In addition to the services for the Flemish government, the researchers of ECOOM also contribute to academic research in various research domains.
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Mortier, A., Levecque, K., Wille, L. (2023)
Does intersectoral collaboration during the PhD play a role for careers after the PhD?
In: ECOOM Briefs N°45, December 2023
Mortier, A., Levecque, K., Wille, L. (2023) De tewerkstelling van doctoraathouders: de niet-academische sectoren in kaart gebracht. In: ECOOM Briefs, N°42, Maart 2023.
Pham, HS., Pham, HS., Ali-Eldin, A. (2023)
A metadata-based approach for research discipline prediction using machine learning techniques and distance metrics. IEEE Access, 11, pp. 61995-62012
Pham, HS., Vancraeynest, B., Poelmans, H., Vancauwenbergh, S., Ali-Eldin, A. (2023)
Identifying interdisciplinary research in research projects
In: Scientometrics. DOI: 10.1007/s11192-023-04810-6
Putseys A., Volckaert, A. (2023)
Kernindicatoren 2022 SIM
In: Beleidsrapport STORE-23-003, Steunpunt Economie en Ondernemen
Putseys, A., Reynaerts, J. (2023)
De digitale sector in Vlaanderen - Update 2023
In: Beleidsrapport STORE-23-025, Steunpunt Economie en Ondernemen
Putseys, A., Reynaerts, J. (2023)
Digitalisering op ondernemingsniveau in Vlaanderen: de e-score 2015-2021
In: Beleidsrapport STORE-23-024, Steunpunt Economie en Ondernemen
Putseys, A., Volckaert, A. (2023)
Kernindicatoren 2022 VIL
In: Beleidsrapport STORE-23-002, Steunpunt Economie en Ondernemen
Qi, F., Zhou, H., Sun, B., Huang, Y., & Zhang, L. (2023)
How do boundary-crossing researchers contribute to the interdisciplinary knowledge flows? Evidence from physics
In: Proceedings of ISSI 2023
Rijssegem L., Paeleman I., Hünermund E., Andries P. (2023)
Founder's Financial Knowledge and the New Firm's Ability to Obtain Debt Financing. British Journal of Management (0), pp1-20.