
In addition to the services for the Flemish government, the researchers of ECOOM also contribute to academic research in various research domains.

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Van Hecke, T., Wille, L., Levecque, K., Mortier, A. (2023)

What are the chances? How PhD candidates perceive their employment chances for different sectors
In: ECOOM Briefs N°43, july 2023  

2023 - Doctoral careers - UGent

van Nispen, J., Bormans, Y. (2023)

Buitenlands zeggenschap in Vlaanderen anno 2023

In: Beleidsrapport STORE-23-032, Steunpunt Economie en Ondernemen 

2023 - Economy and business - KU Leuven

Volckaert, A. (2023)

Kernindicatoren 2022 Medvia

In: Beleidsrapport STORE-23-007, Steunpunt Economie en Ondernemen

2023 - Economy and business - KU Leuven

Volckaert, A. (2023)

Speerpuntclusters in Vlaanderen MEDVIA

In: Beleidsrapport STORE-23-016, Steunpunt Economie en Ondernemen

2023 - Economy and business - KU Leuven

Wille, L., Poelmans, H., Van Goethem, S., Mortier, A. Levecque, K. (2023)

Interdisciplinary research: why do(‘nt) postdocs and professors conduct it?
In: ECOOM Briefs, N° 47, December 2023

2023 - Doctoral careers - UGent

Wille,L., Van Hecke, T., Levecque, K., Mortier, A. (2023)

Interdisciplinary research: why do(‘nt) postdocs and professors conduct it?
In: ECOOM briefs N° 46, December 2023

2023 - Doctoral careers - UGent

Zhang, l., Qi, F., Huang, Y., Van Looy, B., Chen, L., Saritas, O. (2023)

Chinese public university patents during 2006–20: a comprehensive investigation and comparative study.
DOI: 10.1093/scipol/scad002

2023 - Technometrics - KU Leuven

Zhou, H., Dong, K., & Xia, Y. (2023)

 Knowledge inheritance in disciplines: Quantifying the successive and distant reuse of references.
In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
DOI: 10.1002/asi.24833

2023 - Bibliometrics - UAntwerpen

Zhou, H., Guns, R., & Engels, T. C. E. (2023) 

Towards indicating interdisciplinarity: Characterizing interdisciplinary knowledge flow. In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology.
DOI: 10.1002/asi.24829

2023 - Bibliometrics - UAntwerpen


Gorrens, B., Konings, J., Putseys, A., Reynaerts, J., Van Esbroeck D., Vanschoonbeek J., Volckaert, A. (2022)

Kernindicatoren 2021 Flux50

In: Beleidsrapport STORE -22-006, Steunpunt Economie en Ondernemen

2022 - Economy and business - KU Leuven