
In addition to the services for the Flemish government, the researchers of ECOOM also contribute to academic research in various research domains.

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te Kaat, A., Vandevelde, K., Van Rossem, R., Groenvynck, H. (2013)

Studenten aan het woord: wie is er geïnteresseerd in een wetenschappelijke loopbaan?

Tijdschrift voor onderwijsrecht en onderwijsbeleid (2013). 234-242

2013 - Doctoral careers - UGent

Thijs, B., Schiebel, E., Glänzel, W. (2013)

Do second-order similarities provide added-value in a hybrid approach?

Scientometrics, 96(3), 667-677
DOI: 10.1007/s11192-012-0896-1

2013 - Bibliometrics - KU Leuven

Thijs, B., Zhang, L., Glänzel, W., (2013)

Bibliographic Coupling and Hierarchical Clustering for the validation and improvement of subject-classification schemes.

In: J. Gorraiz, E. Schiebel, Ch. Gumpenberger, M. Hörlesberger, H.F. Moed (eds), Proceedings of ISSI 2013 – The 14th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, Vienna, Austria, 2013, Vol. I, 237–249

2013 - Bibliometrics - KU Leuven

Van Bouwel, L., Veugelers, R. (2013)

The determinants of student mobility in Europe: The quality dimension.

European Journal of Higher Education, 3 (2), 172-190
DOI: 10.1080/21568235.2013.772345

2013 - KU Leuven

Van Dierdonck, R., Van Looy, B. (2013)

Managing services across national boundaries.

In: Gemmel P., Van Looy B., Van Dierdonck R. (Eds.), Service Management - An Integrated Approach, Chapt. 17. Essex (UK): Pearson Education Limited, 411-429

2013 - Technometrics - KU Leuven

Van Looy, B., Dewettinck, K., Buyens, D., Stevens, W., Faems, D. (2013)

Designing human resources practices that matter for service organizations.

In: Gemmel P., Van Looy B., Van Dierdonck R. (Eds.), Service Management - An Integrated Approach, Chapt. 5. Essex (UK): Pearson Education Limited, 75-104

2013 - Technometrics - KU Leuven

Van Looy, B., Grommen, W., Grielens, W., Schillewaert, N., Matthÿnssens, P. (2013)

(Information) technology and services.

In: Gemmel P., Van Looy B., Van Dierdonck R. (Eds.), Service Management - An Integrated Approach, Chapt. 6. Essex (UK): Pearson Education Limited, 105-134

2013 - Technometrics - KU Leuven

Van Looy, B., Krols, K., Buyens, D., Vandenbossche, T., Stevens, W., Faems, D. (2013)

People practices that enable delivery.

In: Gemmel P., Van Looy B., Van Dierdonck R. (Eds.), Service Management - An Integrated Approach, Chapt. 11. Essex (UK): Pearson Education Limited, 246-279

2013 - Technometrics - KU Leuven

Verleysen, F.T., & Engels, T.C.E. (2013)

A label for peer reviewed books.

Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64, 428-430
DOI: 10.1002/ASI.22836

2013 - UAntwerpen

Verleysen, F.T., & Engels, T.C.E. (2013)

Measuring internationalisation of book publishing in the social sciences and humanities using the Barycentre method.

Proceedings of ISSI 2013, volume 2, p. 1170-1176

2013 - UAntwerpen