical virology (Print) 1 1096-9071 ---
0146-6917 Cerebrovascular diseases 1 --- ---
0146-7239 Motivation and emotion 1 1573-6644 ---
0146-8693 Journal of pediatric psychology 1 1465-735X ---
0147-1473 Social development issues 1 --- ---
0147-1767 International journal of intercultural relations 1 1873-7552 ---
0147-4642 Communication yearbook 1 --- ---
0147-5916 Cognitive therapy and research 1 1573-2819 ---
0147-5967 Journal of comparative economics (Print) 1 1095-7227 ---
0147-7447 Orthopedics (Thorofare, N.J.) 1 --- ---
0147-9032 Review - Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems, and Civilizations 1, tot en met 2025 (0, vanaf 2026) --- ---
0147-9121 Research in labor economics 1 --- ---
0147-9563 Heart & lung 1 --- ---
0147-958X Clinical and investigative medicine = Médecine clinique et expérimentale 1 --- ---
0148-0227 Journal of geophysical research 1 --- ---
0148-0731 Journal of biomechanical engineering 1 --- ---
0148-2963 Journal of business research 1 1873-7978 ---
0148-396X Neurosurgery 1 --- ---
0148-4184 The Accounting historians journal 1 --- ---
0148-4834 The Journal of nursing education 1 1938-2421 ---
0148-558X Journal of accounting, auditing & finance 1 2160-4061 ---
0148-5598 Journal of medical systems 1 1573-689X ---
0148-5717 Sexually transmitted diseases 1 1537-4521 ---
0148-6071 JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition 1 --- ---
0148-6195 Journal of economics and business 1 --- ---
0148-639X Muscle & nerve (Print) 1 1097-4598 ---
0148-7132 The Wallace Stevens journal 1 2160-0570 ---
0148-7299 American journal of medical genetics (Print) 1 1096-8628 ---
0148-7639 ADFL bulletin 1 --- ---
0148-8376 Journal of social service research 1 1540-7314 ---
0148-9267 Computer music journal 1 --- ---
0149-0508 Peace and change 1 1468-0130 ---
0149-2063 Journal of management 1 1557-1211 ---
0149-2918 Clinical therapeutics 1 1879-114X ---
0149-4929 Marriage & family review 1 --- ---
0149-5992 Diabetes care 1 1935-5548 ---
0149-6085 Journal of food safety 1 1745-4565 ---
0149-7189 Evaluation and program planning (Print) 1 1873-7870 ---
0149-7634 Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews 1 1873-7528 ---
0149-7677 Dance research journal 1 1940-509X ---
0149-7952 German studies review 1 2164-8646 ---
0149-9246 Hastings international and comparative law review 1 --- ---
0149-9408 The American book review 1 2153-4578 ---
0151-4105 Revue d'histoire des sciences 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0152-7401 Revue française d'administration publique 1 --- ---
0153-3320 Cahiers de linguistique Asie orientale 1 --- ---
0153-5021 Cahier de recherches de l'Institut de papyrologie et d'égyptologie de Lille 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0153-9337 Archéologie médiévale 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0153-9345 Paléorient 1 --- ---
0154-8344 Cahiers d'économie politique (Amiens) 1 1969-6779 ---
0155-977X Social analysis 1 1558-5727 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0155-9982 Accounting forum (Adelaide. Print) 1 1467-6303 ---
0157-244X Research in science education 1 1573-1898 ---
0158-037X Studies in continuing education 1 1470-126X ---
0158-4197 Emu (Print) 1 1448-5540 ---
0158-7919 Distance education 1 --- ---
0159-6306 Discourse (Abingdon. Print) 1 1469-3739 ---
0160-2446 Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology 1 1533-4023 ---
0160-2527 International journal of law and psychiatry (Print) 1 1873-6386 ---
0160-2896 Intelligence (Norwood) 1 1873-7935 ---
0160-3477 Journal of post Keynesian economics 1 --- ---
0160-4120 Environment international 1 1873-6750 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0160-4953 Collection building 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) 2054-5592 ---
0160-5682 Journal of the Operational Research Society 1 1476-9360 ---
0160-5976 Humanity & society 1 --- ---
0160-628X Blake 1 --- ---
0160-6379 Family & community health 1 --- ---
0160-6689 The Journal of clinical psychiatry 1 1555-2101 ---
0160-6891 Research in nursing & health (Print) 1 1098-240X ---
0160-7383 Annals of tourism research 1 1873-7722 ---
0160-7715 Journal of behavioral medicine 1 1573-3521 ---
0160-8347 Estuaries 1 1559-2723 ---
0160-9327 Endeavour (London) 1 --- ---
0160-9645 The Ancient world 1 --- ---
0161-2492 Callaloo (Print) 1 1080-6512 ---
0161-2840 Issues in mental health nursing (Print) 1 1096-4673 ---
0161-4681 Teachers College record (1970) 1 1467-9620 ---
0161-4754 Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics 1 1532-6586 ---
0161-5440 Historical methods 1 1940-1906 ---
0161-5505 The Journal of nuclear medicine (1978) 1 1535-5667 ---
0161-6412 Neurological research (New York) 1 --- ---
0161-6420 Ophthalmology (Rochester, Minn.) 1 1549-4713 ---
0161-7761 Anthropology & education quarterly 1 --- ---
0161-8105 Sleep (New York, N.Y.) 1 1550-9109 ---
0161-813X Neurotoxicology (Park Forest South) 1 --- ---
0161-8938 Journal of policy modeling (Print) 1 1873-8060 ---
0161-9152 Age (Omaha) 1 --- ---
0161-9268 Advances in nursing science 1 --- ---
0162-0436 Qualitative sociology 1 1573-7837 ---
0162-1459 Journal of the American Statistical Association 1 1537-274X ---
0162-220X Cancer nursing 1 1538-9804 ---
0162-2439 Science, technology & human values 1 1552-8251 ---
0162-2889 International security (Print) 1 1531-4804 ---
0162-3257 Journal of autism and developmental disorders 1 1573-3432 ---
0162-3737 Educational evaluation and policy analysis 1 --- ---
0162-4962 Biography (Honolulu. Print) 1 1529-1456 ---
0162-8828 IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 1 --- ---
0162-895X Political psychology 1 1467-9221 ---
0163-1829 Physical review. B, Condensed matter 1 --- ---
0163-2787 Evaluation & the health professions 1 1552-3918 ---
0163-4275 Environmental ethics 1 2153-7895 ---
0163-4356 Therapeutic drug monitoring (Print) 1 1536-3694 ---
0163-4437 Media, culture & society 1 1460-3675 ---
0163-4445 Journal of family therapy 1 1467-6427 ---
0163-4453 The Journal of infection 1 --- ---
0163-4984 Biological trace element research 1 --- ---
0163-5158 Ageing international 1 1936-606X ---
0163-6383 Infant behavior & development 1 1879-0453 ---
0163-6545 Radical history review (Print) 1 1534-1453 ---
0163-6804 IEEE communications magazine (Print) 1 1558-1896 ---
0163-7525 Annual review of public health (Print) 1 --- ---
0163-769X Endocrine reviews 1 1945-7189 ---
0163-8343 General hospital psychiatry 1 1873-7714 ---
0163-853X Discourse processes 1 1532-6950 ---
0163-8548 Human studies 1 --- ---
0163-9625 Deviant behavior 1 1521-0456 ---
0163-9641 Infant mental health journal (Print) 1 1097-0355 ---
0164-0275 Research on aging 1 --- ---
0164-0704 Journal of macroeconomics 1 1873-152X ---
0164-0771 Philosophy research archives (Print) 1 2153-795X ---
0164-1212 The Journal of systems and software 1 1873-1228 ---
0164-1263 Pediatric dentistry 1 --- ---
0165-0009 Climatic change 1 1573-1480 ---
0165-0084 Tijdschrift voor familie- en jeugdrecht 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) 2543-2680 ---
0165-0106 Erkenntnis (Dordrecht. Print) 1 1572-8420 ---
0165-0114 Fuzzy sets and systems 1 --- ---
0165-0157 Linguistics and philosophy (Print) 1 1573-0549 ---
0165-0173 Brain research reviews (Print) 1 --- ---
0165-0203 Natural resources forum (Print) 1 1477-8947 ---
0165-022X Journal of biochemical and biophysical methods 1 --- ---
0165-0254 International journal of behavioral development (Print) 1 1464-0651 ---
0165-0270 Journal of neuroscience methods 1 1872-678X ---
0165-0327 Journal of affective disorders (Print) 1 1573-2517 ---
0165-0483 Nederlandsch juristenblad 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0165-0505 Bijdragen en mededelingen betreffende de geschiedenis der Nederlanden 1 2211-2898 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0165-0645 Pedagogische studiën 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0165-0653 International journal for the advancement of counselling 1 --- ---
0165-070X Netherlands international law review (Print) 1 1741-6191 ---
0165-0750 Common market law review (Print) 1 1875-8320 ---
0165-0831 Rechtsphilosophie en rechtstheorie 1 --- ---
0165-0874 Tijdschrift voor gezondheidsrecht (Print) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) 1875-6794 ---
0165-0882 Rechtsgeleerd magazijn Themis (Print) 1 --- ---
0165-0947 Tijdschrift voor orthopedagogiek (Groningen) 1 --- ---
0165-098X Sociaal-economische wetgeving 1 2213-7408 ---
0165-1137 Tijdschrift voor milieu en recht 1 --- ---
0165-1153 Itinerario 1 2041-2827 ---
0165-1188 Tijdschrift voor psychotherapie (Print) 1 1876-5637 ---
0165-1587 European review of agricultural economics 1 1464-3618 ---
0165-1625 Beleid & maatschappij 1 --- ---
0165-1684 Signal processing (Print) 1 1872-7557 ---
0165-1765 Economics letters 1 1873-7374 ---
0165-1781 Psychiatry research (Print) 1 1872-7123 ---
0165-182X Tijdschrift voor criminologie (Print) 1 2468-9467 ---
0165-1889 Journal of economic dynamics & control 1 1879-1743 ---
0165-2176 The Veterinary quarterly 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0165-2230 Trans-aktie (Hilversum) 1 --- ---
0165-2370 Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis (Print) 1 1873-250X ---
0165-2516 International journal of the sociology of language 1 --- ---
0165-4004 Folia linguistica 1 1614-7308 ---
0165-4101 Journal of accounting & economics 1 --- ---
0165-4322 Radix (Amsterdam) 1, tot en met 2025 (0, vanaf 2026) --- ---
0165-442X Tijdschrift voor politieke ekonomie 1 --- ---
0165-4608 Cancer genetics and cytogenetics (Print) 1 --- ---
0165-4888 Text (The Hague) 1 1613-4117 ---
0165-4896 Mathematical social sciences 1 1879-3118 ---
0165-5515 Journal of information science 1 1741-6485 ---
0165-5523 Klimaatbeheersing (Zeist) 1 --- ---
0165-5701 International ophtalmology 1 1573-2630 ---
0165-5728 Journal of neuroimmunology (Print) 1 1872-8421 ---
0165-5876 International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology (Print) 1 1872-8464 ---
0165-6147 Trends in pharmacological sciences (Regular ed., Print) 1 1873-3735 ---
0165-7194 Bestuurswetenschappen ('s-Gravenhage. Print) 1 2666-402X ---
0165-7305 Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 1 1875-6719 ---
0165-7836 Fisheries research 1 1872-6763 ---
0165-8107 Neuro-ophthalmology (Aeolus Press. 1980) 1 --- ---
0165-8476 Weekblad voor privaatrecht, notariaat en registratie 1 1875-8215 ---
0165-9200 Tabu (Groningen) 1 --- ---
0165-9227 Grazer philosophische Studien 1 --- ---
0165-9367 Babesch. Bulletin antieke beschaving 1 --- ---
0165-9510 Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 1 --- ---
0165-9936 TrAC. Trends in analytical chemistry (Regular ed.) 1 1879-3142 ---
0166-0462 Regional science and urban economics (Print) 1 1879-2308 ---
0166-0470 Bulletin (KNOB) 1 2589-3343 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0166-0934 Journal of virological methods 1 1879-0984 ---
0166-2031 Metamedicine (Dordrecht. Print) 1 1573-1200 ---
0166-218X Discrete applied mathematics 1 --- ---
0166-2236 Trends in neurosciences (Regular ed.) 1 1878-108X ---
0166-2511 Holland (Den Haag) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0166-2740 Exchange (Leiden. Print) 1 1572-543X ---
0166-3542 Antiviral research (Print) 1 1872-9096 ---
0166-3615 Computers in industry 1 1872-6194 ---
0166-4328 Behavioural brain research 1 1872-7549 ---
0166-4972 Technovation (Print) 1 1879-2383 ---
0166-5316 Performance evaluation 1 1872-745X ---
0166-591X Tijdschrift voor onderwijsresearch 1 --- ---
0166-6304 Documentatieblad - Werkgroep Achttiende Eeuw 1 --- ---
0166-8595 Photosynthesis research (Print) 1 1573-5079 ---
0166-8641 Topology and its applications (Print) 1 --- ---
0167-0115 Regulatory peptides (Print) 1 1873-1686 ---
0167-1987 Soil & tillage research 1 1879-3444 ---
0167-2436 Kind en adolescent (Print) 1 --- ---
0167-2681 Journal of economic behavior & organization 1 1879-1751 ---
0167-2789 Physica. D, Nonlinear phenomena (Print) 1 --- ---
0167-2940 TrAC. Trends in analytical chemistry (Reference ed., Print) 1 --- ---
0167-4099 Oso (Nijmegen. 1982) 1, vanaf 2013 --- ---
0167-4366 Agroforestry systems (Print) 1 1572-9680 ---
0167-4544 Journal of business ethics 1 1573-0697 ---
0167-482X Journal of psychosomatic obstetrics and gynaecology 1 1743-8942 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0167-4870 Journal of economic psychology 1 1872-7719 ---
0167-4889 Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular cell research 1 --- ---
0167-4943 Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 1 1872-6976 ---
0167-5249 Law and philosophy 1 --- ---
0167-5257 Naamkunde (Leuven. Print) 1 --- ---
0167-5265 Information services & use 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0167-5273 International journal of cardiology (print) 1 1874-1754 ---
0167-577X Materials letters (General ed.) 1 1873-4979 ---
0167-5850 Justitiële verkenningen 1 --- ---
0167-5877 Preventive veterinary medicine (Print) 1 1873-1716 ---
0167-5915 Tijdschrift voor seksuologie 1 --- ---
0167-5923 Population research and policy review (Print) 1 1573-7829 ---
0167-594X Journal of neuro-oncology 1 --- ---
0167-6164 Journal of African languages and linguistics 1 1613-3811 ---
0167-6245 Information economics and policy 1 1873-5975 ---
0167-6296 Journal of health economics 1 1879-1646 ---
0167-6318 The linguistic review 1 1613-3676 ---
0167-6369 Environmental monitoring and assessment (Print) 1 1573-2959 ---
0167-6377 Operations research letters 1 1872-7468 ---
0167-6393 Speech communication (Print) 1 1872-7182 ---
0167-6423 Science of computer programming (Print) 1 1872-7964 ---
0167-6687 Insurance. Mathematics & economics 1 1873-5959 ---
0167-6768 Netherlands yearbook of international law (Print) 1 1574-0951 ---
0167-6806 Breast cancer research and treatment (Print) 1 1573-7217 ---
0167-6830 Orbit (Amsterdam) 1 --- ---
0167-6857 Plant cell, tissue and organ culture (Print) 1 1573-5044 ---
0167-6997 Investigational new drugs (Print) 1 1573-0646 ---
0167-7012 Journal of microbiological methods 1 1872-8359 ---
0167-7063 Journal of neurogenetics 1 --- ---
0167-7152 Statistics & probability letters 1 1879-2103 ---
0167-7187 International journal of industrial organization 1 1873-7986 ---
0167-7276 Analecta Husserliana (Print) 1 --- ---
0167-739X Future generation computer systems 1 1872-7115 ---
0167-7411 Topoi (Dordrecht. Print) 1 1572-8749 ---
0167-7454 Gedragstherapie (Utrecht) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) 2468-953X ---
0167-7594 Nederlands internationaal privaatrecht (Print) 1 1875-9467 ---
0167-7799 Trends in biotechnology (Regular ed.) 1 1879-3096 ---
0167-8019 Acta applicandae mathematicae 1 --- ---
0167-806X Natural language and linguistic theory (Print) 1 1573-0859 ---
0167-8116 International journal of research in marketing 1 1873-8001 ---
0167-8140 Radiotherapy and oncology 1 1879-0887 ---
0167-8310 Theoretische geschiedenis 1 --- ---
0167-8329 Education for information 1 --- ---
0167-8434 NJCM-bulletin (Print) 1 --- ---
0167-8507 Multilingua 1 1613-3684 ---
0167-8655 Pattern recognition letters 1 --- ---
0167-8760 International journal of psychophysiology 1 1872-7697 ---
0167-8809 Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (Print) 1 1873-2305 ---
0167-9228 Tijdschrift voor gerontologie en geriatrie 1 1875-6832 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0167-9236 Decision support systems 1 1873-5797 ---
0167-9317 Microelectronic engineering 1 1873-5568 ---
0167-9457 Human movement science (Print) 1 1872-7646 ---
0167-9473 Computational statistics & data analysis (Print) 1 1872-7352 ---
0167-9740 I & I. Kwartaalreeks over informatie en informatiebeleid 1 --- ---
0167-9848 Husserl studies 1 1572-8501 ---
0167-9988 Tijdschrift voor zeegeschiedenis 1 --- ---
0168-1095 Tijdschrift voor hoger onderwijs (Print) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) 2468-9483 ---
0168-1605 International journal of food microbiology 1 1879-3460 ---
0168-1699 Computers and electronics in agriculture 1 1872-7107 ---
0168-2148 Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek (Print) 1 1875-9505 ---
0168-2563 Biogeochemistry (Dordrecht) 1 --- ---
0168-2601 Open house international 1 2633-9838 ---
0168-275X Krisis (Amsterdam) 1 1875-7103 ---
0168-3659 Journal of controlled release 1 1873-4995 ---
0168-583X Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms (Print) 1 1872-9584 ---
0168-6445 FEMS microbiology reviews (Print) 1 1574-6976 ---
0168-647X Folia linguistica historica 1 1614-7316 ---
0168-6496 FEMS microbiology, ecology (Print) 1 1574-6941 ---
0168-6577 European journal of population = Revue européenne de démographie 1 1572-9885 ---
0168-7034 Journal of consumer policy 1 1573-0700 ---
0168-7867 Kwartaalbericht Nieuw BW 1 --- ---
0168-8162 Experimental & applied acarology 1 --- ---
0168-8227 Diabetes research and clinical practice (Print) 1 1872-8227 ---
0168-8278 Journal of hepatology (Print) 1 1600-0641 ---
0168-8510 Health policy (Amsterdam. Print) 1 1872-6054 ---
0168-9002 Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (Print) 1 1872-9576 ---
0168-9088 Nederlands tijdschrift voor rechtsfilosofie en rechtstheorie (Print) = Netherlands journal for legal philosophy and jurisprudence and proceedings of the Netherlands Association for the Philosophy of Law 1 --- ---
0168-9223 Tijdschrift psychologie en maatschappij 1 --- ---
0168-9452 Plant science (Limerick) 1 --- ---
0168-9673 Acta mathematicae applicatae Sinica = Yingyong shuxue xuebao 1 --- ---
0168-9789 Mission studies 1 --- ---
0168-9959 Tijdschrift voor theologie 1 2565-7348 ---
0169-023X Data & knowledge engineering 1 --- ---
0169-0698 Tijdschrift voor verzekeringsgeneeskunde 1 --- ---
0169-0965 Language and cognitive processes 1 --- ---
0169-1015 Spatial vision (Print) 1 1568-5683 ---
0169-1317 Applied clay science (Print) 1 1872-9053 ---
0169-1473 Demos (Voorburg) 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0169-1570 Tijdschrift voor consumentenrecht 1 --- ---
0169-1864 Advanced robotics (Print) 1 1568-5535 ---
0169-2046 Landscape and urban planning 1 1872-6062 ---
0169-2070 International journal of forecasting 1 1872-8200 ---
0169-2216 Tijdschrift voor arbeidsvraagstukken (Print) 1 2468-9424 ---
0169-2607 Computer methods and programs in biomedicine (Print) 1 1872-7565 ---
0169-2917 Tijdschrift voor didactiek der ß 1 --- ---
0169-2968 Fundamenta informaticae 1 --- ---
0169-3298 Surveys in geophysics (Print) 1 1573-0956 ---
0169-3379 Incontri (Utrecht) 1 2214-7705 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0169-3441 SIM newsletter (1983) 1 --- ---
0169-3867 Biology & philosophy (Print) 1 1572-8404 ---
0169-409X Advanced drug delivery reviews 1 1872-8294 ---
0169-4294 Intensive care review 1 --- ---
0169-4332 Applied surface science (Print) 1 --- ---
0169-5002 Lung cancer 1 --- ---
0169-5150 Agricultural economics 1 1574-0862 ---
0169-5169 Migrantenstudies (Alphen aan den Rijn. Print) 1 --- ---
0169-555X Geomorphology (Amsterdam) 1 1872-695X ---
0169-6238 Oase (Delft) 1 2543-1129 ---
0169-6726 Nederlandsch kunsthistorisch jaarboek = Netherlands yearbook for history of art 1 --- ---
0169-7420 Toegepaste taalwetenschap in artikelen (Print) 1 --- ---
0169-7439 Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems (Print) 1 1873-3239 ---
0169-7536 Zeitschrift für dialektische Theologie 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0169-796X Journal of developing societies 1 --- ---
0169-8095 Atmospheric research (Print) 1 1873-2895 ---
0169-8141 International journal of industrial ergonomics 1 1872-8219 ---
0169-894X CRIN. Cahiers de recherches des Instituts néerlandais de langue et littérature françaises 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0170-057X Gestalt theory 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0170-1754 Media-Perspektiven 1 --- ---
0170-2041 Liebigs Annalen der Chemie 1 --- ---
0170-3803 Lendemains (Tübingen) 1 --- ---
0170-5946 Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika 1 --- ---
0170-6233 Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 1 --- ---
0170-8406 Organization studies 1 1741-3044 ---
0171-0834 Kodikas = Code 1 --- ---
0171-6468 OR-Spektrum 1 1436-6304 ---
0171-8630 Marine ecology. Progress series (Halstenbek) 1 1616-1599 ---
0171-967X Calcified tissue international 1 1432-0827 ---
0172-0643 Pediatric cardiology (Journal. Print) 1 1432-1971 ---
0172-1631 Natur + Recht 1 --- ---
0172-4029 Stadion (Köln) 1 --- ---
0172-4622 International journal of sports medicine 1 1439-3964 ---
0172-5300 Vox Latina (Saarbrücken) 1 --- ---
0172-6404 Historical social research (Köln) 1 --- ---
0172-780X Neuro-endocrinology letters 1 --- ---
0172-8172 Rheumatology international (Berlin. Print) 1 1437-160X ---
0172-8865 English world-wide 1 1569-9730 ---
0172-9179 Facies 1 --- ---
0173-0835 Electrophoresis (Weinheim. Print) 1 1522-2683 ---
0173-5322 Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik 1 1869-2699 ---
0173-7600 Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft = Review of regional research 1 1613-9836 ---
0174-0008 Ernährungs-Umschau (1977) 1 --- ---
0174-0202 Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie = German journal of law and society 1 --- ---
0174-1551 Cardiovascular and interventional radiology (Print) 1 1432-086X ---
0174-304X Neuropediatrics 1 1439-1899 ---
0174-6545 Epigraphica Anatolica 1 --- ---
0175-6206 Lexicographica 1 --- ---
0175-7598 Applied microbiology and biotechnology 1 1432-0614 ---
0176-1617 Journal of plant physiology (Print) 1 1618-1328 ---
0176-1714 Social choice and welfare 1 1432-217X ---
0176-2680 Europäische Zeitschrift für politische Ökonomie = European journal of political economy 1 1873-5703 ---
0176-3679 Pharmacopsychiatry 1 --- ---
0176-4225 Diachronica (Amsterdam. Print) 1 1569-9714 ---
0176-4268 Journal of classification 1 1432-1343 ---
0176-4276 Constructive approximation 1 --- ---
0176-4918 Medien + Erziehung (1984) 1, vanaf 2014 --- ---
0177-4182 Musiktheorie 1 --- ---
0177-7971 Meteorology and atmospheric physics (Print) 1 1436-5065 ---
0177-798X Theoretical and applied climatology 1 1434-4483 ---
0177-9990 Chirurgische Gastroenterologie 1 --- ---
0178-1987 American studies (München. Schriftenreihe) 1 --- ---
0178-2789 The visual computer 1 --- ---
0178-2967 Biblische Notizen = Biblical notes 1 --- ---
0178-7675 Computational mechanics 1 --- ---
0178-8884 Musik-Texte 1 --- ---
0179-051X Dysphagia (New York. Print) 1 1432-0460 ---
0179-1613 Ethology 1 1439-0310 ---
0179-1958 International journal of colorectal disease (Print) 1 1432-1262 ---
0179-2830 Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft 1 --- ---
0179-6437 Zeitschrift für Personalforschung 1 --- ---
0179-7158 Strahlentherapie und Onkologie (Print) 1 1439-099X ---
0180-7307 Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine 1 2107-0865 ---
0181-4095 Langage et société (Paris) 1 --- ---
0182-0974 Aggiornamento (Paris) 1 --- ---
0182-5887 Verbum (Nancy) 1 --- ---
0183-973X Etudes irlandaises (Villeneuve-d'Ascq) 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0185-0121 Nueva revista de filología hispánica 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0185-0636 Nueva antropología 1 --- ---
0185-1373 Anuario de letras 1 --- ---
0185-3325 Salud mental (México) 1 --- ---
0185-6073 Revista mexicana de psicología (1984) 1 --- ---
0186-3231 Revista Chapingo 1 --- ---
0187-9316 Semiosis (Xalapa, Ver.) 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0188-4409 Archives of medical research 1 --- ---
0190-0013 Philosophy and literature 1 --- ---
0190-0536 Philosophical investigations (Print) 1 1467-9205 ---
0190-0692 International journal of public administration 1 1532-4265 ---
0190-2725 Social psychology quarterly 1 --- ---
0190-292X Policy studies journal 1 1541-0072 ---
0190-3187 International family planning perspectives 1 --- ---
0190-4167 Journal of plant nutrition 1 --- ---
0190-535X Oncology nursing forum 1 1538-0688 ---
0190-6011 The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy 1 1938-1344 ---
0190-7034 Boston College environmental affairs law review 1 --- ---
0190-7409 Children and youth services review 1 1873-7765 ---
0190-9320 Political behavior 1 1573-6687 ---
0190-9622 Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 1 --- ---
0191-2615 Transportation research. Part B: methodological 1 1879-2367 ---
0191-4537 Philosophy & social criticism 1 1461-734X ---
0191-491X Studies in educational evaluation 1 --- ---
0191-5886 Journal of nonverbal behavior 1 1573-3653 ---
0191-6599 History of European ideas 1 1873-541X ---
0191-8141 Journal of structural geology 1 --- ---
0191-8575 Ocean yearbook 1, vanaf 2015 --- ---
0191-8869 Personality and individual differences 1 1873-3549 ---
0192-0790 Journal of clinical gastroenterology 1 --- ---
0192-2882 Theatre journal (Washington, D.C.) 1 --- ---
0192-5121 International political science review = Revista internacional de ciencia politica 1 1460-373X ---
0192-513X Journal of family issues 1 --- ---
0192-6187 The American journal of family therapy 1 --- ---
0192-8651 Journal of computational chemistry 1 1096-987X ---
0193-1849 American journal of physiology: endocrinology and metabolism 1 --- ---
0193-1857 American journal of physiology: Gastrointestinal and liver physiology 1 1522-1547 ---
0193-3892 La Corónica 1 --- ---
0193-3973 Journal of applied developmental psychology 1 1873-7900 ---
0193-600X The journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 1 --- ---
0193-7235 Journal of sport and social issues 1 1552-7638 ---
0193-7758 IRB 1 --- ---
0193-9459 Western journal of nursing research 1 --- ---
0193-953X The Psychiatric clinics of North America 1 --- ---
0194-2638 Physical & occupational therapy in pediatrics 1 1541-3144 ---
0194-4363 Journal of the American Planning Association 1 --- ---
0194-472X Journal of marital and family therapy 1 1752-0606 ---
0194-5998 Otolaryngology and head and neck surgery 1 1097-6817 ---
0194-6595 International journal of the sociology of law (Print) 1 --- ---
0194-911X Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. 1979) 1 1524-4563 ---
0195-3613 Journal of labor research 1 --- ---
0195-6051 The Journal of popular film and television (Print) 1 1930-6458 ---
0195-6108 American journal of neuroradiology 1 1936-959X ---
0195-6574 The Energy journal (Cambridge, Mass.) 1 1944-9089 ---
0195-6663 Appetite (Print) 1 1095-8304 ---
0195-668X European heart journal 1 1522-9645 ---
0195-6698 European journal of combinatorics (Print) = Europäische Zeitschrift für Kombinatorik 1 1095-9971 ---
0195-6701 The Journal of hospital infection 1 1532-2939 ---
0195-6744 American journal of education (Chicago, Ill.) 1 --- ---
0195-7732 Women & politics 1 --- ---
0195-7910 The American journal of forensic medicine and pathology 1 --- ---
0195-9131 Medicine and science in sports and exercise 1 1530-0315 ---
0195-9255 Environmental impact assessment review 1 1873-6432 ---
0195-928X International journal of thermophysics 1 --- ---
0196-0202 Ear and hearing (Print) 1 1538-4667 ---
0196-0644 Annals of emergency medicine 1 1097-6760 ---
0196-1365 International journal of therapeutic communities 1 --- ---
0196-2043 Oregon law review 1 --- ---
0196-206X Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics 1 1536-7312 ---
0196-2892 IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 1 1558-0644 ---
0196-3570 World literature today 1 --- ---
0196-4763 Cytometry (New York, N.Y.) 1 --- ---
0196-6553 American journal of infection control 1 1527-3296 ---
0196-6774 Journal of algorithms (Print) 1 --- ---
0196-8599 Journal of communication inquiry 1 1552-4612 ---
0196-8904 Energy conversion and management 1 1879-2227 ---
0196-9722 Cybernetics and systems 1 --- ---
0196-9781 Peptides (New York, NY : 1980) 1 1873-5169 ---
0197-0186 Neurochemistry international 1 --- ---
0197-2227 Classical and modern literature 1 --- ---
0197-2243 The Information society 1 1087-6537 ---
0197-2456 Controlled clinical trials 1 --- ---
0197-3533 Basic and applied social psychology 1 1532-4834 ---
0197-3851 Prenatal diagnosis (Print) 1 1097-0223 ---
0197-3975 Habitat international 1 1873-5428 ---
0197-4254 Atlantic economic journal 1 --- ---
0197-4556 The Arts in psychotherapy 1 1873-5878 ---
0197-4572 Geriatric nursing (New York) 1 1528-3984 ---
0197-4580 Neurobiology of aging (Print) 1 1558-1497 ---
0197-5897 Journal of public health policy 1 --- ---
0197-6664 Family relations 1 1741-3729 ---
0197-6729 Journal of advanced transportation 1 2042-3195 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0197-6745 Dictionaries 1 2160-5076 ---
0197-7261 Lithic technology 1 2051-6185 ---
0197-9183 The International migration review 1 1747-7379 ---
0197-9337 Earth surface processes and landforms (Print) 1 1096-9837 ---
0198-6325 Medicinal research reviews (Print) 1 --- ---
0198-8859 Human immunology 1 --- ---
0198-9715 Computers, environment and urban systems 1 1873-7587 ---
0199-0039 Population and environment 1 --- ---
0204-3467 Physics of low-Dimensional structures 1 --- ---
0204-9805 Pliska = Pliska 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0210-1041 Concilium (Estella) 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0210-1602 Teorema (Valencia) 1 --- ---
0210-1874 Revista española de lingüística 1 --- ---
0210-1963 Arbor (Madrid) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0210-2412 Revista española de financiación y contabilidad 1 2332-0753 ---
0210-2900 Mayéutica 1 --- ---
0210-3702 Infancia y aprendizaje (Print) 1 1578-4126 ---
0210-4547 Anales de literatura hispanoamericana 1 1988-2351 ---
0210-5233 Revista española de investigaciones sociológicas (Ed. en español) 1 --- ---
0210-5551 Revista catalana de teología 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0210-5691 Medicina intensiva (Madrid. Ed. impresa) 1 1578-6749 ---
0210-6124 Atlantis (1979) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0211-0547 Cuadernos de investigación filológica 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0211-0784 Treballs de sociolingüística catalana 1, vanaf 2015 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0211-2124 Novática 1 --- ---
0211-2159 Psicológica (Valencia. Ed. impresa) 1 1576-8597 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0211-3589 Al-Qantara (Madrid) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0211-5638 Fisioterapia (Madrid. Ed. impresa) 1, vanaf 2013 --- ---
0211-5913 Revista canaria de estudios ingleses 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0211-6820 Cuadernos de investigación geográfica = Geographical research letters 1, vanaf 2015 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0211-6995 Nefrología (Madrid) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0211-819X Educar 1 2014-8801 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0211-9536 Dynamis (Granada) 1 --- ---
0212-1573 Documents d'anàlisi geogràfica 1, vanaf 2015 2014-4512 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0212-1611 Nutrición hospitalaria 1 1699-5198 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0212-4521 Enseñanza de las ciencias 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0212-5730 Aula orientalis 1 --- ---
0212-6109 Revista de historia económica 1 --- ---
0212-7458 Bolletí de la Societat Arqueològica Luliana (1978) 1 --- ---
0212-7636 Estudios de linguística 1 2171-6692 ---
0212-9728 Anales de psicología 1 --- ---
0213-2028 Revista española de lingüística aplicada 1 --- ---
0213-2370 RILCE 1 2174-0917 ---
0213-2958 Anales de filología francesa 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0213-3563 Azafea (Salamanca) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0213-3911 Histology and histopathology 1 --- ---
0213-4853 Neurología (Barcelona. Ed. impresa) 1 1578-1968 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0213-9111 Gaceta sanitaria (Barcelona. Ed. impresa) 1 1578-1283 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0214-2996 Filología neotestamentaria 1 --- ---
0214-7564 Gazeta de antropología 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0214-7823 Papeles del psicólogo 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0214-8188 Caplletra (Valencia) 1, vanaf 2015 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0214-8560 Edetania (Godella) 1 --- ---
0214-8676 Doxa (Alicante) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0214-9117 Boletín galego de literatura 1 --- ---
0214-9141 Sintagma (Lleida) 1 2013-6455 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0214-9915 Psicothema (Oviedo) 1 1886-144X Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0216-1281 Indonesian JELT 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0217-4561 Asia Pacific journal of management 1 1572-9958 ---
0217-5908 Singapore economic review 1 1793-6837 ---
0217-5959 Asia-Pacific journal of operational research 1 --- ---
0217-9792 International journal of modern physics b 1 1793-6578 ---
0218-0014 International journal of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence 1 --- ---
0218-1967 International journal of algebra and computation 1 --- ---
0218-2130 International journal on artificial intelligence tools 1 --- ---
0218-348X Fractals (Singapore) 1 --- ---
0218-4885 International journal of uncertainty, fuzziness and knowledge-based systems 1 --- ---
0218-4958 Journal of enterprising culture 1 --- ---
0218-5377 Asian journal of political science 1 --- ---
0218-8104 Hand surgery (Print) 1, vanaf 2004 1793-6535 ---
0218-8430 International journal of cooperative information systems (Singapore) 1 --- ---
0218-8791 Asia Pacific journal of education 1 --- ---
0219-0249 International journal of theoretical and applied finance 1 --- ---
0219-0508 Singapore journal of international & comparative law 1 --- ---
0219-0915 Review of Pacific Basin financial markets and policies 1 --- ---
0219-1377 Knowledge and information systems (Print) 1 0219-3116 ---
0219-1989 International game theory review 1 --- ---
0219-4988 Journal of algebra and its applications 1 --- ---
0219-5259 Advances in complex systems (Print) 1 1793-6802 ---
0219-6220 International journal of information technology & decision making (Print, Singapore) 1 --- ---
0219-6913 International journal of wavelets, multiresolution and information processing (Singapore : Print) 1 --- ---
0219-7499 International journal of quantum information 1 --- ---
0219-8436 International journal of humanoid robotics 1 --- ---
0219-8770 International journal of innovation and technology management (Print) 1 --- ---
0220-5610 Cahiers victoriens & édouardiens 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0221-0363 Journal de radiologie (Paris) 1 --- ---
0221-5896 Ktema (Strasbourg) 1 --- ---
0222-9838 L'Information grammaticale (Paris) 1 1783-1601 ---
0223-0143 La Revue du financier (Paris) 1 --- ---
0223-3290 Hommes et migrations. Documents 1 --- ---
0223-3711 Revue des langues romanes 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0223-5102 Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité (Imprimé) 1 1724-2134 ---
0225-0500 Canadian journal of Netherlandic studies = Revue canadienne d'études néerlandaises 1 1924-9918 ---
0225-5189 Revue canadienne d'études du développement = Canadian journal of development studies 1 --- ---
0225-9885 Revue québécoise de psychologie 1 --- ---
0226-0174 Moyen français 1 --- ---
0226-1766 Connections (Toronto) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0226-8043 Quaderni d'italianistica 1 2293-7382 ---
0227-5910 Crisis (Toronto) 1 2151-2396 ---
0228-1635 Journal of Ukrainian studies = Žurnal ukrajinoznavčyh studij 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0233-1888 Statistics (Berlin) 1 1029-4910 ---
0235-7186 Filosofija. Sociologija (Spausdinta) 1 --- ---
0239-426X Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio FF, Philologiae 1 --- ---
0240-8678 Cahiers de civilisation médiévale. Bibliographie 1 --- ---
0242-5416 Journal des sociétés civiles et commerciales 1 --- ---
0242-7702 Nouvelles de l'archéologie 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) 2425-1941 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0243-6671 Chronique d'histoire maritime 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0244-7827 Politique africaine (Paris) 1 --- ---
0246-8743 Linx (Nanterre) 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0247-9788 Droit et cultures 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0248-1294 Fruits (Imprimé) 1 1625-967X ---
0248-4900 Biology of the cell 1 --- ---
0249-5627 Agronomie (Print) 1 --- ---
0249-6208 Journal de médecine légale droit médical 1 --- ---
0249-6267 Modèles linguistiques 1 --- ---
0249-6739 L'Orientation scolaire et professionnelle 1 --- ---
0249-7638 Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française 1 1760-7361 ---
0249-9185 Cahiers de psychologie cognitive 1 --- ---
0250-0167 Communicatio (Pretoria) 1 --- ---
0250-3751 Developments in ophthalmology 1 --- ---
0250-6807 Annals of nutrition & metabolism 1 1421-9697 ---
0250-7005 Anticancer research (print) 1 1791-7530 ---
0250-7161 EURE (Santiago. Impresa) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0250-8060 Water international 1 1941-1707 ---
0250-8281 Tourism Recreation Research (Print) 1 --- ---
0250-832X Dento-maxillo-facial radiology 1 1476-542X ---
0251-1088 Environmentalist (Lausanne) 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0251-2513 Bulletin - AIOSP = Bulletin - IVSBB 1 --- ---
0251-3102 Revue de tourisme = Zeitschrift für Fremdenverkehr 1 --- ---
0251-3420 Derecho PUCP 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0251-3625 DISP 1 2166-8604 ---
0251-4184 Acta mathematica Vietnamica 1 --- ---
0251-5350 Neuroepidemiology 1 --- ---
0252-2667 Journal of information & optimization sciences 1 --- ---
0252-8843 Revista de crítica literaria latinoamericana 1 --- ---
0253-0465 Krankenpflege = Cure infermieristiche 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0253-1933 Revue scientifique et technique - Office international des épizooties (Imprimé) = Revista científica y técnica - Oficina internacional de epizootias 1 --- ---
0253-2409 Ranliao huaxue xuebao = Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology 1 --- ---
0253-3952 Social dynamics 1 1940-7874 ---
0253-6412 Boletín de la Sociedad suiza de estudios hispánicos 1, vanaf 2014 --- ---
0253-7222 Journal of Dharma 1 --- ---
0254-1106 Revista crítica de ciências sociais 1, vanaf 2015 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0254-1807 Scriptura 1 2305-445X Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0254-3486 Die Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir natuurwetenskap en tegnologie 1 --- ---
0254-4296 Annales aequatoria 1 --- ---
0254-4962 Psychopathology 1 1423-033X ---
0254-5330 Annals of operation research 1 1572-9338 ---
0254-8356 Neotestamentica 1 2518-4628 ---
0254-8372 Journal of economic development 1 --- ---
0255-7614 International journal of music education 1 1744-795X ---
0255-8106 Journal of international arbitration 1 2212-182X ---
0256-0046 Critical arts 1 1992-6049 ---
0256-0100 South African journal of education = Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Opvoedkunde 1 2076-3433 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0256-2804 Africa insight 1 --- ---
0256-2928 European journal of psychology of education (Lisboa) = Journal europeen de psychologie de l'education 1 1878-5174 ---
0256-4718 Journal of literary studies = Tydskrif vir literatuurwetenskap 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0256-7504 Southern African journal of environmental education = Suider-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir omgewingsopvoeding 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0256-8845 Politeia (Pretoria) 1 --- ---
0256-887X South African journal for librarianship and information science = Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir biblioteek- en inligtingwese 1 , vanaf 2015 --- ---
0256-9574 SAMJ. South African medical journal = SAMT. Suid-Afrikaanse mediese tydskrif 1 2078-5135 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0256-9604 Versants (Lausanne. Imprimé) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0257-0130 Queueing systems 1 1572-9443 ---
0257-2117 South African journal of african languages = Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir afrikatale 1 2305-1159 ---
0257-4667 Biserica ortodoxă română 1 --- ---
0257-7747 Tydskrif vir die suid-afrikaanse reg = Journal of south african law 1 1996-2207 ---
0257-9774 Anthropos (Fribourg) 1 --- ---
0258-0136 South African journal of philosophy = Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir wysbegeerte 1 2073-4867 ---
0258-0144 Die Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir sosiologie = South African journal of sociology 1 --- ---
0258-0802 Literatūra (Vilnius. Spausdinta) = Литература 1, vanaf 2013 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0258-2236 Perspectives in education (Johannesburg) 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0258-414X The journal of forensic odonto-stomatology 1 2219-6749 ---
0258-5200 SA journal of industrial psychology (Print) 1 2071-0763 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0258-5316 Journal of the Faculty of Architecture = Mimarlık Fakültesi dergisi 1 --- ---
0258-655X Ploutarkhos 1 --- ---
0258-6770 The World Bank economic review (Print) 1 1564-698X ---
0258-7203 South African journal on human rights 1 --- ---
0258-8501 Journal of West Indian literature 1 --- ---
0258-851X In vivo (Athens) 1 --- ---
0258-8900 Bulletin of volcanology (Print) 1 1432-0819 ---
0258-9001 Journal of contemporary african studies 1 1469-9397 ---
0259-0131 Journal of Northwest Semitic languages 1 --- ---
0259-238X Asia-Pacific population journal (Print) 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0259-479X Journal of education (Durban) 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0259-6199 Cahiers de linguistique française (Imprimé) 1 --- ---
0259-9422 HTS teologiese studies (Print) = HTS theological studies 1 2072-8050 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0259-9570 Tydskrif vir taalonderrig = Ijenali yekufundzisa lulwimi 1 --- ---
0260-1370 International journal of lifelong education 1 1464-519X ---
0260-2105 Review of international studies (Print) 1 1469-9044 ---
0260-2938 Assessment and evaluation in higher education 1 1469-297X ---
0260-3055 Annals of glaciology 1 1727-5644 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0260-437X JAT. Journal of applied toxicology 1 --- ---
0260-6917 Nurse education today 1 1532-2793 ---
0260-7476 JET. Journal of education for teaching (Print) 1 1360-0540 ---
0260-8774 Journal of food engineering 1 1873-5770 ---
0261-0183 CSP. Critical social policy 1 1461-703X ---
0261-1279 Early music history 1 --- ---
0261-1929 ATLA. Alternatives to laboratory animals 1 --- ---
0261-2194 Crop protection 1 --- ---
0261-3069 Materials in engineering 1 --- ---
0261-3794 Electoral studies 1 1873-6890 ---
0261-4189 EMBO journal (Print) 1 1460-2075 ---
0261-4340 Italianist 1 1748-619X ---
0261-4367 Leisure studies (Print) 1 1466-4496 ---
0261-510X British journal of developmental psychology 1 2044-835X ---
0261-5177 Tourism management (1982) 1 1879-3193 ---
0261-5479 Social work education 1 1470-1227 ---
0261-5606 Journal of international money and finance 1 1873-0639 ---
0261-5614 Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh) 1 1532-1983 ---
0261-927X Journal of language and social psychology 1 1552-6526 ---
0261-9768 European journal of teacher education (Print) 1 1469-5928 ---
0261-9903 Journal of advertising (Eastbourne) 1 --- ---
0262-1711 Journal of management development 1 1758-7492 ---
0262-5245 Music analysis 1 1468-2249 ---
0262-5253 Oxford journal of archaeology (Print) 1 1468-0092 ---
0262-6667 Hydrological sciences journal = Journal des sciences hydrologiques 1 2150-3435 ---
0262-7612 Enlightenment and dissent 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0263-0338 African archaeological review 1 1572-9842 ---
0263-211X Educational management & administration 1 --- ---
0263-2136 Family practice (Print) 1 1460-2229 ---
0263-2241 Measurement (London. Print) 1 1873-412X ---
0263-2373 European management journal 1 1873-5681 ---
0263-2764 Theory, culture & society 1 1460-3616 ---
0263-323X Journal of law and society (Print) 1 1467-6478 ---
0263-3264 Yearbook of European law 1 2045-0044 ---
0263-3957 Politics (Manchester. Print) 1 1467-9256 ---
0263-4368 International journal of refractory & hard metals 1 --- ---
0263-4503 Marketing intelligence & planning 1 1758-8049 ---
0263-4937 Central Asian survey 1 1465-3354 ---
0263-5143 Research in science & technological education 1 --- ---
0263-5232 Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 1 --- ---
0263-5577 Industrial management + data systems 1 --- ---
0263-6352 Journal of hypertension 1 1473-5598 ---
0263-6751 Anglo-Saxon England 1 --- ---
0263-774X Environment and planning. C, Government & policy (Print) 1 1472-3425 ---
0263-7758 Environment and planning. D, Society & space (Print) 1 1472-3433 ---
0263-7863 International journal of project management 1 1873-4634 ---
0263-7960 Built environment (London. 1978) 1 --- ---
0263-8223 Composite structures 1 --- ---
0263-8231 Thin-walled structures 1 --- ---
0263-9904 Romance studies 1 1745-8153 ---
0264-0414 Journal of sports sciences (Print) 1 1466-447X ---
0264-0473 Electronic library 1 --- ---
0264-1615 Interlending & document supply 1 --- ---
0264-2069 Service industries journal 1 1743-9507 ---
0264-2751 Cities 1 1873-6084 ---
0264-3294 Cognitive neuropsychology (Print) 1 1464-0627 ---
0264-3707 Journal of geodynamics 1 --- ---
0264-3758 Journal of applied philosophy (Print) 1 1468-5930 ---
0264-410X Vaccine 1 1873-2518 ---
0264-5505 Probation journal 1 1741-3079 ---
0264-6021 Biochemical journal (London. 1984) 1 1470-8728 ---
0264-6811 Journal of energy & natural resources law 1 --- ---
0264-6838 Journal of reproductive and infant psychology 1 --- ---
0264-8172 Marine and petroleum geology 1 --- ---
0264-8334 Paragraph (Modern Critical Theory Group) 1 --- ---
0264-8377 Land use policy 1 1873-5754 ---
0264-8725 Biotechnology & genetic engineering reviews 1 --- ---
0264-9381 Classical and quantum gravity (Print) 1 1361-6382 ---
0264-9993 Economic modelling 1 1873-6122 ---
0265-0215 European journal of anaesthesiology 1 1365-2346 ---
0265-0487 International journal of advertising 1 1759-3948 ---
0265-0517 British journal of music education (Print) 1 1469-2104 ---
0265-0533 Journal of social work practice 1 1465-3885 ---
0265-1335 International marketing review 1 --- ---
0265-203X Food additives and contaminants 1 --- ---
0265-2323 International journal of bank marketing 1 1758-5937 ---
0265-2897 Buddhist studies review 1 1747-9681 ---
0265-4075 Journal of social and personal relationships 1 1460-3608 ---
0265-5012 IDS bulletin (Brighton. 1985) 1 1759-5436 ---
0265-5322 Language testing 1 1477-0946 ---
0265-539X Community dental health 1 --- ---
0265-5527 Howard journal of criminal justice (Print) 1 1468-2311 ---
0265-6914 European history quarterly 1 1461-7110 ---
0265-8135 Environment & planning. B, Planning & design (Print) 1 1472-3417 ---
0265-8240 Law & policy (Print) 1 1467-9930 ---
0265-8305 Print quarterly 1 --- ---
0265-9247 BioEssays 1 1521-1878 ---
0265-931X Journal of environmental radioactivity 1 1879-1700 ---
0265-9646 Space policy 1 1879-338X ---
0265-9883 British journal of psychotherapy 1 1752-0118 ---
0266-0032 Soil use and management 1 1475-2743 ---
0266-1144 Geotextiles and geomembranes 1 --- ---
0266-2426 International small business journal 1 1741-2870 ---
0266-2671 Economics and philosophy 1 1474-0028 ---
0266-3538 Composites science and technology 1 --- ---
0266-4623 International journal of technology assessment in health care (Print) 1 1471-6348 ---
0266-464X NTQ. New theatre quarterly 1 --- ---
0266-4658 Economic policy (Print) 1 1468-0327 ---
0266-4666 Econometric theory (Print) 1 1469-4360 ---
0266-4763 Journal of applied statistics 1 1360-0532 ---
0266-4909 Journal of computer assisted learning (Print) 1 1365-2729 ---
0266-5433 Planning perspectives (Print) 1 1466-4518 ---
0266-5611 Inverse problems (Print) 1 --- ---
0266-612X Intensive care nursing (Edinburgh) 1 --- ---
0266-6138 Midwifery 1 1532-3099 ---
0266-6286 Word & image (London. 1985) 1 1943-2178 ---
0266-6669 Information development 1 1741-6469 ---
0266-7177 Modern theology (Print) 1 1468-0025 ---
0266-7215 European sociological review 1 1468-2672 ---
0266-7681 Journal of hand surgery. British volume 1 --- ---
0266-8009 Communications (London) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0266-8254 Letters in applied microbiology 1 --- ---
0266-8734 Psychoanalytic psychotherapy 1 --- ---
0266-903X Oxford review of economic policy (Print) 1 1460-2121 ---
0267-1522 Research papers in education 1 1470-1146 ---
0267-1611 Educational and child psychology 1 --- ---
0267-257X MM. Journal of marketing management 1 1472-1376 ---
0267-3037 Housing studies 1 1466-1810 ---
0267-3231 European journal of communication (London) 1 1460-3705 ---
0267-3649 Computer law and security report (Print) 1 1873-6734 ---
0267-3843 International journal of adolescence and youth 1 2164-4527 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0267-4424 Financial accountability & management (Print) 1 1468-0408 ---
0267-4971 Newsletter - Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas 1 --- ---
0267-5730 International journal of technology management = Intanashonaru janaru-obu-tekunarogi 1 1741-5276 ---
0267-6583 Second language research 1 1477-0326 ---
0267-7091 Philosophical notes 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) 2042-2768 ---
0267-7261 Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering (1984) 1 1879-341X ---
0267-7768 Construction history 1 --- ---
0267-8179 JQS. Journal of quaternary science (Print) 1 1099-1417 ---
0267-8357 Mutagenesis 1 --- ---
0267-8373 Work and stress 1 1464-5335 ---
0267-9477 Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry (Print) 1 1364-5544 ---
0268-0033 Clinical biomechanics (Bristol) 1 1879-1271 ---
0268-005X Food hydrocolloids 1 1873-7137 ---
0268-0556 Arab law quarterly 1 --- ---
0268-0939 Journal of education policy 1 1464-5106 ---
0268-1072 New technology, work and employment (Print) 1 1468-005X ---
0268-1080 Health policy and planning (Print) 1 1460-2237 ---
0268-1145 Literary and linguistic computing 1 1477-4615 ---
0268-1153 Health education research 1 1465-3648 ---
0268-1161 Human reproduction (Oxford. Print) 1 1460-2350 ---
0268-1315 International clinical psychopharmacology 1 1473-5857 ---
0268-2575 Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (1986) 1 1097-4660 ---
0268-3369 Bone marrow transplantation (Basingstoke) 1 1476-5365 ---
0268-3768 International journal, advanced manufacturing technology 1 1433-3015 ---
0268-3946 Journal of managerial psychology 1 1758-7778 ---
0268-3962 JIT. Journal of information technology (Print) 1 1466-4437 ---
0268-4012 International journal of information management 1 1873-4707 ---
0268-4160 Continuity and change (Print) 1 1469-218X ---
0268-4527 Intelligence and national security 1 1743-9019 ---
0268-540X Anthropology today 1 1467-8322 ---
0268-5809 International sociology 1 1461-7242 ---
0268-6902 Managerial auditing journal 1 1758-7735 ---
0268-7038 Aphasiology 1 1464-5041 ---
0268-7518 Church monuments 1 --- ---
0268-8697 British journal of neurosurgery (Print) 1 1360-046X ---
0268-8921 Lasers in medical science 1 --- ---
0268-960X Blood reviews 1 --- ---
0269-1191 French history 1 1477-4542 ---
0269-1205 Literature & theology 1 1477-4623 ---
0269-1213 Renaissance studies 1 1477-4658 ---
0269-2155 Clinical rehabilitation 1 1477-0873 ---
0269-2163 Palliative medicine 1 1477-030X ---
0269-2171 International review of applied economics 1 --- ---
0269-2813 Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics 1 1365-2036 ---
0269-2821 Artificial intelligence review 1 --- ---
0269-283X Medical and veterinary entomology (Print) 1 1365-2915 ---
0269-4727 Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics (Print) 1 1365-2710 ---
0269-5022 Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology (Print) 1 1365-3016 ---
0269-7459 Planning practice + research (Print) 1 1360-0583 ---
0269-7491 Environmental pollution (1987) 1 1873-6424 ---
0269-7580 International review of victimology 1 2047-9433 ---
0269-7653 Evolutionary ecology 1 --- ---
0269-8463 Functional ecology (Print) 1 1365-2435 ---
0269-8595 International studies in the philosophy of science 1 1469-9281 ---
0269-8803 Journal of psychophysiology 1 --- ---
0269-8811 Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford) 1 1461-7285 ---
0269-8889 Knowledge engineering review (Print) 1 --- ---
0269-8897 Science in context 1 1474-0664 ---
0269-9052 Brain injury (London. Print) 1 1362-301X ---
0269-9206 Clinical linguistics & phonetics 1 --- ---
0269-9370 AIDS (London) 1 1473-5571 ---
0269-9702 Bioethics (Oxford. Print) 1 1467-8519 ---
0269-9931 Cognition and emotion (Print) 1 1464-0600 ---
0269-994X Applied psychology (Print) = Psychologie appliquée 1 1464-0597 ---
0270-1367 Research quarterly for exercise and sport 1 2168-3824 ---
0270-210X Bulletin of the Egyptological Seminar 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0270-2592 The Journal of financial research 1 --- ---
0270-319X Legal reference services quarterly 1 --- ---
0270-4676 Bulletin of science, technology & society 1 --- ---
0270-5192 Cardozo law review 1 --- ---
0270-5664 International studies in philosophy = Studi internazionali di filosofia 1 --- ---
0270-6474 The Journal of neuroscience 1 1529-2401 ---
0270-7306 Molecular and cellular biology (Print) 1 1098-5549 ---
0270-7314 The journal of futures markets 1 1096-9934 ---
0270-854X The John Marshall law review 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0270-9139 Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) 1 1527-3350 ---
0271-0137 The Journal of mind and behavior 1 --- ---
0271-0749 Journal of clinical psychopharmacology 1 1533-712X ---
0271-2075 Public administration and development (Print) 1 1099-162X ---
0271-2075 Public administration and development (Print) 1 --- ---
0271-3586 American journal of industrial medicine (Print) 1 1097-0274 ---
0271-3683 Current eye research (Print) 1 1460-2202 ---
0271-5309 Language & communication 1 1873-3395 ---
0271-5317 Nutrition research (New York, N.Y.) 1 --- ---
0271-5333 Radiographics 1 --- ---
0271-678X Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism 1 1559-7016 ---
0271-7123 Social science & medicine. Part A, Medical sociology 1 --- ---
0271-9142 Journal of clinical immunology 1 --- ---
0272-1716 IEEE computer graphics and applications 1 1558-1756 ---
0272-2631 Studies in second language acquisition 1 1470-1545 ---
0272-2690 Language problems & language planning 1 1569-9889 ---
0272-3638 Urban geography 1 1938-2847 ---
0272-3646 Physical geography 1 1930-0557 ---
0272-4316 Journal of early adolescence 1 1552-5449 ---
0272-4332 Risk analysis 1 1539-6924 ---
0272-4391 Drug development research (Print) 1 1098-2299 ---
0272-4936 Annals of tropical paediatrics 1 --- ---
0272-4944 Journal of environmental psychology 1 1522-9610 ---
0272-4960 IMA journal of applied mathematics 1 --- ---
0272-4987 The Quarterly journal of experimental psychology. A, Human experimental psychology 1 1464-0740 ---
0272-4995 Quarterly journal of experimental psychology. B, Comparative and physiological psychology (Print) 1 1464-1321 ---
0272-5231 Clinics in chest medicine 1 1557-8216 ---
0272-6351 Particulate science and technology 1 --- ---
0272-6386 American journal of kidney diseases 1 1523-6838 ---
0272-6963 Journal of operations management 1 1873-1317 ---
0272-7358 Clinical psychology review 1 1873-7811 ---
0272-7714 Estuarine, coastal and shelf science (Print) 1 1096-0015 ---
0272-7757 Economics of education review 1 1873-7382 ---
0272-8842 Ceramics international 1 --- ---
0272-8893 Focus on learning problems in mathematics 1 --- ---
0272-930X Merrill-Palmer quarterly (1982) 1 1535-0266 ---
0272-9490 The American journal of occupational therapy 1 --- ---
0272-9601 Prooftexts (Print) 1 1086-3311 ---
0272-989X Medical decision making 1 1552-681X ---
0273-0340 The Henry James review 1 --- ---
0273-1177 Advances in space research 1 1879-1948 ---
0273-1223 Water science & technology 1 1996-9732 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0273-2173 Sociological spectrum 1 --- ---
0273-2297 Developmental review (Print) 1 1090-2406 ---
0273-2300 Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology 1 1096-0295 ---
0273-5024 Journal of teaching in physical education 1 1543-2769 ---
0275-004X Retina (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1 --- ---
0275-0392 Human rights quarterly 1 1085-794X ---
0275-0740 American review of public administration 1 1552-3357 ---
0275-1100 Public budgeting & finance (Print) 1 1540-5850 ---
0275-2565 American journal of primatology (Print) 1 1098-2345 ---
0275-5319 Research in international business and finance (Print) 1 1878-3384 ---
0275-7206 History and anthropology 1 --- ---
0276-2366 Imagination, cognition and personality (Print) 1 1541-4477 ---
0276-2374 Empirical studies of the arts (Print) 1 1541-4493 ---
0276-2854 Erasmus of Rotterdam Society yearbook 1 --- ---
0276-3478 The International journal of eating disorders (Print) 1 1098-108X ---
0276-3893 Journal of housing for the elderly 1 --- ---
0276-4741 Mountain research and development 1 1994-7151 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0276-5624 Research in social stratification and mobility 1 1878-5654 ---
0276-8739 Journal of policy analysis and management (Print) 1 1520-6688 ---
0276-9948 University of Illinois law review 1 --- ---
0277-0903 The Journal of asthma 1 1532-4303 ---
0277-2116 Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition 1 1536-4801 ---
0277-335X South Atlantic review 1 --- ---
0277-3740 Cornea 1 1536-4798 ---
0277-3791 Quaternary science reviews 1 1873-457X ---
0277-5395 Women's studies international forum 1 1879-243X ---
0277-6693 Journal of forecasting (Print) 1 1099-131X ---
0277-6715 Statistics in medicine (Print) 1 1097-0258 ---
0277-9269 The Journal of musicology (St. Joseph, Mich.) 1 --- ---
0277-9536 Social science & medicine (1982. Print) 1 1873-5347 ---
0278-0097 IEEE technology & society magazine 1 --- ---
0278-016X Social cognition 1 1943-2798 ---
0278-0240 Disease markers (Print) 1 --- ---
0278-0380 Auditing 1 1558-7991 ---
0278-1891 Pynchon notes 1, tot en met 2025 (0, vanaf 2026) --- ---
0278-2626 Brain and cognition 1 1090-2147 ---
0278-2715 Health affairs (Millwood, Va.) 1 1544-5208 ---
0278-3649 The international journal of robotics research 1 --- ---
0278-4165 Journal of anthropological archaeology (Print) 1 1090-2686 ---
0278-4254 Journal of accounting and public policy (Print) 1 1873-2070 ---
0278-4343 Continental shelf research 1 --- ---
0278-5846 Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry 1 1878-4216 ---
0278-6125 Journal of manufacturing systems 1 1878-6642 ---
0278-6133 Health psychology (Print) 1 1930-7810 ---
0278-6915 Food and chemical toxicology 1 1873-6351 ---
0278-7393 Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition 1 1939-1285 ---
0278-8969 Afro-Hispanic review 1 --- ---
0278-9671 Literature and medicine 1 --- ---
0279-0750 Pacific philosophical quarterly 1 1468-0114 ---
0279-1072 Journal of psychoactive drugs 1 --- ---
0279-6015 School psychology review 1 2372-966X ---
0280-6495 Tellus. Series A, Dynamic meteorology and oceanography 1 --- ---
0281-3432 Scandinavian journal of primary health care (Print) 1 1502-7724 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0282-0080 Glycoconjugate journal 1 1573-4986 ---
0282-423X Journal of official statistics 1 --- ---
0283-9318 Scandinavian journal of caring sciences 1 1471-6712 ---
0284-1851 Acta radiologica (1987) 1 1600-0455 ---
0284-186X Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden) 1 1651-226X ---
0284-4311 Scandinavian journal of plastic and reconstructive surgery and hand surgery (Print) 1 1651-2073 ---
0285-4821 Historia scientiarum 1 --- ---
0287-1637 Hikaku toshishi kenkyū = Comparative urban history review 1 --- ---
0289-0771 Journal of ethology 1 --- ---
0290-7402 Cahiers balkaniques (Paris) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0291-0233 Médecine & enfance 1 --- ---
0294-0442 Les Cahiers de la nouvelle = Journal of the short story in English 1 1916-6108 ---
0294-0736 Journal d'économie médicale 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0294-0868 Éducation et formations 1 --- ---
0294-1759 Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire 1 1950-6678 ---
0294-1805 Philosophie (Revue) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0295-1843 TLE. Théorie littérature enseignement 1 --- ---
0295-5024 Roman 20-50 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0295-5075 Europhysics letters (Print) 1 1286-4854 ---
0295-5830 Revue de droit des affaires internationales = International business law journal 1 1777-5655 ---
0300-0508 Physiotherapy Canada = Physiothérapie Canada 1 1708-8313 ---
0300-0605 Journal of international medical research 1 1473-2300 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0300-0664 Clinical endocrinology (Oxford. Print) 1 1365-2265 ---
0300-0729 Rhinology (Leiden) 1 1996-8604 ---
0300-2977 Netherlands journal of medicine (Print) 1 1872-9061 ---
0300-340X Rivista storica dell'antichità (Testo stampato) 1 --- ---
0300-3523 Protée 1 --- ---
0300-3930 Local government studies 1 1743-9388 ---
0300-4430 Early child development and care 1 1476-8275 ---
0300-483X Toxicology (Amsterdam) 1 1879-3185 ---
0300-5127 Biochemical Society transactions 1 --- ---
0300-5526 Intervirology 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0300-5577 Journal of perinatal medicine 1 --- ---
0300-5712 Journal of dentistry 1 1879-176X ---
0300-5771 International journal of epidemiology 1 1464-3685 ---
0300-693X Daphnis 1 --- ---
0300-7162 Diacritics (Print) 1 1080-6539 ---
0300-7839 Human ecology (New York, N.Y.) 1 1572-9915 ---
0300-7995 Current medical research and opinion 1 1473-4877 ---
0300-8126 Infection 1 1439-0973 ---
0300-8428 Basic research in cardiology (Print) 1 1435-1803 ---
0300-8495 Australian family physician 1 --- ---
0300-8916 Tumori (Milano) 1 2038-2529 ---
0300-8932 Revista española de cardiología (Ed. impresa) 1 1579-2242 ---
0300-8967 Acta psychiatrica Belgica 1 --- ---
0300-9009 Acta neurologica belgica 1 2240-2993 ---
0300-9475 Scandinavian journal of immunology (Print) 1 1365-3083 ---
0300-9564 Journal of neural transmission 1 1435-1463 ---
0300-9572 Resuscitation (London, Print) 1 1873-1570 ---
0300-9742 Scandinavian journal of rheumatology (Trykt. utg.) 1 1502-7732 ---
0300-9831 International journal for vitamin and nutrition research (Print) = Journal international de vitaminologie et de nutrition 1 1664-2821 ---
0301-0066 Perception (London. Print) 1 1468-4233 ---
0301-0082 Progress in neurobiology (Print) 1 1873-5118 ---
0301-0104 Chemical physics (Print) 1 1873-4421 ---
0301-0163 Hormone research 1 --- ---
0301-0430 Clinical nephrology 1 --- ---
0301-0511 Biological psychology 1 1873-6246 ---
0301-1526 VASA (Bern) 1 1664-2872 ---
0301-1569 ORL 1 --- ---
0301-1623 International urology and nephrology 1 --- ---
0301-2115 European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology 1 1872-7654 ---
0301-2212 Social behavior and personality 1 1179-6391 ---
0301-3294 ZGL. Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik 1 1613-0626 ---
0301-4207 Resources policy 1 1873-7641 ---
0301-4215 Energy policy 1 1873-6777 ---
0301-4428 Theoretical linguistics 1 1613-4060 ---
0301-4460 Annals of human biology 1 1464-5033 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0301-472X Experimental hematology (Print) 1 1873-2399 ---
0301-4797 Journal of environmental management 1 1095-8630 ---
0301-4800 Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology 1 --- ---
0301-5629 Ultrasound in medicine & biology 1 1879-291X ---
0301-5661 Community dentistry and oral epidemiology 1 --- ---
0301-620X Journal of bone and joint surgery. British volume (Print) 1 --- ---
0301-6226 Livestock production science (Print) 1 --- ---
0301-6307 Quaderni storici (Testo stampato) 1 --- ---
0301-634X Radiation and environmental biophysics 1 --- ---
0301-679X Tribology international 1 --- ---
0301-7605 Critique (Glasgow) 1, vanaf 2013 --- ---
0301-8121 Journal of Chinese philosophy 1 --- ---
0301-8202 Hart Bulletin (Gedrukt) 1 --- ---
0301-9268 Precambrian research 1 --- ---
0302-282X Neuropsychobiology 1 1423-0224 ---
0302-2838 European urology 1 1873-7560 ---
0302-3052 Mondes en développement (Imprimé) 1 1782-1444 ---
0302-3427 Science & public policy (Print) 1 1471-5430 ---
0302-5160 Historiographia linguistica (Print) 1 1569-9781 ---
0302-766X Cell and tissue research (Print) 1 1432-0878 ---
0302-8933 Archives of microbiology 1 --- ---
0302-9743 Lecture notes in computer science 1 1611-3349 ---
0303-1853 Agrekon (English ed.) 1 2078-0400 ---
0303-2434 ITC journal = Bulletin de l'ITC 1 --- ---
0303-2647 Biosystems (Amsterdam. Print) 1 1872-8324 ---
0303-4178 Poetica (Amsterdam) 1 --- ---
0303-4216 Topics in applied physics 1 --- ---
0303-4569 Andrologia (Berlin) 1 --- ---
0303-6456 Tijdschrift voor ziekenverpleging 1 --- ---
0303-6812 Journal of mathematical biology (Print) 1 1432-1416 ---
0303-6898 Scandinavian journal of statistics 1 1467-9469 ---
0303-6979 Journal of clinical periodontology 1 1600-051X ---
0303-7207 Molecular and cellular endocrinology (Print) 1 1872-8057 ---
0303-7339 Tijdschrift voor psychiatrie 1 1875-7456 ---
0303-8157 Pozna´n studies in the philosophy of the sciences and the humanities 1 --- ---
0303-8300 Social indicators research 1 1573-0921 ---
0303-8408 Sozial- und Präventivmedizin (Print) = Médecine sociale et préventive 1 --- ---
0303-8467 Clinical neurology and neurosurgery (Dutch-Flemish ed.) 1 1872-6968 ---
0303-9021 Vlaams dierengeneeskundig tijdschrift 1 --- ---
0303-965X Revue internationale des sciences administratives 1 2411-2909 ---
0303-9935 Tijdschrift voor sociale geschiedenis 1 --- ---
0304-0003 Lias (Nijmegen) 1 --- ---
0304-2294 Linguistica Antverpiensia 1 2295-5739 ---
0304-2421 Theory and society 1 1573-7853 ---
0304-2456 Bulletin de correspondance hellénique. Supplément 1 --- ---
0304-324X Gerontology (Basel) 1 1423-0003 ---
0304-3479 Russian literature (Print) 1 1878-3678 ---
0304-3487 Russian Linguistics 1 1572-8714 ---
0304-3754 Alternatives (Amsterdam) 1 --- ---
0304-3800 Ecological modelling 1 1872-7026 ---
0304-3835 Cancer letters (Print) 1 1872-7980 ---
0304-3878 Journal of development economics (Print) 1 1872-6089 ---
0304-3894 Journal of hazardous materials (Print) 1 1873-3336 ---
0304-3932 Journal of monetary economics (Print) 1 1873-1295 ---
0304-3940 Neuroscience letters (Print) 1 1872-7972 ---
0304-3959 Pain (Amsterdam. Print) 1 1872-6623 ---
0304-3975 Theoretical computer science 1 --- ---
0304-3991 Ultramicroscopy (Amsterdam) 1 --- ---
0304-4017 Veterinary parasitology (Print) 1 1873-2550 ---
0304-405X Journal of financial economics 1 1879-2774 ---
0304-4068 Journal of mathematical economics (Print) 1 1873-1538 ---
0304-4076 Journal of econometrics 1 1872-6895 ---
0304-4092 Dialectical anthropology 1 --- ---
0304-4130 European journal of political research 1 1475-6765 ---
0304-4165 Biochimica et biophysica acta. G, General subjects (Print) 1 --- ---
0304-4181 Journal of medieval history (Print) 1 1873-1279 ---
0304-419X Biochimica et biophysica acta, CR. Reviews on cancer 1 --- ---
0304-4203 Marine chemistry (Print) 1 1872-7581 ---
0304-422X Poetics (Amsterdam) 1 1872-7514 ---
0304-4319 Anuario de historia del derecho español 1 --- ---
0304-4602 Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0304-4971 Tijdschrift voor logopedie en audiologie 1 --- ---
0304-6257 Amsterdamer Beiträge zur neueren Germanistik 1 --- ---
0305-0009 Journal of child language (Print) 1 1469-7602 ---
0305-0068 Comparative education (Print) 1 1360-0486 ---
0305-0270 Journal of biogeography (Print) 1 1365-2699 ---
0305-0483 Omega (Oxford) 1 1873-5274 ---
0305-0548 Computers & operations research 1 1873-765X ---
0305-0785 Scottish literary journal 1 --- ---
0305-1048 Nucleic acids research 1 1362-4962 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0305-1498 Oxford literary review 1 1757-1634 ---
0305-1862 Child care health and development (Print) 1 1365-2214 ---
0305-1870 Clinical and experimental pharmacology & physiology 1 1440-1681 ---
0305-215X Engineering optimization (Print) 1 1029-0273 ---
0305-4179 Burns 1 1879-1409 ---
0305-4403 Journal of archaeological science (Print) 1 1095-9238 ---
0305-4470 Journal of physics. A, mathematical and general (Print) 1 1361-6447 ---
0305-4985 Oxford review of education 1 1465-3915 ---
0305-5698 Educational studies 1 1465-3400 ---
0305-5736 Policy and politics (Print) 1 1470-8442 ---
0305-6244 Review of African political economy 1 1740-1720 ---
0305-7070 Journal of Southern African studies 1 1465-3893 ---
0305-7240 Journal of moral education 1 1465-3877 ---
0305-7267 Studies in science education 1 1940-8412 ---
0305-7356 Psychology of music 1 --- ---
0305-7372 Cancer treatment reviews 1 1532-1967 ---
0305-7453 The journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy (Print) 1 1460-2091 ---
0305-7488 Journal of historical geography 1 --- ---
0305-750X World development 1 1873-5991 ---
0305-764X Cambridge journal of education (Print) 1 1469-3577 ---
0305-7925 Compare (Print) 1 1469-3623 ---
0305-9006 Progress in planning 1 --- ---
0305-9049 Oxford bulletin of economics and statistics (Print) 1 1468-0084 ---
0305-9332 Industrial Law journal (London) 1 1464-3669 ---
0306-0012 Chemical Society reviews (Print) 1 1460-4744 ---
0306-1078 Early music 1 1741-7260 ---
0306-1973 Literature and history 1 --- ---
0306-2619 Applied energy 1 1872-9118 ---
0306-2945 Lloyd's maritime and commercial law quarterly 1 --- ---
0306-3127 Social studies of science 1 1460-3659 ---
0306-3674 British journal of sports medicine 1 1473-0480 ---
0306-3968 Race & class 1 --- ---
0306-4379 Information systems (Oxford) 1 1873-6076 ---
0306-4522 Neuroscience 1 1873-7544 ---
0306-4530 Psychoneuroendocrinology 1 1873-3360 ---
0306-4565 Journal of thermal biology 1 --- ---
0306-4573 Information processing & management (Print) 1 1873-5371 ---
0306-4603 Addictive behaviors 1 1873-6327 ---
0306-5251 British journal of clinical pharmacology (Print) 1 1365-2125 ---
0306-6150 The Journal of peasant studies 1 1743-9361 ---
0306-624X International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology 1 1552-6933 ---
0306-6800 Journal of medical ethics 1 1473-4257 ---
0306-686X Journal of business finance & accounting (Print) 1 1468-5957 ---
0306-7319 International journal of environmental analytical chemistry (Print) 1 1029-0397 ---
0306-7734 International statistical review = Revue internationale de statistique 1 1751-5823 ---
0306-8293 International journal of social economics 1 1758-6712 ---
0306-9192 Food policy 1 1873-5657 ---
0306-9877 Medical hypotheses 1 1532-2777 ---
0307-0131 Byzantine and modern Greek studies 1 1749-625X ---
0307-0565 International journal of obesity 1 1476-5497 ---
0307-1022 Social history (London) 1 1470-1200 ---
0307-1847 RUSI (journal) 1, vanaf 2014 1744-0378 ---
0307-3378 Bulletin of economic research (Print) 1 --- ---
0307-4358 Managerial finance 1 --- ---
0307-5079 Studies in higher education (Dorchester-on-Thames) 1 1470-174X ---
0307-5133 Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 1 2514-0582 ---
0307-5400 European law review 1 --- ---
0307-661X TLS. Times literary supplement 1 --- ---
0307-6938 Clinical and experimental dermatology (Print) 1 --- ---
0307-8337 English language teaching journal (1973) 1 --- ---
0307-8833 Theatre research international 1 --- ---
0307-904X Applied mathematical modelling (Print) 1 1872-8480 ---
0307-9457 Avian pathology 1 1465-3338 ---
0308-0110 Medical education (Oxford. Print) 1 1365-2923 ---
0308-0188 ISR. Interdisciplinary science reviews 1 --- ---
0308-0226 British journal of occupational therapy 1 1477-6006 ---
0308-0765 Human rights review 1 --- ---
0308-1060 Transportation planning and technology 1 1029-0354 ---
0308-1079 International journal of general systems 1 --- ---
0308-275X Critique of anthropology 1 --- ---
0308-518X Environment & planning. A (Print) 1 1472-3409 ---
0308-521X Agricultural systems 1 1873-2267 ---
0308-5694 Imago mundi (Lympne) 1 --- ---
0308-5961 Telecommunications policy 1 1879-3258 ---
0308-597X Marine policy 1 1872-9460 ---
0308-7298 History of photography 1 --- ---
0308-8146 Food chemistry 1 1873-7072 ---
0308-8421 Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 1 --- ---
0308-8839 Maritime policy and management 1 1464-5254 ---
0309-0167 Histopathology (Oxford. Print) 1 1365-2559 ---
0309-0566 European journal of marketing 1 1758-7123 ---
0309-0590 Journal of European industrial training 1 --- ---
0309-0728 Industrial archaeology review 1 --- ---
0309-0892 Journal for the study of the Old Testament 1 --- ---
0309-1317 International journal of urban and regional research (Print) = Revue internationale de recherche urbaine et régionale 1 1468-2427 ---
0309-1325 Progress in human geography 1 1477-0288 ---
0309-1333 Progress in physical geography 1 --- ---
0309-166X Cambridge journal of economics 1 1464-3545 ---
0309-1708 Advances in water resources 1 --- ---
0309-1740 Meat science 1 1873-4138 ---
0309-2402 Journal of advanced nursing (Print) 1 1365-2648 ---
0309-2445 Publishing history 1 --- ---
0309-3247 Journal of strain analysis for engineering design 1 --- ---
0309-3646 Prosthetics and orthotics international 1 1746-1553 ---
0309-3891 Journal of consumer studies and home economics (Print) 1 --- ---
0309-5207 Journal of Beckett studies 1 1759-7811 ---
0309-6564 Dutch crossing 1 1759-7854 ---
0309-7234 European industrial relations review 1 --- ---
0309-7676 International business lawyer 1 --- ---
0309-8249 Journal of philosophy of education (Print) 1 1467-9752 ---
0309-8265 Journal of geography in higher education (Print) 1 1466-1845 ---
0310-057X Anaesthesia and intensive care 1 1448-0271 ---
0311-2543 Education, research and perspectives (Print) 1 1446-0017 ---
0312-407X Australian social work (Print) 1 --- ---
0312-5963 Clinical pharmacokinetics 1 1179-1926 ---
0313-6221 Parergon (Print) 1 1832-8334 ---
0315-0836 Canadian theatre review 1 1920-941X ---
0315-0860 Historia mathematica (Print) 1 --- ---
0315-162X Journal of rheumatology 1 1499-2752 ---
0315-5986 INFOR. Information systems and operational research 1 1916-0615 ---
0315-7997 Historical reflections = Réflexions historiques 1 --- ---
0316-0041 Criminologie (Montreal) 1 --- ---
0316-2923 Philosophiques 1, vanaf 2015 --- ---
0316-3024 Journal des traducteurs = Translator's journal 1 --- ---
0316-5345 Science et esprit 1 --- ---
0317-0861 Canadian public policy = Analyse de politiques 1 --- ---
0317-4956 Germano-Slavica 1 --- ---
0317-7173 Cartographica 1 --- ---
0318-6431 Canadian journal of sociology = Cahiers canadiens de sociologie 1 --- ---
0319-051X Canadian review of comparative literature = Revue canadienne de littérature comparée 1 1913-9659 ---
0319-5724 Canadian journal of statistics = Revue canadienne de statistique 1 --- ---
0319-7336 Hume studies 1 1947-9921 ---
0321-1711 Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ literatury i âzyka 1 --- ---
0323-1119 Anthropologie (Brno) 1 --- ---
0323-3847 Biometrical journal (1977) 1 1521-4036 ---
0323-4045 Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Germanistische Abteilung 1 --- ---
0323-7982 Zeitschrift für Germanistik 1 2235-1272 ---
0324-0495 Literaturna misʺl (Print) 1 1314-9237 ---
0324-4652 Neohelicon (Print) 1 1588-2810 ---
0324-8569 Control and Cybernetics 1 --- ---
0325-8203 Interdisciplinaria 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0331-7897 Higher education international 1 --- ---
0332-1428 Milltown studies 1 --- ---
0332-3315 Irish educational studies 1 --- ---
0332-5865 Nordic journal of linguistics (Trykt utg.) 1 1502-4717 ---
0333-1024 Cephalalgia (Oslo) 1 1468-2982 ---
0333-5372 Poetics today 1 1527-5507 ---
0334-0139 International journal of adolescent medicine and health 1 --- ---
0334-018X Journal of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism 1 2191-0251 ---
0334-1763 Reviews in the neurosciences 1 2191-0200 ---
0334-1860 Journal of intelligent systems 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0334-3049 International journal of medicine and law 1 --- ---
0334-4118 Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 1 --- ---
0334-4509 Scripta classica Israelica 1 --- ---
0334-5114 Symbiosis (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1 --- ---
0334-701X Jewish history 1 --- ---
0335-5322 Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales 1 --- ---
0336-1500 Communication et langages 1 1778-7459 ---
0338-0599 Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest 1 --- ---
0338-2389 Pratiques (Metz) 1 2425-2042 ---
0338-781X Communio (Paris) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0340-0131 International archives of occupational and environmental health = Internationales Archiv für Arbeits- und Umweltmedizin 1 1432-1246 ---
0340-0174 Zeitschrift für historische Forschung 1 --- ---
0340-0727 Psychological research (Print) = Psychologische Forschung (1974) 1 1430-2772 ---
0340-1200 Biological cybernetics 1 1432-0770 ---
0340-1804 Zeitschrift für Soziologie 1 2366-0325 ---
0340-2096 Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 1 1439-0264 ---
0340-2215 Studien zur altägyptischen Kultur 1 --- ---
0340-2398 Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft 1 --- ---
0340-2479 Zeitschrift für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht 1 --- ---
0340-2592 Der Urologe (Ausg. A) 1 --- ---
0340-3696 Archives of dermatological research (Print) = Archiv für dermatologische Forschung 1 1432-069X ---
0340-4528 Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur 1 1612-0442 ---
0340-5222 Anglia (Tübingen) 1 1865-8938 ---
0340-5354 Journal of neurology (Print) = Zeitschrift für Neurologie (1974) 1 1432-1459 ---
0340-5370 BFuP. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis 1 --- ---
0340-5443 Behavioral ecology and sociobiology (Print) 1 --- ---
0340-5761 Archives of toxicology 1 1432-0738 ---
0340-6199 European journal of pediatrics 1 1432-1076 ---
0340-6245 Thrombosis and haemostasis 1 --- ---
0340-627X Enchoria 1 --- ---
0340-6717 Human genetics 1 1432-1203 ---
0340-6849 Hölderlin-Jahrbuch 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0340-6997 European journal of nuclear medicine 1 --- ---
0340-7004 Cancer immunology and immunotherapy 1 1432-0851 ---
0340-7969 Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 1 --- ---
0340-8728 VSWG. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte 1 --- ---
0340-8744 Empirica 1 1573-6911 ---
0340-9341 Deutsche Sprache 1 1866-5233 ---
0340-9937 Herz (München. Print) 1 1615-6692 ---
0341-0137 Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 1 --- ---
0341-1966 Kriminologisches Journal 1 --- ---
0341-2040 Lung (New York) 1 1432-1750 ---
0341-2059 Communications (Sankt Augustin) 1 1613-4087 ---
0341-2695 International orthopaedics 1 1432-5195 ---
0341-2873 Archäologische Informationen 1 --- ---
0341-6593 DTW. Deutsche tierärztliche Wochenschrift 1 --- ---
0341-7638 Journal of literary semantics 1 1613-3838 ---
0341-8162 Catena (Cremlingen) 1 1872-6887 ---
0341-8375 Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte. Beiheft Literaturbericht 1 --- ---
0341-8693 Internationale katholische Zeitschrift 1 --- ---
0341-9142 Istanbuler Mitteilungen 1 --- ---
0342-0299 Dacoromania (Freiburg) 1 --- ---
0342-1279 Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Abteilung Kairo 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0342-1422 Nietzsche-Studien 1 1613-0790 ---
0342-1430 Theologische Quartalschrift (München) 1 --- ---
0342-1457 Theologie der Gegenwart 1, tot en met 2025 (0, vanaf 2026) --- ---
0342-2356 Ugarit-Forschungen 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0342-2747 Familiendynamik 1 --- ---
0342-2852 Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte 1 --- ---
0342-300X WSI-Mitteilungen 1 --- ---
0342-4642 Intensive care medicine (Print) 1 1432-1238 ---
0342-5282 International journal of rehabilitation research = Revue internationale de recherches en réadaptation 1 1473-5660 ---
0342-5932 Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft 1 --- ---
0342-7064 Die Betriebswirtschaft (Stuttgart) = Business administration review : BARev 1 --- ---
0342-734X Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0342-8117 Phänomenologische Forschungen = Recherches phénoménologiques 1 2567-5494 ---
0342-9857 Neue Praxis 1 --- ---
0343-0758 Papers on French seventeeth century literature 1 --- ---
0343-1657 Literatur für Leser 1 --- ---
0343-2521 GeoJournal 1 1572-9893 ---
0343-379X Romanistische Zeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte = Cahiers d'histoire des littératures romanes 1 --- ---
0343-5377 Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0343-6993 The mathematical intelligencer 1 1866-7414 ---
0343-7167 Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik = Revue de la politique d'environnement 1 --- ---
0343-7965 Probleme der Küstenforschung im südlichen Nordseegebiet 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0343-8651 Current microbiology (Print) 1 1432-0991 ---
0344-0338 Pathology, research and practice (Print) 1 1618-0631 ---
0344-3094 German yearbook of international law 1 --- ---
0344-385X Göttinger Miszellen 1 --- ---
0344-5062 Allergologie 1 --- ---
0344-5925 Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin = German journal of sports medicine 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0344-8169 Sprachwissenschaft 1 --- ---
0344-8657 Zuckerindustrie = Industria azucarera 1 --- ---
0344-9777 Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen = Journal for public and nonprofit services 1 --- ---
0345-469X Historisk tidskrift (Stockholm. Print) 1 --- ---
0346-1238 Scandinavian actuarial journal 1 1651-2030 ---
0346-251X System (Linköping) 1 1879-3282 ---
0346-8755 Scandinavian journal of history (Print) 1 1502-7716 ---
0347-0520 The Scandinavian journal of economics 1 1467-9442 ---
0347-772X Barnboken 1 2000-4389 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0349-5949 NORDICOM-information 1 2001-5119 ---
0350-1302 Publications de l'Institut Mathématique (Belgrade) 1 --- ---
0350-6894 Slavistična revija (Tiskana izd.) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0351-0026 Zdravstveno varstvo (Tiskana izd.) 1 1854-2476 ---
0351-1189 Primerjalna književnost (Tiskana izd.) 1 2591-1805 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0351-5796 International review of the aesthetics and sociology of music 1 --- ---
0352-5007 Zbornik Matice srpske za slavistiku = Review of slavic studies 1 --- ---
0352-7875 Synthesis philosophica 1 1848-2317 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0353-4510 Filozofski vestnik (Tiskana izd.) 1 --- ---
0353-5053 Psychiatria Danubina 1 1849-0867 ---
0353-5150 Acta analytica 1 1874-6349 ---
0353-5320 Promet (Zagreb) = Traffic & transportation 1 1848-4069 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0353-6483 Urbani izziv (Tiskana izd.) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0353-6807 The School field 1 --- ---
0353-9504 Croatian medical journal 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0354-0243 Yugoslav journal of operations research 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0354-6497 Tokovi istorije = Currents of history 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0355-1792 Acta philosophica Fennica 1 --- ---
0355-3140 Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health (Print) 1 1795-990X Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0360-0025 Sex roles 1 1573-2762 ---
0360-0572 Annual review of sociology (Print) 1 1545-2115 ---
0360-1277 Educational gerontology 1 --- ---
0360-1315 Computers and education (Print) 1 1873-782X ---
0360-1323 Building and environment 1 1873-684X ---
0360-2370 Studies in eighteenth-century culture 1 --- ---
0360-2532 Drug metabolism reviews (Softcover ed.) 1 --- ---
0360-3016 International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics (Print) 1 1879-355X ---
0360-3199 International journal of hydrogen energy 1 --- ---
0360-3695 Film & history (Newark, N.J.) 1 --- ---
0360-3989 Human communication research 1 1468-2958 ---
0360-4012 Journal of neuroscience research 1 1097-4547 ---
0360-5310 The journal of medicine and philosophy (Print) 1 1744-5019 ---
0360-5442 Energy (Oxford) 1 1873-6785 ---
0360-5949 Transactions of the American Philological Association (1974) 1 1533-0699 ---
0360-6503 Process studies 1 2154-3682 ---
0360-8352 Computers & industrial engineering (Print) 1 1879-0550 ---
0360-9073 Ecumenical trends 1 --- ---
0360-9669 Horizons (Villanova) 1 2050-8557 ---
0361-0160 The Sixteenth century journal 1 2326-0726 ---
0361-0365 Research in higher education 1 1573-188X ---
0361-0470 Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 1 --- ---
0361-090X Cancer detection and prevention 1 --- ---
0361-0918 Communications in statistics. Simulation and computation 1 1532-4141 ---
0361-0926 Communications in statistics. Theory and methods 1 1532-415X ---
0361-1434 IEEE transactions on professional communication 1 --- ---
0361-1981 Transportation research record 1 2169-4052 ---
0361-2317 Color research and application (Print) 1 1520-6378 ---
0361-3666 Disasters (Print) 1 1467-7717 ---
0361-3682 Accounting, organizations and society 1 1873-6289 ---
0361-476X Contemporary educational psychology (Print) 1 1090-2384 ---
0361-5235 Journal of electronic materials 1 --- ---
0361-5413 History in Africa 1 --- ---
0361-5995 Soil Science Society of America journal 1 --- ---
0361-6274 Health care management review 1 1550-5030 ---
0361-803X American journal of roentgenology (1976. Print) 1 1546-3141 ---
0361-8609 American journal of hematology (Print) 1 1096-8652 ---
0361-9230 Brain research bulletin (Print) 1 1873-2747 ---
0361-946X Mediaevalia (Binghamton, N.Y. Print) 1 2161-8046 ---
0361-9621 Explicación de textos literarios 1 --- ---
0362-028X Journal of food protection 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0362-1340 SIGPLAN notices 1 --- ---
0362-1529 Traditio 1 2166-5508 ---
0362-2436 Spine (Philadelphia, Pa. 1976) 1 1528-1159 ---
0362-2525 Journal of morphology (1931. Print) 1 1097-4687 ---
0362-3319 The Social science journal (Fort Collins) 1 1873-5355 ---
0362-4803 Journal of labelled compounds & radiopharmaceuticals 1 1099-1344 ---
0362-5028 Early China 1 --- ---
0362-546X Nonlinear analysis 1 --- ---
0362-5664 Clinical neuropharmacology 1 --- ---
0363-0129 SIAM journal on control and optimization (Print) 1 1095-7138 ---
0363-0234 Suicide & life-threatening behavior 1 1943-278X ---
0363-0242 Women & health 1 1541-0331 ---
0363-0471 Hispamérica (College Park) 1 --- ---
0363-1672 Lithuanian mathematical journal 1 1573-8825 ---
0363-1990 Journal of family history 1 1552-5473 ---
0363-2873 The journal of libertarian studies 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0363-5023 The Journal of hand surgery (St. Louis, Mo.) 1 --- ---
0363-5465 The American journal of sports medicine 1 1552-3365 ---
0363-6119 American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology 1 1522-1490 ---
0363-6135 American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 1 --- ---
0363-6143 American journal of physiology. Cell physiology 1 --- ---
0363-6445 Systematic botany 1 1548-2324 ---
0363-7425 The Academy of Management review 1 1930-3807 ---
0363-7751 Communication monographs 1 1479-5787 ---
0363-8111 Public relations review (Riverdale, N.Y.) 1 1873-4537 ---
0363-8715 Journal of computer assisted tomography 1 1532-3145 ---
0363-907X International journal of energy research (Print) 1 1099-114X Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0364-0213 Cognitive science 1 1551-6709 ---
0364-152X Environmental management (New York) 1 1432-1009 ---
0364-216X Aesthetic plastic surgery 1 --- ---
0364-2313 World journal of surgery 1 1432-2323 ---
0364-2348 Skeletal radiology 1 --- ---
0364-3107 Administration in social work 1 --- ---
0364-4308 Yiddish 1 --- ---
0364-5134 Annals of neurology 1 1531-8249 ---
0364-765X Mathematics of operations research 1 1526-5471 ---
0365-7965 Actualidad médica 1 --- ---
0366-6999 Chinese Medical Journal = Zhonghua yixue zazhi yingwen ban 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0366-8681 Doklady Bolgarskoj akademii nauk = Comptes rendus de l'Académie Bulgare des sciences 1 --- ---
0367-0244 Ecology of Food and Nutrition 1 1543-5237 ---
0367-2530 Flora (Jena) 1 --- ---
0368-492X Kybernetes 1 --- ---
0369-8114 Pathologie et biologie 1 --- ---
0370-2693 Physics letters. B (Print) 1 1873-2445 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0370-629X RMLG. Revue médicale de Liège (Imprimé) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0371-683X Tijdschrift voor geneeskunde (Gedrukt) 1 1784-9721 ---
0371-750X Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society 1 --- ---
0372-8854 Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie = Annales de géomorphologie (Print) 1 --- ---
0373-0956 Annales de l'Institut Fourier 1 --- ---
0373-5478 Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen-âge 1 --- ---
0373-5737 Revue des études latines (Paris) 1 --- ---
0373-6032 Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale 1 --- ---
0373-6040 Mémoires de la Société pour l'histoire du droit et des institutions des anciens pays bourguignons, comtois et romands 1 --- ---
0373-6075 Revue d'histoire des textes (Imprimée) 1 --- ---
0373-6237 Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes 1 --- ---
0373-6245 South African geographical journal 1 --- ---
0373-658X Voprosy âzykoznaniâ 1 --- ---
0374-0463 Acta linguistica hafniensia 1 --- ---
0375-0760 Revista cubana de medicina tropical (Impresa) 1 1561-3054 ---
0375-6742 Journal of geochemical exploration 1 1879-1689 ---
0375-7471 Quartär 1 --- ---
0375-8427 Veterinární medicína (Print) = VetMed-Czech 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0375-9393 Minerva anestesiologica (Testo stampato) 1 1827-1596 ---
0375-9474 Nuclear physics. A (Print) 1 --- ---
0375-9601 Physics letters. A (Print) 1 1873-2429 ---
0376-5253 Grazer Beiträge 1 --- ---
0376-6357 Behavioural processes (Print) 1 1872-8308 ---
0376-7388 Journal of membrane science (Print) 1 1873-3123 ---
0376-7442 Tijdschrift voor kindergeneeskunde 1 --- ---
0376-7639 Cahiers de médecine du travail = Cahiers voor arbeidsgeneeskunde 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0376-835X Development Southern Africa 1 1470-3637 ---
0376-8716 Drug and alcohol dependence 1 1879-0046 ---
0377-0273 Journal of volcanology and geothermal research 1 1872-6097 ---
0377-0427 Journal of computational and applied mathematics 1 1879-1778 ---
0377-0451 The Korean journal of international studies 1 --- ---
0377-0486 Journal of Raman spectroscopy (Print) 1 1097-4555 ---
0377-208X Nederlands tijdschrift voor fysiotherapie (Print) 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0377-2217 European journal of operational research 1 1872-6860 ---
0377-7308 Gedrag (Tilburg) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0377-7332 Empirical economics 1 1435-8921 ---
0377-8401 Animal feed science and technology (Print) 1 1873-2216 ---
0378-1097 FEMS microbiology letters 1 1574-6968 ---
0378-1127 Forest ecology and management 1 1872-7042 ---
0378-1135 Veterinary microbiology (Amsterdam. Print) 1 1873-2542 ---
0378-2166 Journal of pragmatics 1 1879-1387 ---
0378-2506 Byzantion (Printed) 1 2294-6209 ---
0378-2697 Plant systematics and evolution = Entwicklungsgeschichte und Systematik der Pflanzen 1 --- ---
0378-2778 Tijdschrift voor alcohol, drugs en andere psychotrope stoffen = Journal of alcohol, drugs and other psychotropic substances 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0378-3758 Journal of statistical planning and inference (Print) 1 1873-1171 ---
0378-3774 Agricultural water management (Print) 1 1873-2283 ---
0378-3782 Early human development (Print) 1 1872-6232 ---
0378-3812 Fluid phase equilibria 1 --- ---
0378-3839 Coastal engineering 1 1872-7379 ---
0378-4169 Lingvisticae investigationes (Print) 1 1569-9927 ---
0378-4177 Studies in language (Amsterdam. Print) 1 1569-9978 ---
0378-4266 Journal of banking & finance (Print) 1 1872-6372 ---
0378-4274 Toxicology letters 1 1879-3169 ---
0378-4290 Field crops research 1 --- ---
0378-4371 Physica. A (Print) 1 1873-2119 ---
0378-4738 Water S.A 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0378-4916 Collectanea Cisterciensia 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0378-5122 Maturitas (Amsterdam. Print) 1 1873-4111 ---
0378-5173 International journal of pharmaceutics (Print) 1 1873-3476 ---
0378-5599 Revue internationale du travail (Imprimé) 1 --- ---
0378-5920 World economy (Print) 1 1467-9701 ---
0378-5955 Hearing research 1 1878-5891 ---
0378-7206 Information & management (Amsterdam) 1 1872-7530 ---
0378-7346 Gynecologic and obstetric investigation 1 1423-002X ---
0378-7788 Energy and buildings 1 1872-6178 ---
0378-7796 Electric power systems research (Print) 1 1873-2046 ---
0378-7931 Déviance et société (Revue. Imprimé) 1 --- ---
0378-7974 Revista de estudios hispánicos (Rio Piedras, P.R.) 1, vanaf 2012 --- ---
0378-8660 Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 1 1810-536X ---
0378-8733 Social networks 1 1879-2111 ---
0378-9098 Bedryfsleiding = Business Management 1 --- ---
0378-9721 Bulletin of animal health and production in Africa = Bulletin de la santé et da la production animales en Afrique 1 --- ---
0379-0037 Indian journal of applied linguistics 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0379-0355 Methods and findings in experimental and clinical pharmacology 1 --- ---
0379-0738 Forensic science international 1 1872-6283 ---
0379-5721 Food and nutrition bulletin (Tokyo. Print) 1 1564-8265 ---
0379-6175 South African journal of physiotherapy = Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif fisioterapie 1, vanaf 2006 2410-8219 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0379-6779 Synthetic metals 1 --- ---
0379-7112 Fire safety journal (Print) 1 1873-7226 ---
0379-7724 Higher education in Europe 1 --- ---
0379-8402 Philosophica (Gent. Printed) 1 2295-9084 ---
0380-6995 Studies in Canadian literature = Études en littérature canadienne 1 --- ---
0385-0307 Japanese journal of psychosomatic medicine = Shinshin igaku 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0385-8146 Auris, nasus, larynx 1 1879-1476 ---
0386-8311 Jinkōgaku kenkyū = Journal of population studies (Tokyo. 1978) 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) 2424-2489 ---
0387-2807 Ajia, Afurika gengo bunka kenkyū = Journal of Asian and African studies (Tokyo. 1968) 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0387-3293 Shūkyō kenkyū (Tokyo. 1939) = Journal of religious studies (Tokyo. 1939) 1, tot en met 2025 (0, vanaf 2026) --- ---
0387-7604 Brain & development (Tokyo. 1979) 1 --- ---
0388-0001 Language sciences (Oxford) 1 1873-5746 ---
0389-9160 A + U 1 --- ---
0390-0142 Critica letteraria (Testo stampato) 1 2035-2638 ---
0390-0851 Sociologia del diritto (Testo stampato) 1 1972-5760 ---
0390-2412 Incontri linguistici (Testo stampato) 1 1724-1669 ---
0390-5551 Nuovo cimento della Società italiana di fisica. C (Testo stampato) 1 --- ---
0390-6078 Haematologica (Roma) 1 1592-8721 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0390-6701 Revue internationale de sociologie 1 --- ---
0390-8240 Bollettino dell'archivio per la storia del movimento sociale cattolico in Italia (Testo stampato) 1 --- ---
0391-1535 Cronache ercolanesi 1 --- ---
0391-1977 Minerva endocrinologica (Testo stampato) 1 1827-1634 ---
0391-2108 Rivista di letterature moderne e comparate 1 --- ---
0391-2566 Medioevo (Testo stampato) 1 --- ---
0391-2639 Otto-novecento (Testo stampato) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) 2036-4628 ---
0391-3368 Italianistica (Agnano Pisano. Testo stampato) 1 1724-1677 ---
0391-4097 Journal of endocrinological investigation (Print) 1 1720-8386 ---
0391-4151 Studi di grammatica italiana (Testo stampato) 1 --- ---
0391-4186 Verifiche (Trento) 1 --- ---
0391-5115 Journal of European economic history (Print) 1 --- ---
0391-6987 Società e storia (Testo stampato) 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) 1972-5515 ---
0391-7789 Studi musicali (Testo stampato) 1 2037-6413 ---
0391-8467 Studi medievali (1928) 1 --- ---
0391-8769 Studi organizzativi (Testo stampato) 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) 1972-4969 ---
0391-9064 Artibus et historiae 1 --- ---
0391-9714 History and philosophy of the life sciences 1 1742-6316 ---
0392-0224 Interpres (Testo stampato) 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) 1824-6745 ---
0392-2936 European journal of gynaecological oncology 1 --- ---
0392-3495 Esperienze letterarie (Testo stampato) 1 --- ---
0392-4866 Rivista degli studi orientali (Testo stampato) 1 1724-1863 ---
0392-5048 Sociologia del lavoro (Testo stampato) 1 1972-554X ---
0392-6338 Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici (Testo stampato) 1 --- ---
0392-7229 Rivista giuridica del lavoro e della previdenza sociale 1 --- ---
0392-7261 Studi piemontesi 1 --- ---
0392-7342 Elenchos (Testo stampato) 1 2037-7177 ---
0392-825X Rivista di letteratura italiana (Testo stampato) 1 1724-0638 ---
0392-839X Chimica oggi (Testo stampato) = Chemistry today 1 1973-8250 ---
0392-856X Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology (Print) 1 1593-098X ---
0392-8667 Comunicazioni sociali (Testo stampato) 1 1827-7969 ---
0392-8926 Storia della storiografia (Testo stampato) 1 2281-1141 ---
0392-9590 International angiology (Print) 1 1827-1839 ---
0392-9760 Epistemologia (Testo stampato) 1 1825-652X ---
0393-1226 Quaderni di semantica (Testo stampato) 1 --- ---
0393-2516 Rivista di storia della filosofia (1984. Testo stampato) 1 1972-5558 ---
0393-2729 The International spectator 1 1751-9721 ---
0393-2834 Teorie & modelli 1 --- ---
0393-2990 European journal of epidemiology 1 1573-7284 ---
0393-3180 Annali - Istituto universitario orientale 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) 2468-5631 ---
0393-3598 Cristianesimo nella storia (Testo stampato) 1 --- ---
0393-4551 Savings and development 1 --- ---
0393-6805 Henoch (Testo stampato) 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0393-8255 VS (Testo stampato) 1 --- ---
0393-974X Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents (Print) 1 --- ---
0394-7394 Nuncius (Firenze. Testo stampato) 1 1825-3911 ---
0394-9001 Medicina nei secoli (1989. Testo stampato) 1 --- ---
0394-994X Il Confronto letterario 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0395-2649 Annales 1 1953-8146 ---
0395-3890 Bulletin européen de physiopathologie respiratoire = Journal of respiratory pathophysiology 1 --- ---
0395-6989 Commonwealth (Rodez) 1 --- ---
0395-9015 Revue de droit rural 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0397-0299 Revue juridique de l'environnement 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0398-7604 Médecine et nutrition 1 --- ---
0398-7620 Revue d'épidémiologie et de santé publique = Epidemiology and public health 1 --- ---
0399-0559 RAIRO. Recherche opérationnelle = RAIRO. Operations research 1 --- ---
0399-077X Médecine et maladies infectieuses 1 --- ---
0419-8824 Dzieje Najnowsze 1 --- ---
0424-267X Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research (Print) 1 --- ---
0425-1644 Equine veterinary journal 1 2042-3306 ---
0435-1630 Studies in arts and literature = Journal of arts and letters 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0435-2866 Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth century 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0435-3684 Geografiska annaler. Series B, Human Geography (Print) 1 1468-0467 ---
0435-5865 Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. Germanica Wratislaviensia 1 --- ---
0435-8600 Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht. Internationaler Teil 1 --- ---
0439-755X Acta Psychologica Sinica 1 --- ---
0440-9213 Historical archaeology 1 2328-1103 ---
0449-0576 Jökull = The Icelandic journal of earth sciences 1 --- ---
0449-3060 Journal of radiation research 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0449-4296 Jurisprudence commerciale de Belgique 1, tot en met 2025 (0, vanaf 2026) --- ---
0449-508X The Journal of pastoral counseling 1 --- ---
0449-5233 Jahrbuch für internationale Germanistik 1 --- ---
0453-4514 Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 1 --- ---
0458-726X Langages (Paris. 1966) 1 1958-9549 ---
0484-0887 Recherches augustiniennes (Paris) 1 --- ---
0484-8616 Revue des études juives 1 1783-175X ---
0486-4700 Res publica (Bruxelles) 1 --- ---
0495-4548 Theoria (Madrid) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0506-3590 Yearbook of population research in Finland = Vaestontutkimuksen vuosikirja 1 --- ---
0506-7286 Verfassung und Recht in Übersee 1 --- ---
0511-4721 Wen-Shi-Zhe = Journal of Literature, History and Philosophy 1, vanaf 2014 --- ---
0514-2717 Zeitschrift für Pädagogik. Beiheft 1 --- ---
0514-7794 Život umjetnosti 1 --- ---
0515-0361 ASTIN bulletin 1 1783-1350 ---
0517-6735 Analecta praemonstratensia 1, tot en met 2025 (0, vanaf 2026) --- ---
0520-4100 Boletín americanista 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0521-9744 Babel (Bonn. Print) 1 1569-9668 ---
0529-4975 Chroniques de Port-Royal 1 --- ---
0531-2485 Europarecht (Baden-Baden) 1, tot en met 2025 (0, vanaf 2026) --- ---
0531-5565 Experimental gerontology 1 1873-6815 ---
0539-0184 Information sur les sciences sociales (Paris) = Social science information 1 --- ---
0547-2504 Narodna umjetnost 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0550-3213 Nuclear physics. B (Print) 1 1873-1562 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0552-9344 Palaeohistoria (Haarlem) 1 --- ---
0554-498X Polish Yearbook of International Law = Annuaire Polonais de Droit International 1 --- ---
0555-9308 Pastoraltheologische Informationen 1 --- ---
0556-2813 Physical review. C. Nuclear physics (Print) 1 1089-490X ---
0556-2821 Physical review. D. Particles and fields 1 --- ---
0556-7394 Military Law and the Law of War Review / Revue de Droit Militaire et de Droit de la Guerre 1, vanaf 2006 --- ---
0556-8641 Philosophical papers (Grahamstown) 1 1996-8523 ---
0557-1464 Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico (Testo stampato) 1, vanaf 2014 --- ---
0570-1864 The annals of regional science 1 1432-0592 ---
0570-734X Arctos (Print) 1 --- ---
0571-5865 Cahiers de l'Association internationale des études francaises 1, tot en met 2025 (0, vanaf 2026) 2076-8443 ---
0571-7833 Science directory 1 --- ---
0575-1330 Mélanges - Institut dominicain d'études orientales du Caire 1 1783-1628 ---
0578-1310 Chinese Journal of Pediatrics = Chung-Hua Erh K'o Tsa Chih 1 --- ---
0578-6967 Iran (London) 1 --- ---
0582-2351 Scientia paedagogica experimentalis 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0584-8547 Spectrochimica acta. Part B, Atomic spectroscopy 1 1873-3565 ---
0585-5292 Studia islamica (Paris) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0586-7614 Schizophrenia bulletin 1 1745-1701 ---
0587-2405 Acta academica (Bloemfontein) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0587-3908 Australian orthodontic journal 1 --- ---
0588-9804 Concilium (Deutsche Ausg.) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0589-2546 Annales du ... Congrès international d'étude historique du verre 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0591-0358 Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin (Papirform) 1 --- ---
0591-0633 CM. Cahiers marxistes 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0591-2385 Zygon 1 1467-9744 ---
0701-0028 Gestion (Laval) 1 --- ---
0701-158X Annals of air and space law = Annales de droit aérien et spatial 1, vanaf 2013 --- ---
0702-8997 Anthropologie et sociétés 1 --- ---
0703-6337 Revue d'intégration européenne = Journal of European integration 1 1477-2280 ---
0705-1085 Dionysius 1 --- ---
0705-3436 Loisir et société = Society and leisure (Quebec) 1 --- ---
0705-3657 Canadian journal of communication 1 1499-6642 ---
0706-7437 Canadian journal of psychiatry 1 1497-0015 ---
0707-5332 International history review 1 1949-6540 ---
0709-4698 Victorian periodicals review 1 1712-526X ---
0711-222X Journal of leisurability (1980) 1 --- ---
0713-3383 Pastoral sciences = Sciences pastorales 1, tot en met 2025 (0, vanaf 2026) --- ---
0714-0045 Survey methodology 1 --- ---
0715-8920 Texte (Toronto) 1 --- ---
0716-0046 Cuadernos de economía (Santiago. Impresa) 1 --- ---
0716-0798 Taller de letras (Santiago. Impresa) 1 --- ---
0716-0909 Acta literaria (Impresa) 1 0717-6848 ---
0716-1182 Chungara (Arica, Impresa) 1 0717-7356 ---
0716-5811 Literatura y lingüística (Impresa) 1 0717-621X Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0717-0297 Psykhe (Santiago. Impresa) 1 0718-2228 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0717-1285 ONOMAZEIN (Santiago. Impresa) 1 0718-5758 ---
0717-2494 Boletín de investigación educacional 1, tot en met 2025 (0, vanaf 2026) --- ---
0717-4675 Veritas (Valparaíso. Impresa) 1 --- ---
0717-5051 Revista de urbanismo 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0717-5906 Acta bioethica (Impresa) 1 1726-569X ---
0718-0527 Revista mad 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0718-1876 Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0718-2058 Anuario de derechos humanos (Santiago. Impresa) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0718-400X Multidisciplinary business review (Print) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0719-4706 Revista inclusiones 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0720-048X European journal of radiology 1 1872-7727 ---
0720-1753 Neue Zeitschrift für Strafrecht 1 --- ---
0720-213X Zoomorphology (Berlin. Print) 1 1432-234X ---
0720-4299 Fortschritte der Neurologie, Psychiatrie 1 --- ---
0720-6585 IPRax. Praxis des internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts 1 --- ---
0721-2631 Statistics & decisions 1 --- ---
0721-2887 Migration (Berlin, West) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0721-7714 Plant cell reports (Print) 1 1432-203X ---
0721-832X Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology 1 --- ---
0721-9067 Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0722-1541 Nervenheilkunde 1 --- ---
0722-1819 Handchirurgie, Mikrochirurgie, plastische Chirurgie 1 --- ---
0722-4060 Polar biology (Print) 1 1432-2056 ---
0722-740X Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert 1 --- ---
0722-7833 Siegener Periodicum zur internationalen empirischen Literaturwissenschaft 1 --- ---
0723-1393 Medicine and law 1 --- ---
0723-2020 Systematic and applied microbiology (Print) 1 1618-0984 ---
0723-8088 Kulturrevolution 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0724-4983 World journal of urology (Print) 1 1433-8726 ---
0724-8741 Pharmaceutical research 1 1573-904X ---
0725-5136 Thesis eleven (Print) 1 1461-7455 ---
0725-6868 Journal of intercultural studies 1 1469-9540 ---
0726-8602 Australian journal of linguistics 1 1469-2996 ---
0729-2473 War & society (Duntroon, A.C.T.) 1 --- ---
0729-4360 Higher education research and development 1 1469-8366 ---
0730-0301 ACM transactions on graphics 1 1557-7368 ---
0730-031X Biotechnology law report 1 --- ---
0730-3084 Journal of physical education, recreation & dance 1, vanaf 2015 2168-3816 ---
0730-7268 Environmental toxicology and chemistry (Print) 1 1552-8618 ---
0730-7659 Birth (Berkeley, Calif.) 1 1523-536X ---
0730-7829 Music perception 1 1533-8312 ---
0730-8000 Journal of shellfish research 1 --- ---
0730-8884 Work and occupations 1 1552-8464 ---
0731-0854 Chinese yearbook of international law and affairs 1 --- ---
0731-1214 Sociological perspectives 1 1533-8673 ---
0731-1613 The journal of Korean studies (Seattle, Wash. 1979) 1 --- ---
0731-5082 Stanford journal of international law 1 --- ---
0731-7085 Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis (Print) 1 1873-264X ---
0731-7107 Child & family behavior therapy (Print) 1 1545-228X ---
0731-7115 Clinical gerontologist (Print) 1 1545-2301 ---
0731-9053 Advances in econometrics 1 --- ---
0731-9487 Learning disability quarterly 1 --- ---
0732-118X New ideas in psychology 1 1873-3522 ---
0732-183X Journal of clinical oncology 1 1527-7755 ---
0732-2399 Marketing science (Providence, R.I.) 1 1526-548X ---
0732-3123 The Journal of mathematical behavior 1 --- ---
0732-4944 Contemporary philosophy (Boulder, Colo.) 1 --- ---
0732-7730 Tulsa studies in women's literature 1 --- ---
0732-8516 The Financial review (Buffalo, N.Y. Print) 1 1540-6288 ---
0732-8818 Experimental techniques (Westport, Conn.) 1 1747-1567 ---
0732-8893 Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease 1 1879-0070 ---
0732-9113 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 1 2305-9931 ---
0733-2033 Theatre history studies 1 --- ---
0733-2467 Neurourology and urodynamics (Print) 1 1520-6777 ---
0733-2491 The Journal of law and commerce 1 2164-7984 ---
0733-4648 Journal of applied gerontology 1 1552-4523 ---
0733-5113 The Journal of arts management and law 1 --- ---
0733-5210 Journal of cereal science (Print) 1 1095-9963 ---
0733-558X Research in the sociology of organizations 1 --- ---
0733-9364 Journal of construction engineering and management 1 1943-7862 ---
0733-9445 Journal of structural engineering (New York, N.Y.) 1 --- ---
0733-9453 Journal of surveying engineering 1 --- ---
0733-9496 Journal of water resources planning and management 1 --- ---
0734-242X Waste management & research (Print) 1 1096-3669 ---
0734-2829 Journal of psychoeducational assessment (Print) 1 1557-5144 ---
0734-306X Journal of labor economics 1 1537-5307 ---
0734-371X Review of public personnel administration 1 1552-759X ---
0734-7332 Journal of psychosocial oncology 1 1540-7586 ---
0734-743X International journal of impact engineering 1 --- ---
0734-8584 Rhetorica 1 1533-8541 ---
0734-9041 Journal of fire sciences 1 --- ---
0734-9149 Public administration quarterly 1 --- ---
0734-9750 Biotechnology advances 1 1873-1899 ---
0735-0015 Journal of business & economic statistics 1 1537-2707 ---
0735-0414 Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford) 1 1464-3502 ---
0735-1097 Journal of the American College of Cardiology (Print) 1 1558-3597 ---
0735-1550 Saul Bellow journal 1 --- ---
0735-1690 Psychoanalytic inquiry 1 1940-9133 ---
0735-2166 Journal of urban affairs 1 1467-9906 ---
0735-2689 Critical reviews in plant sciences 1 --- ---
0735-2751 Sociological theory 1 --- ---
0735-3936 Behavioral sciences & the law (Print) 1 1099-0798 ---
0735-6331 Journal of educational computing research (Print) 1 1541-4140 ---
0735-7044 Behavioral neuroscience 1 --- ---
0735-7907 Cancer investigation 1 --- ---
0735-9640 Plant molecular biology reporter 1 --- ---
0735-9683 Health marketing quarterly (Print) 1 1545-0864 ---
0736-0258 Journal of clinical neurophysiology 1 --- ---
0736-0266 Journal of orthopaedic research 1 1554-527X ---
0736-2501 Noise control engineering journal 1 --- ---
0736-2994 Stochastic analysis and applications (Print) 1 1532-9356 ---
0736-3761 The Journal of consumer marketing 1 --- ---
0736-3974 Text (New York, N.Y. 1984) 1 --- ---
0736-4679 The Journal of emergency medicine (Print) 1 1090-1280 ---
0736-5829 Adapted physical activity quarterly 1 1543-2777 ---
0736-5845 Robotics and computer-integrated manufacturing (Print) 1 1879-2537 ---
0736-5853 Telematics and informatics 1 1879-324X ---
0736-6205 BioTechniques 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0736-7236 Journal of social and clinical psychology 1 --- ---
0736-7694 Cardozo arts & entertainment law journal 1 --- ---
0736-8046 Pediatric dermatology 1 --- ---
0736-9387 Annals of dyslexia 1 1934-7243 ---
0736-9735 Psychoanalytic psychology 1 1939-1331 ---
0736-9921 Supreme Court economic review 1 --- ---
0737-0008 Cognition and instruction 1 --- ---
0737-0806 Journal of equine veterinary science (Print) 1 1542-7412 ---
0737-3759 Québec studies 1 --- ---
0737-3937 Drying technology 1 1532-2300 ---
0737-4038 Molecular biology and evolution 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0737-4453 Source (New York, N.Y.) 1 2328-207X ---
0737-5328 Teacher education quarterly (Claremont, Calif.) 1 --- ---
0737-5344 Design book review 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0737-6782 The Journal of product innovation management (Print) 1 1540-5885 ---
0737-7363 The Journal of continuing higher education 1 --- ---
0737-8262 Current psychological research & reviews 1 --- ---
0737-8831 Library hi tech 1 --- ---
0738-0577 Occupational therapy in health care 1 --- ---
0738-0593 International journal of educational development 1 1873-4871 ---
0738-0895 Journal of architectural and planning research 1 --- ---
0738-1360 Marine resource economics 1 2334-5985 ---
0738-1727 Journal of modern Greek studies (Print) 1 1086-3265 ---
0738-2480 Law and history review 1 --- ---
0738-3991 Patient education and counseling 1 1873-5134 ---
0738-8551 Critical reviews in biotechnology 1 --- ---
0739-098X The International journal of applied philosophy 1 --- ---
0739-1110 The Industrial-organizational psychologist 1 --- ---
0739-3172 Issues in accounting education 1 --- ---
0739-4462 Archives of insect biochemistry and physiology 1 1520-6327 ---
0739-456X Journal of planning education and research 1 --- ---
0739-5175 IEEE engineering in medicine and biology magazine 1 --- ---
0739-7240 Domestic animal endocrinology 1 1879-0054 ---
0739-8859 Research in transportation economics 1 1875-7979 ---
0740-0020 Food microbiology (Print) 1 1095-9998 ---
0740-0675 History of philosophy quarterly 1 2152-1026 ---
0740-2007 Ancient philosophy (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1 2154-4689 ---
0740-2775 World policy journal 1 --- ---
0740-3194 Magnetic resonance in medicine (Print) 1 1522-2594 ---
0740-3224 Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical physics 1 --- ---
0740-4824 Brooklyn journal of international law 1 --- ---
0740-5472 Journal of substance abuse treatment 1 1873-6483 ---
0740-624X Government information quarterly 1 1872-9517 ---
0740-7459 IEEE software 1 --- ---
0740-817X IIE transactions 1 --- ---
0740-8188 Library & information science research 1 --- ---
0740-9710 Food & foodways 1 1542-3484 ---
0741-0395 Genetic epidemiology (Print) 1 1098-2272 ---
0741-0883 Written communication 1 --- ---
0741-1235 Sociology of sport journal 1 1543-2785 ---
0741-238X Advances in therapy 1 1865-8652 ---
0741-3335 Plasma physics and controlled fusion (Print) 1 1361-6587 ---
0741-5400 Journal of leukocyte biology 1 --- ---
0741-6261 The Rand journal of economics 1 1756-2171 ---
0741-7136 Adult education quarterly 1 --- ---
0741-8329 Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.) 1 1873-6823 ---
0741-8825 Justice quarterly 1 1745-9109 ---
0742-051X Teaching and teacher education 1 1879-2480 ---
0742-0528 Chronobiology international 1 1525-6073 ---
0742-1222 Journal of management information systems 1 --- ---
0742-2822 Echocardiography (Mount Kisco, N.Y. Print) 1 --- ---
0742-3071 Diabetic medicine 1 1464-5491 ---
0742-3225 Family medicine 1 --- ---
0742-3322 Advances in strategic management 1 --- ---
0742-3640 International journal on world peace 1, tot en met 2025 (0, vanaf 2026) --- ---
0742-4477 Agribusiness (New York, N.Y. Print) 1 1520-6297 ---
0742-5473 Dickens quarterly 1 --- ---
0742-6046 Psychology & marketing (Print) 1 1520-6793 ---
0742-7778 CALICO journal 1 2056-9017 ---
0742-9797 Mexican studies = Estudios mexicanos 1 1533-8320 ---
0743-0019 Journal of Turkish studies = Türklük bilgisi araştırmaları 1 --- ---
0743-0167 Journal of rural studies 1 1873-1392 ---
0743-3808 Behavior research methods, instruments, & computers 1 --- ---
0743-5584 Journal of adolescent research 1 1552-6895 ---
0743-5800 Endocrine research 1 --- ---
0743-6661 Journal of insurance medicine (Seattle, Wash.) 1 --- ---
0743-7463 Langmuir 1 1520-5827 ---
0743-8346 Journal of perinatology 1 1476-5543 ---
0743-9156 Journal of public policy & marketing 1 --- ---
0745-3515 The Notre Dame law review 1 --- ---
0746-1739 Nursing economic$ 1 --- ---
0747-4938 Econometric reviews 1 1532-4168 ---
0747-5632 Computers in human behavior (Print) 1 1873-7692 ---
0747-9360 Design issues 1 --- ---
0747-9395 Fordham international law journal 1 --- ---
0748-0814 The Journal of law and religion 1 2163-3088 ---
0748-1187 Death studies 1 1091-7683 ---
0748-1756 Measurement and evaluation in counseling and development 1 --- ---
0748-321X Journal of veterinary medical education 1 1943-7218 ---
0748-450X Journal of clinical hypertension 1 --- ---
0748-4526 Negotiation journal 1 1571-9979 ---
0748-5751 Journal of accounting education 1 1873-1996 ---
0748-7711 Journal of rehabilitation research and development 1 1938-1352 ---
0748-7983 European journal of surgical oncology 1 1532-2157 ---
0748-8017 Quality and reliability engineering international (Print) 1 1099-1638 ---
0748-9633 Journal of counseling and development 1 --- ---
0749-0208 Journal of coastal research 1 1551-5036 ---
0749-1581 Magnetic resonance in chemistry (Print) 1 1097-458X ---
0749-3797 American journal of preventive medicine (Print) 1 1873-2607 ---
0749-4025 ˜The œJournal of classroom interaction 1 --- ---
0749-4467 Contemporary music review 1 1477-2256 ---
0749-5161 Pediatric emergency care 1 1535-1815 ---
0749-596X Journal of memory and language (Print) 1 1096-0821 ---
0749-5978 Organizational behavior and human decision processes (Print) 1 1095-9920 ---
0749-6419 International journal of plasticity (Print) 1 1879-2154 ---
0749-6753 The International journal of health planning and management 1 1099-1751 ---
0749-8047 The Clinical journal of pain 1 1536-5409 ---
0749-8063 Arthroscopy (Print) 1 1526-3231 ---
0750-8069 Histoire épistémologie langage (Imprimé) 1 1638-1580 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0751-2708 Médiévales 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0751-4220 Etudes germaniques (Aix-en-Provence) 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0751-4239 Cahiers d'études germaniques 1 --- ---
0752-5443 Mandenkan 1 --- ---
0754-5010 Extrême orient Extrême occident 1 --- ---
0755-4982 La Presse médicale (1983. Print) 1 2213-0276 ---
0755-7752 Nouvelle revue d'onomastique 1 --- ---
0755-7809 Espace populations sociétés (Villeneuve d'Ascq) 1 2104-3752 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0758-1726 Politiques et management public (Paris) 1 --- ---
0759-1063 BMS. Bulletin de méthodologie sociologique = Bulletin of sociological methodology 1 2070-2779 ---
0761-3032 Anthropozoologica 1 --- ---
0761-3156 Bulletin d'études indiennes 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0761-8425 Revue des maladies respiratoires 1 --- ---
0764-8928 Gradhiva (Paris) 1 --- ---
0765-0752 Revue européenne des migrations internationales 1 1777-5418 ---
0765-1597 Science & sports 1 1778-4131 ---
0765-4944 Cahiers de praxématique (Montpellier) 1 2111-5044 ---
0766-5598 Revue des études byzantines 1 0771-3444 ---
0767-0974 MS. Médecine sciences 1 --- ---
0767-2004 Revue médicale de l'assurance maladie 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0767-3701 Recherche et applications en marketing 1 --- ---
0767-3981 Fundamental & clinical pharmacology 1 --- ---
0767-399X Psychiatrie & psychobiologie = Psychiatry & psychobiology 1 --- ---
0767-709X Revue archéologique de l'Ouest 1 --- ---
0767-9513 Hermès (Paris. 1988) 1 --- ---
0768-2972 Le Droit des affaires (Paris. 1973) 1 --- ---
0768-7559 Annales de psychiatrie 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0769-0479 Revue française d'économie 1 --- ---
0769-3362 Droit et société (Paris. 1985) 1 --- ---
0769-4113 Intellectica 1 2273-9262 ---
0770-0512 Belgian journal of operations research, statistics and computer science = Belgisch tijdschrift voor operationeel onderzoek, statistiek en informatica 1 --- ---
0770-0520 Physicalia Magazine 1 --- ---
0770-0822 Handelingen van het Genootschap voor Geschiedenis 1 --- ---
0770-1713 Cerevisia (Ed. française) 1, vanaf 2014 --- ---
0770-2310 Revue interdisciplinaire d'études juridiques (Imprimé) 1 --- ---
0770-2817 L'Antiquité classique (Imprimé) 1 2295-9076 ---
0770-2965 Studia diplomatica (Imprimé) 1 --- ---
0770-3104 Jaarboek van het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen 1, vanaf 2013 --- ---
0770-3198 Clinical rheumatology (Printed) 1 1434-9949 ---
0770-4178 Patient care (Belgi&eum; Nederlandse ed.) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0770-4224 Patient care (Nederland) 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0770-4518 Recherches économiques de Louvain (Imprimé) 1 1782-1495 ---
0770-4984 M&L. Monumenten en Landschappen 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0770-6472 Annales de droit de Louvain (Imprimé) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) 2566-1329 ---
0770-674X Monumenten en landschappen 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0770-7142 Accountancy & Bedrijfskunde 1 --- ---
0770-7576 Bulletin - Société géographique de Liège (Imprimé) 1, vanaf 2012 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0770-786X Verslagen en Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde (Gedrukt) 1 2033-6446 ---
0770-8378 Degrés 1 --- ---
0771-100X Proceedings of the ... PME Conference = Actes du ... Congrès international PME 1 --- ---
0771-1395 Slavica Gandensia 1 --- ---
0771-1409 Panopticon 1 --- ---
0771-1530 Revue belge de sécurité sociale - Ed. Publitou 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0771-3312 Tropicultura (Antwerpen) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0771-3703 Germanistische Mitteilungen 1 2698-4873 ---
0771-5420 Revue de philosophie ancienne 1 --- ---
0771-5862 Psycho-analytische perspektieven 1 --- ---
0771-6494 Le Muséon (Imprimé) 1 1783-158X ---
0771-6524 Cahiers de l'Institut de linguistique de Louvain (Imprimé) 1 --- ---
0771-677X Recherches sociologiques (Louvain-la-Neuve) 1 --- ---
0771-6788 Revue belge de musicologie (Imprimé) = Belgisch tijdschrift voor muziekwetenschap 1 --- ---
0771-7776 Sacris Erudiri (Printed) 1 2295-9025 ---
0771-7784 Computerrecht 1 2542-7954 ---
0771-8640 Documenta 1 --- ---
0771-9825 Tijdschrift voor orthopedagogiek, kinderpsychiatrie en klinische kinderpsychologie 1 --- ---
0772-0793 AVRUG-bulletin 1 2031-356X ---
0772-084X Afrika Focus (Gedrukt) 1 --- ---
0772-1358 Etudes sur le XVIIIe siècle (Imprimé) 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0772-1455 Mededelingen van het Cyriel Buysse Genootschap 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0772-4381 De uil van Minerva 1, vanaf 2010 --- ---
0772-5167 Fatik 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0772-6465 Algemeen fiskaal tijdschrift 1 --- ---
0772-7003 Bibliotheek- en Archiefgids - Vlaamse Vereniging voor Bibliotheek-, Archief-, en Documentatiewezen 1 --- ---
0772-764X Bevolking en gezin 1 --- ---
0772-7674 Tijdschrift voor economie en management 1 --- ---
0772-8050 Revue de droit commercial belge (Imprimé) = Tijdschrift voor Belgisch handelsrecht : (Gedrukt) 1 2566-1590 ---
0773-1701 Chroniques de droit social = Sociaalrechtelijke kronieken 1 --- ---
0773-4182 CC-AI 1 --- ---
0774-2827 Ons Geestelijk Erf (Gedrukt) 1 1783-1652 ---
0774-2851 Jaarboek - Arca Lovaniensis artes atque historiae reserans documenta 1 --- ---
0774-286X Handelingen der maatschappij voor geschiedenis en oudheidkunde te Gent 1 --- ---
0774-2908 Humanistica Lovaniensia (Printed) 1 2593-3019 ---
0774-2959 Handelingen - Zuidnederlandse maatschappij voor taal- en letterkunde en geschiedenis 1 --- ---
0774-3254 Handelingen (KZM. Gedrukt) 1 2736-2140 ---
0774-3327 Notae praehistoricae 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0774-3432 Chronique féministe 1 --- ---
0774-4919 Cîteaux. Commentarii Cistercienses 1 --- ---
0774-5141 Belgian journal of linguistics (Print) 1 1569-9676 ---
0774-532X WT. Tijdschrift over de geschiedenis van de Vlaamse beweging 1 --- ---
0774-5346 Kritiek - Vlaamse Vereniging van Intensieve Zorgen Verpleegkundigen 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0774-5524 Questions liturgiques (1971. Imprimé) 1 1783-1709 ---
0774-5885 Revue belge de numismatique et de sigillographie = Belgisch tijdschrift voor numismatiek en zegelkunde 1 --- ---
0774-8396 Bulletin de la Commission royale de toponymie & dialectologie (Printed) = Handelingen van de Koninklijke Commissie voor Toponymie & Dialectologie 1 2295-2802 ---
0775-0234 Belgisch tijdschrift voor sociale zekerheid - Ministerie van tewerkstelling en arbeid 1 --- ---
0775-0722 Archives et bibliothèques de Belgique (Ed. bilingue) = Archief en bibliotheekwezen in België 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0775-1125 Jaarboek seksualiteit, relaties, geboorteregeling 1 --- ---
0775-2814 Revue générale de droit civil belge = Tijdschrift voor Belgisch burgerlijk recht 1 2684-6357 ---
0775-3128 Volkskunde (1940) 1 0042-8523 ---
0775-3209 Revue européenne de droit de la consommation 1 --- ---
0775-3217 Tijdschrift voor gemeenterecht (Brussel) 1 --- ---
0775-3969 TRV (Kalmthout) 1 --- ---
0775-4663 Revue de droit international et de droit comparé (Imprimé) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0775-8812 Administration publique trimestriel - Institut belge des sciences administratives (Imprimé) 1 2566-1515 ---
0776-0566 Taal en tongval. Themanummer 1 --- ---
0776-2372 DCR 1 --- ---
0776-3824 Kernos (Liège. Imprimé) 1 --- ---
0776-4111 Gezelliana, kroniek van de Gezellestudie 1 --- ---
0776-8354 Collationes. Vlaams tijdschrift voor theologie en pastoraal 1 --- ---
0776-8605 Tijdschrift voor vreemdelingenrecht (Brussel) 1 --- ---
0777-2416 Tijdschrift voor Belgisch handelsrecht 1 --- ---
0777-3579 Revue trimestrielle des droits de l'homme 1 --- ---
0777-5067 De Gulden Passer = ˆLe ‰Compas d'Or 1 --- ---
0777-5172 Fiscaal notariaat (Brussel) 1 --- ---
0777-6276 Belgian journal of zoology (Printed) 1 2295-0451 ---
0777-883X Tijdschrift voor sociologie 1 --- ---
0778-0443 Tijdschrift voor onderwijsrecht en onderwijsbeleid 1 --- ---
0778-1695 Actualités du droit 1 --- ---
0778-4031 Belgian journal of botany (Printed) = Bulletin van de Koninklijke belgische botanische vereniging 1 --- ---
0778-7367 Archives of public health (Imprimé) 1 2049-3258 ---
0778-8304 Trajecta (Leuven) = Religion, culture and society in the Low Countries 1 2665-9484 ---
0778-9009 Journal des tribunaux du travail (Imprimé) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) 2566-1817 ---
0779-374X Tijdschrift voor Milieurecht (Gedrukt) 1 --- ---
0779-6986 Focus Diagnostica (Nederlandse ed.) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0779-7656 Journal des Tribunaux. Droit européen (Imprimé) 1 --- ---
0779-9853 Acta Comparanda (Wilrijk) 1, vanaf 2008 --- ---
0785-3890 Annals of medicine (Helsinki) 1 1365-2060 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0790-0627 International journal of water resources development (Print) 1 1360-0648 ---
0790-8318 Language culture and curriculum 1 1747-7573 ---
0791-6035 Irish journal of sociology 1 2050-5280 ---
0791-9638 The Irish accounting review (Cork) 1 --- ---
0793-114X Bulletin de la Société d'études Benjamin Fondane 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0797-8375 Infancia (Montevideo) 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0798-1759 International journal of sociology of agriculture and food 1 --- ---
0801-5775 ICAME journal (Trykt utg.) 1 1502-5462 ---
0802-6106 International journal of applied linguistics 1 1473-4192 ---
0803-5253 Acta pædiatrica (Oslo) 1 1651-2227 ---
0803-5326 Acta pædiatrica. Supplement 1 --- ---
0803-7051 Blood pressure 1 1651-1999 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0803-706X International forum of psychoanalysis 1 --- ---
0803-9488 Nordic journal of psychiatry 1 --- ---
0804-4643 European journal of endocrinology 1 1479-683X ---
0809-7291 Nordic journal of religion and society (Trykt utg.) 1 1890-7008 ---
0810-2686 Australian journalism review 1 --- ---
0810-5391 Accounting and finance (Parkville. Print) 1 1467-629X ---
0810-9028 Prometheus (St. Lucia) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0812-4612 Journal of general practice 1 --- ---
0813-4839 Behaviour change 1 2049-7768 ---
0814-673X Australian journal of educational technology (Print) 1 --- ---
0814-723X Australian and New Zealand journal of family therapy (Print) 1 1467-8438 ---
0815-0796 Metascience (Print) 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) 1467-9981 ---
0815-9319 Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 1 --- ---
0816-5122 The Australian educational and developmental psychologist (Print) 1 1839-2504 ---
0819-8691 History of education review 1 --- ---
0820-3946 CMAJ. Canadian Medical Association journal 1 1488-2329 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0821-4425 Essays in theatre 1 --- ---
0823-9150 Contemporary accounting research = Recherche comptable contemporaine 1 1911-3846 ---
0824-2577 Informal logic 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0824-8621 Etudes helléniques = Hellenic studies 1, tot en met 2025 (0, vanaf 2026) --- ---
0825-0383 Canadian journal of the administrative sciences = Revue canadienne des sciences de l'administration 1 --- ---
0825-8597 Journal of palliative care 1 2369-5293 ---
0826-4805 Interchange (Toronto. 1984) 1 1573-1790 ---
0829-3201 Canadian journal of law and society = Revue canadienne droit et société 1 --- ---
0834-1516 Canadian journal of program evaluation = Revue canadienne d'évaluation de programme 1 --- ---
0835-1813 Research on language and social interaction 1 1532-7973 ---
0835-8443 TTR. Traduction, terminologie, rédaction 1 1708-2188 ---
0838-164X Journal of prisoners on prisons 1 --- ---
0840-6286 Eighteenth-century fiction 1 --- ---
0841-8209 Canadian journal of law and jurisprudence 1 2056-4260 ---
0843-5057 Historical studies in education = Revue d'histoire de l'éducation 1, vanaf 2015 1911-9674 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0843-5235 Paragraphes (Montréal) 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0843-5499 Beads (Ottawa) 1 --- ---
0843-8714 International journal of maritime history 1 2052-7756 ---
0847-5733 Revue francophone de la déficience intellectuelle 1 --- ---
0848-1512 Victorian review 1 --- ---
0850-3907 Africa development = Afrique et développement 1 --- ---
0856-1818 University of Dar es Salaam Library journal 1 --- ---
0856-6070 Eastern and Southern Africa Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0856-6496 Tanzania health research bulletin 1 --- ---
0859-449X Journal of Euro-Asian Management 1 --- ---
0860-0015 Przegląd Tomistyczny 1 2544-1000 ---
0860-021X Biology of Sport 1 2083-1862 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0860-0716 Neerlandica Wratislaviensia 1 --- ---
0860-6102 Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0860-6161 Postępy Rehabilitacji = Advances in Rehabilitation 1, vanaf 2010 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0860-8032 Etnolingwistyka (Lublin) 1 2449-8335 ---
0862-397X Iluminace (Print) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0862-7045 Prostor (Praha) 1 --- ---
0862-7940 Applications of Mathematics (Praha) 1 --- ---
0862-8408 Physiological Research (Print) 1 1802-9973 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0862-8424 Litteraria Pragensia (Print) 1 2571-452X ---
0864-0491 Anales del Caribe 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0865-2864 Holmi (Budapest. Nyomtatott) 1 --- ---
0865-9362 Thalassa (Budapest) 1, tot en met 2025 (0, vanaf 2026) --- ---
0867-0633 Teksty Drugie 1 --- ---
0867-4159 Theoria et Historia Scientiarum 1 --- ---
0867-5856 Turyzm (Łódź) = Tourism 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0867-6356 Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences 1 --- ---
0868-4952 Informatica (Vilnius. Spausdinta) 1 1822-8844 ---
0868-7692 Logos (Vilnius. Spausdinta) 1 --- ---
0869-6365 Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie 1 --- ---
0870-0133 Euphrosyne (Lisboa) 1 --- ---
0870-1253 Ariane (Lisboa) 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0870-5283 Revista portuguesa de filosofia 1 --- ---
0870-8967 Diacrítica (Braga) 1 2183-9174 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0871-018X Revista de Ciências Agrárias (Lisboa) 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0871-1569 Hvmanitas (Coimbra) 1 2183-1718 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0871-4657 Psychologica (Coimbra) 1 1647-8606 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0872-0991 Mediaevalia (Porto) 1 --- ---
0872-2110 Boletim de estudos clássicos (Coimbra) 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0872-7643 Educação, sociedade & culturas 1 --- ---
0873-0628 Anglo saxónica 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0873-2949 Revista portuguesa de marketing 1 --- ---
0873-5670 Páginas a & b 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0873-7282 Cadernos de filosofia (Lisboa) 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0873-9781 Acta pediátrica portuguesa 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0874-0321 Revista portuguesa de humanidades 1 --- ---
0874-1336 Revista portuguesa de história do livro = Revue portugaise d'histoire du livre 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0874-6885 Faces de Eva 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0882-0945 Buddhist-Christian studies 1 1527-9472 ---
0882-1046 The Journal of contemporary health law and policy 1 --- ---
0882-2689 Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment 1 1573-3505 ---
0882-7508 Mineral processing and extractive metallurgy review 1 --- ---
0882-7524 Topics in geriatric rehabilitation 1 --- ---
0882-7974 Psychology and aging 1 1939-1498 ---
0882-8245 Viral immunology 1 1557-8976 ---
0882-8539 Shofar (West Lafayette, Indiana) 1 1534-5165 ---
0883-0355 International journal of educational research 1 1873-538X ---
0883-0738 Journal of child neurology (Print) 1 1708-8283 ---
0883-1157 Romance quarterly 1 1940-3216 ---
0883-2919 World Englishes (Print) 1 1467-971X ---
0883-2927 Applied geochemistry 1 1872-9134 ---
0883-4237 Statistical science 1 2168-8745 ---
0883-5381 Healthcare executive 1 --- ---
0883-5403 The Journal of arthroplasty 1 --- ---
0883-6353 Geoarchaeology (Print) 1 1520-6548 ---
0883-6612 Annals of behavioral medicine 1 1532-4796 ---
0883-7252 Journal of applied econometrics (Chichester, England) 1 1099-1255 ---
0883-7694 MRS bulletin 1 --- ---
0883-8151 Journal of broadcasting & electronic media 1 1550-6878 ---
0883-9026 Journal of business venturing 1 1873-2003 ---
0883-9417 Archives of psychiatric nursing (Print) 1 1532-8228 ---
0883-9441 Journal of critical care 1 1557-8615 ---
0883-9514 Applied artificial intelligence 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0884-0431 Journal of bone and mineral research 1 1523-4681 ---
0884-2043 Clio (Fort Wayne, Ind.) 1 --- ---
0884-2175 Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing 1 --- ---
0884-2914 Journal of materials research 1 --- ---
0884-8173 International journal of intelligent systems (Print) 1 1098-111X ---
0885-2006 Early childhood research quarterly 1 1873-7706 ---
0885-2014 Cognitive development 1 1879-226X ---
0885-2308 Computer speech & language (Print) 1 1095-8363 ---
0885-2545 Journal of cultural economics 1 --- ---
0885-3010 IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 1 1525-8955 ---
0885-3185 Movement disorders 1 1531-8257 ---
0885-3282 Journal of biomaterials applications 1 --- ---
0885-3924 Journal of pain and symptom management 1 1873-6513 ---
0885-579X Journal of personality disorders 1 1943-2763 ---
0885-6087 Hydrological processes (Print) 1 1099-1085 ---
0885-6125 Machine learning 1 1573-0565 ---
0885-6222 Human psychopharmacology (Print) 1 1099-1077 ---
0885-6230 International journal of geriatric psychiatry 1 1099-1166 ---
0885-6257 European journal of special needs education 1 1469-591X ---
0885-7466 Social justice research 1 1573-6725 ---
0885-7474 Journal of scientific computing 1 1573-7691 ---
0885-7482 Journal of family violence 1 --- ---
0885-8195 Journal of cancer education 1 --- ---
0885-8624 Journal of business & industrial marketing 1 --- ---
0885-8977 IEEE transactions on power delivery 1 --- ---
0885-968X Emblematica 1 --- ---
0885-9698 Techniques in orthopaedics (Rockville, Md.) 1, vanaf 2009 --- ---
0885-9701 The journal of head trauma rehabilitation 1 --- ---
0886-1528 International review of industrial and organizational psychology 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0886-2605 Journal of interpersonal violence 1 1552-6518 ---
0886-3210 California Western international law journal 1 --- ---
0886-3350 Journal of cataract and refractive surgery (Print) 1 1873-4502 ---
0886-4470 Archives of otolaryngology--head & neck surgery 1 --- ---
0886-5558 Choices (Ames, Iowa) 1 2162-2884 ---
0886-6236 Global biogeochemical cycles 1 1944-9224 ---
0886-7356 Cultural anthropology 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0886-9383 Journal of chemometrics (Print) 1 1099-128X ---
0886-9634 Cranio 1 --- ---
0887-0446 Psychology & health 1 1476-8321 ---
0887-2333 Toxicology in vitro 1 --- ---
0887-283X Dickinson journal of international law 1 --- ---
0887-3585 Proteins (Print) 1 1097-0134 ---
0887-4476 Synapse (New York, N.Y. Print) 1 1098-2396 ---
0887-5367 Hypatia (Edwardsville, Ill.) 1 --- ---
0887-6177 Archives of clinical neuropsychology 1 1873-5843 ---
0887-6185 Journal of anxiety disorders 1 1873-7897 ---
0887-624X Journal of polymer science. Part A, Polymer chemistry 1 --- ---
0887-6924 Leukemia 1 1476-5551 ---
0887-8250 Journal of sensory studies 1 --- ---
0887-8994 Pediatric neurology 1 1873-5150 ---
0887-9311 Holistic nursing practice 1 --- ---
0888-0018 Pediatric hematology and oncology 1 1521-0669 ---
0888-0395 ˜The œJournal of neuroscience nursing 1 --- ---
0888-3254 Eastern European politics and societies 1 1533-8371 ---
0888-3270 Mechanical systems and signal processing 1 1096-1216 ---
0888-4080 Applied cognitive psychology (Print) 1 1099-0720 ---
0888-4773 Journal of sport management (Print) 1 1543-270X ---
0888-4781 The Sport psychologist 1 1543-2793 ---
0888-5753 Studies in popular culture 1 --- ---
0888-5885 Industrial & engineering chemistry research 1 1520-5045 ---
0888-6008 Breast disease 1 --- ---
0888-6091 Confluencia (Greeley, Colo.) 1 2328-6962 ---
0888-613X International journal of approximate reasoning 1 1873-4731 ---
0888-7233 Comparative economic studies 1 1478-3320 ---
0888-7543 Genomics (San Diego, Calif.) 1 --- Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0888-7985 Journal of information systems 1 1558-7959 ---
0888-8809 Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.) 1 --- ---
0889-048X Agriculture and human values 1 1572-8366 ---
0889-1575 Journal of food composition and analysis (Print) 1 1096-0481 ---
0889-1583 Journal of the Japanese and international economies (Print) 1 1095-8681 ---
0889-1591 Brain, behavior, and immunity 1 1090-2139 ---
0889-2229 AIDS research and human retroviruses 1 --- ---
0889-3268 Journal of business and psychology 1 --- ---
0889-3365 NBER macroeconomics annual 1 --- ---
0889-3667 International journal of comparative psychology 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0889-4019 The Career development quarterly 1 2161-0045 ---
0889-4655 The Journal of cardiovascular nursing 1 1550-5049 ---
0889-4906 English for specific purposes (New York, N.Y.) 1 1873-1937 ---
0889-5406 American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics 1 --- ---
0889-7204 Progress in cardiovascular nursing 1 --- ---
0889-8391 Journal of cognitive psychotherapy 1 --- ---
0889-938X Review of industrial organization 1 1573-7160 ---
0890-0604 Artificial intelligence for engineering design, analysis and manufacturing 1 1469-1760 ---
0890-1112 Journal of ritual studies 1 --- ---
0890-1171 American journal of health promotion 1 2168-6602 ---
0890-2070 European journal of personality (Print) 1 1099-0984 ---
0890-2461 Philosophy, theology 1 --- ---
0890-3670 The Scientist (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1 --- ---
0890-4065 Journal of aging studies 1 1879-193X ---
0890-5339 Journal of orthopaedic trauma 1 --- ---
0890-5495 Nineteenth-century contexts 1 1477-2663 ---
0890-6955 International journal of machine tools & manufacture 1 --- ---
0890-8389 The British accounting review (Print) 1 1095-8347 ---
0890-8508 Molecular and cellular probes 1 1096-1194 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0890-8567 Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 1 1527-5418 ---
0890-8575 Natural resource modeling 1 --- ---
0890-913X The Journal of private enterprise 1 --- ---
0890-9369 Genes & development 1 --- ---
0891-2017 Computational linguistics - Association for Computational Linguistics (Print) 1 1530-9312 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0891-2416 Journal of contemporary ethnography 1 1552-5414 ---
0891-2513 Complex systems 1 --- ---
0891-3668 The Pediatric infectious disease journal 1 1532-0987 ---
0891-4222 Research in developmental disabilities (Print) 1 1873-3379 ---
0891-4486 International journal of politics, culture, and society 1, vanaf 2015 1573-3416 ---
0891-5520 Infectious disease clinics of North America 1 --- ---
0891-625X The Journal of speculative philosophy 1 --- ---
0891-6640 Journal of veterinary internal medicine 1 1939-1676 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0891-9356 Nineteenth-century literature 1 --- ---
0891-9887 Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology 1 1552-5708 ---
0892-1997 Journal of voice 1 1873-4588 ---
0892-2160 Film history (New York, N.Y.) 1 --- ---
0892-6638 The FASEB journal 1 1530-6860 ---
0892-7545 Employee responsibilities and rights journal 1 1573-3378 ---
0892-7553 Journal of insect behavior 1 --- ---
0892-7790 Journal of endourology 1 --- ---
0892-7936 Anthrozoös 1 --- ---
0892-9912 The Journal of technology transfer 1 1573-7047 ---
0893-0341 Alzheimer disease and associated disorders 1 --- ---
0893-0465 City & society 1 1548-744X ---
0893-133X Neuropsychopharmacology (New York, N.Y.) 1 1740-634X ---
0893-164X Psychology of addictive behaviors 1 1939-1501 ---
0893-2174 The International journal of prosthodontics 1 --- ---
0893-228X Chemical research in toxicology 1 1520-5010 ---
0893-2905 The Psychiatric times 1, vanaf 2014 --- ---
0893-3189 Management communication quarterly 1 --- ---
0893-3200 Journal of family psychology 1 1939-1293 ---
0893-3952 Modern pathology 1 1530-0285 ---
0893-5378 The Yale journal of criticism 1 --- ---
0893-5696 Rethinking Marxism 1 1475-8059 ---
0893-5785 Pigment cell research 1 --- ---
0893-6080 Neural networks (Print) 1 1879-2782 ---
0893-6692 Environmental and molecular mutagenesis (Print) 1 1098-2280 ---
0893-7524 Arthritis care and research 1 --- ---
0893-7648 Molecular neurobiology 1 --- ---
0893-9454 The Review of financial studies 1 1465-7368 ---
0894-069X Naval research logistics (Print) 1 1520-6750 ---
0894-1491 GLIA (New York, N.Y. : Print) 1 1098-1136 ---
0894-1912 The Journal of continuing education in the health professions 1 --- ---
0894-1920 Society & natural resources 1 1521-0723 ---
0894-2838 The Journal of communication and religion 1 --- ---
0894-3214 Packaging technology & science (Print) 1 1099-1522 ---
0894-3257 Journal of behavioral decision making (Print) 1 1099-0771 ---
0894-3796 Journal of organizational behavior 1 1099-1379 ---
0894-4105 Neuropsychology (Print) 1 1931-1559 ---
0894-4393 Social science computer review 1 1552-8286 ---
0894-4865 Family business review 1 --- ---
0894-587X Administration and policy in mental health 1 1573-3289 ---
0894-6507 IEEE transactions on semiconductor manufacturing 1 --- ---
0894-7317 Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography (Print) 1 1097-6795 ---
0894-8275 American journal of dentistry 1 --- ---
0894-8453 Journal of career development 1 1573-3548 ---
0894-8755 Journal of climate 1 1520-0442 ---
0894-9115 American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation 1 1537-7385 ---
0894-9468 Visual anthropology (Journal) 1 1545-5920 ---
0894-9867 Journal of traumatic stress 1 1573-6598 ---
0894-9875 Foundations of physics letters 1 --- ---
0895-0172 The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences (Print) 1 1545-7222 ---
0895-2779 Journal of sport & exercise psychology (Print) 1 1543-2904 ---
0895-4356 Journal of clinical epidemiology 1 1878-5921 ---
0895-4801 SIAM journal on discrete mathematics (Print) 1 1095-7146 ---
0895-562X Journal of productivity analysis 1 1573-0441 ---
0895-5646 Journal of risk and uncertainty 1 1573-0476 ---
0895-6308 Research technology management 1 --- ---
0895-7061 American journal of hypertension 1 1941-7225 ---
0895-7177 Mathematical and computer modelling (Print) 1 --- ---
0895-7347 Applied measurement in education 1 1532-4818 ---
0895-769X ANQ (Lexington, Ky.) 1 1940-3364 ---
0895-7959 High pressure research 1 --- ---
0895-8378 Inhalation toxicology 1 --- ---
0895-8696 Journal of molecular neuroscience 1 --- ---
0895-9285 Human performance 1 1532-7043 ---
0895-9420 Journal of aging & social policy (Print) 1 1545-0821 ---
0896-0267 Brain topography 1 1573-6792 ---
0896-226X Essays in economic and business history 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0896-4297 New theology review 1 --- ---
0896-6273 Neuron (Cambridge, Mass.) 1 1097-4199 ---
0896-8446 The Journal of supercritical fluids 1 1872-8162 ---
0896-8608 Peritoneal dialysis international 1 1718-4304 ---
0897-1897 Applied nursing research (Print) 1 1532-8201 ---
0897-1986 Knowledge in society 1 --- ---
0897-3806 Clinical anatomy (New York, N.Y. Print) 1 1098-2353 ---
0897-4438 Journal of international food & agribusiness marketing 1 1528-6983 ---
0897-4756 Chemistry of materials 1 1520-5002 ---
0897-6546 Law & social inquiry 1 1747-4469 ---
0897-7151 Journal of neurotrauma 1 1557-9042 ---
0897-7186 Journal of health & social policy 1 1540-4064 ---
0897-7542 Letras Peninsulares 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0898-154X Merveilles & contes = Meraviglie & racconti 1 --- ---
0898-2112 Quality engineering 1 --- ---
0898-2643 Journal of aging and health 1 1552-6887 ---
0898-2937 NBER working paper series 1, tot en met 2025 (0, vanaf 2026) --- ---
0898-5626 Entrepreneurship and regional development 1 1464-5114 ---
0898-5669 Pediatric physical therapy 1 1538-005X ---
0898-5898 Linguistics and education 1 1873-1864 ---
0898-6568 Cellular signalling 1 --- ---
0898-929X Journal of cognitive neuroscience 1 1530-8898 ---
0898-9621 Accountability in research 1 1545-5815 ---
0899-1561 Journal of materials in civil engineering 1 --- ---
0899-5141 Journal of cost management for the manufacturing industry 1 --- ---
0899-5605 Military psychology 1 1532-7876 ---
0899-7640 Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly 1 1552-7395 ---
0899-7667 Neural computation 1 1530-888X ---
0899-7764 Journal of media economics 1 --- ---
0899-823X Infection control and hospital epidemiology 1 1559-6834 ---
0899-8256 Games and economic behavior (Print) 1 1090-2473 ---
0899-8418 International journal of climatology 1 1097-0088 ---
0899-8493 Pediatric exercise science 1 --- ---
0899-9007 Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.) 1 1873-1244 ---
0899-9546 AIDS education and prevention 1 1943-2755 ---
0900-9671 Mediekultur (Ålborg. Papirform) 1 1901-9726 ---
0901-3393 Scandinavian journal of laboratory animal science 1 --- ---
0901-5027 International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 1 1399-0020 ---
0901-8328 Scandinavian journal of the Old Testament 1 1502-7244 ---
0902-0063 Clinical transplantation 1 1399-0012 ---
0902-7351 Nordic journal of international law (KÝbenhavn. 1986. Print) = Nordisk tidskrift for international ret (KÝbenhavn. 1986) 1 1571-8107 ---
0903-1936 The European respiratory journal 1 1399-3003 ---
0903-4641 APMIS. Acta pathologica, microbiologica et immunologica Scandinavica 1 --- ---
0904-1699 Hermes (Århus. Papirform) 1 1903-1785 Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0904-2512 Journal of oral pathology & medicine 1 --- ---
0905-6157 Pediatric allergy and immunology 1 1399-3038 ---
0905-7161 Clinical oral implants research 1 1600-0501 ---
0905-7188 Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 1 1600-0838 ---
0905-7196 Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 1 1600-0471 ---
0905-9180 European respiratory review 1 1600-0617 Ja, met publiceerkost (APC)
0906-6705 Experimental dermatology 1 --- ---
0906-7590 Ecography (Copenhagen) 1 --- ---
0907-0877 Cybernetics & human knowing 1 --- ---
0907-5682 Childhood (Copenhagen) 1 1461-7013 ---
0907-6182 Kvinder, køn & forskning 1 --- ---
0907-676X Perspectives: studies in translatology 1 1747-6623 ---
0908-4282 Applied neuropsychology 1 --- ---
0908-665X Xenotransplantation (København) 1 1399-3089 ---
0909-752X Skin research and technology 1 1600-0846 ---
0909-8836 European journal of oral sciences 1 1600-0722 ---
0910-8327 Heart and vessels 1 --- ---
0911-6044 Journal of neurolinguistics 1 --- ---
0911-7229 Language, culture and communication 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0913-820X Journal of human development = Ningen hattatsu kenkyū (Tokyo. 1986) 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0914-5087 Journal of cardiology 1 1876-4738 ---
0914-7187 Annals of nuclear medicine 1 --- ---
0914-8779 Journal of bone and mineral metabolism (English ed. Print) 1 1435-5604 ---
0915-2350 Journal of the Japanese Society of Computational Statistics 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0918-2918 Internal medicine (Tokyo. 1992) 1 --- ---
0918-3701 English linguistics (Tokyo. 1984) 1 --- ---
0918-788X Review of social policy 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0918-8959 Endocrine journal 1 --- ---
0919-8172 International journal of urology 1 1442-2042 ---
0919-9268 Fisheries science 1 --- ---
0920-055X Regelmaat (Lelystad) 1 --- ---
0920-0665 Onderzoek van onderwijs ('s-Gravenhage) 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0920-1211 Epilepsy research 1 1872-6844 ---
0920-1637 Clinical neuropsychologist 1 --- ---
0920-1742 Fish physiology and biochemistry 1 --- ---
0920-203X China information 1 1741-590X ---
0920-3206 Cardiovascular drugs and therapy 1 1573-7241 ---
0920-3273 Verpleegkunde (Lochem) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) 2468-2225 ---
0920-3796 Fusion engineering and design 1 --- ---
0920-380X Jaarboek voor munt- en penningkunde 1, vanaf 2014 --- ---
0920-4741 Water resources management 1 1573-1650 ---
0920-5489 Computer standards & interfaces 1 1872-7018 ---
0920-5632 Nuclear physics. B, Proceedings supplement (Print) 1 --- ---
0920-5691 International journal of computer vision 1 1573-1405 ---
0920-5861 Catalysis today (Print) 1 1873-4308 ---
0920-6299 International journal of flexible manufacturing systems 1 --- ---
0920-8550 Journal of financial services research 1 1573-0735 ---
0920-9034 Journal of Pidgin and Creole languages ( Print) 1 --- ---
0920-9875 NEHA-bulletin (Amsterdam) 1 --- ---
0920-9964 Schizophrenia research (Print) 1 1573-2509 ---
0921-030X Natural hazards (Dordrecht) 1 1573-0840 ---
0921-142X De Zeventiende eeuw (Print) 1 2212-7402 ---
0921-1934 Beleidswetenschap 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0921-2728 Journal of paleolimnology 1 --- ---
0921-2973 Landscape ecology (Print) 1 1572-9761 ---
0921-3449 Resources, conservation and recycling 1 1879-0658 ---
0921-3554 Nederlands tijdschrift voor bestuursrecht (Print) 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0921-3740 Cultural dynamics 1 --- ---
0921-4348 Tijdschrift voor ergonomie 1, tot en met 2023 (0, vanaf 2024) --- ---
0921-481X Tijdschrift voor sociaal wetenschappelijk onderzoek van de landbouw 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0921-4933 Amsterdams sociologisch tijdschrift (1988) 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0921-5034 Language and computers 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0921-5077 Gedrag en organisatie 1 1875-7235 ---
0921-5093 Materials science & engineering. A, Structural materials: properties, microstructure and processing 1 --- ---
0921-5158 Etnofoor (Amsterdam) 1 --- ---
0921-5360 Gedrag & gezondheid (Print) 1 --- ---
0921-5867 Vaktaal (Amsterdam) 1 --- ---
0921-5891 Hobbes studies (Print) 1 --- ---
0921-7304 Tijdschrift voor fertiliteitsonderzoek 1 --- ---
0921-8009 Ecological economics (Amsterdam) 1 1873-6106 ---
0921-8181 Global and planetary change (Print) 1 1872-6364 ---
0921-898X Small business economics 1 1573-0913 ---
0921-9668 Plant foods for human nutrition (Dordrecht. Print) 1 1573-9104 ---
0922-0887 Millennium (Nijmegen) 1 --- ---
0922-1565 Leiden journal of international law 1 1478-9698 ---
0922-2936 JET. Journal of empirical theology (Print) 1 1570-9256 ---
0922-3312 TMA. Tijdschrift voor mediterrane archeologie 1 --- ---
0922-4777 Reading & writing 1 1573-0905 ---
0922-6028 Restorative neurology and neuroscience 1 --- ---
0922-6567 Machine translation 1 1573-0573 ---
0922-680X Journal of regulatory economics 1 --- ---
0922-7865 Voortgang (Amsterdam) 1, tot en met 2026 (0, vanaf 2027) --- ---
0923-0645 Marketing letters 1 1573-059X ---
0923-1501 Tijdschrift voor cardiologie 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0923-2370 NTZ. Nederlands tijdschrift voor zwakzinnigenzorg 1, tot en met 2022 (0, vanaf 2023) --- ---
0923-2508 Research in microbiology (Paris) 1 --- ---
0923-2842 Studies over de sociaal-economische geschiedenis van Limburg (Print) 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0923-4748 Journal of engineering and technology management 1 1879-1719 ---
0923-5817 Noordbrabants historisch jaarboek 1, tot en met 2024 (0, vanaf 2025) --- ---
0923-5965 Signal processing. Image communication 1 1879-2677 ---
0923-7534 Annals of oncology 1 1569-8041 ---
0923-7992 Open economies review 1 1573-708X ---
0923-9820 Biodegradation (Dordrecht) 1 --- ---
0924-0136 Journal of materials processing technology 1 --- ---
0924-042X Jaarboek voor liturgie onderzoek 1 --- ---
0924-0519 Netherlands quarterly of human rights 1 2214-7357 ---
0924-0608 Revista europea de estudios latinoamericanos y del caribe = European review of latin american and caribbean studies 1 --- Ja, zonder publiceerkost (APC)
0924-1477 The Netherlands' journal of social sciences 1 --- ---
0924-1884 Target (Amsterdam. Print) 1 1569-9986 ---
0924-2031 Vibrational spectroscopy (Print) 1 1873-3697 ---
0924-2244 Trends in food science & technology (Regular ed.) 1 1879-3053 ---
0924-2708 Acta neuropsychiatrica 1 1601-5215 ---
0924-2716 ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 1 1872-8235 ---
0924-3453 School effectiveness and school improvement 1 1744-5124 ---
0924-3860 European journal of morphology (Print) 1 1744-4241 ---
0924-4247 Sensors and actuators. A, Phys