
In addition to the services for the Flemish government, the researchers of ECOOM also contribute to academic research in various research domains.

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Hicks, D., Wang, J. (2013)

The New York Times as a resource for Mode 2.

Science, Technology & Human Values, 38(6), 851-877
DOI: 10.1177/0162243913497806

2013 - Bibliometrics - KU Leuven

Kelchtermans, S., Veugelers, R. (2013)

Top research productivity and its persistency: Gender as a double-edged sword.

Review of Economics and Statistics, 95 (1), 273-285

2013 - KU Leuven

Kretschmer, H., Glänzel, W. (2013)

The 8th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & 13th COLLNET Meeting - Preface.

Scientometrics, 97(1), 1
DOI: 10.1007/s11192-013-1078-5

2013 - Bibliometrics - KU Leuven

Levecque, K., Baute, S., Anseel, F. (2013)

Junior onderzoekers in Vlaanderen anno 2013: over dromen en realiteiten

In: ECOOM Brief 8 - Oktober 2013

2013 - Doctoral careers - UGent

Leydesdorff, L., Meyer, M. (2013)

A reply to Etzkowitz’ comments to Leydesdorff and Meyer (2010): technology transfer and the end of the Bayh–Dole effect.

Scientometrics, 98 (1), 473-485
DOI: 10.1007/s11192-013-0997-5

2013 - Bibliometrics - KU Leuven

Liu, X., Ji, S., Glänzel, W., De Moor, B. (2013)

Multi-view partitioning via tensor methods.

IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 25(5), 1056-1069
DOI: 10.1109/TKDE.2012.95

2013 - Bibliometrics - KU Leuven

Reymen, I., Andries, P., Berends, J., Mauer, R., Stephan, U., van Burg, J. (2013)

Holy grail or mundane variety: Venture scoping and dynamics of effectuation and causation.

2nd Effectuation Conference: Vol. 2 (2013). Effectuation Conference. Lyon (France), 3-4 June 2013 (pp. 1-44)

2013 - Innovation - KU Leuven

Rons, N. (2013)

Groups of Highly Cited Publications: Stability in Content with Citation Window Length.

In: Proceedings of ISSI 2013, 14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference, Vienna, Austria, 15-19 July 2013, Juan Gorraiz, Edgar Schiebel, Christian Gumpenberger, Marianne Hörlesberger, Henk Moed (Eds.), Vol. 2, 1998-2000

Stevens, H., Van Overwalle, G., Van Looy, B., Huys, I. (2013)

Perspectives and opportunities for precompetitive public-private partnerships.

Biotechnology Law Report, 32(3), 131-139
DOI: 10.1089/blr.2013.9929 (IF most recent: 0.15)

2013 - Technometrics - KU Leuven

te Kaat, A., Leyman, A., Vandevelde, K., Van Rossem, R. (2013)

Ervaringen van onderzoekers die aan een Vlaamse universiteit hebben gewerkt: resultaten van de Exit-survey aan de KULeuven, UA, UGent, UHasselt en VUB

(2013) HR2 e-documents ECOOM. 5

2013 - Doctoral careers - UGent