In addition to the services for the Flemish government, the researchers of ECOOM also contribute to academic research in various research domains.
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Gorrens, B., Reynaerts, J., Vanschoonbeek, J. (2023)
Spreiding, co-locatie en hefboomwerking van de digitale sector in Vlaanderen
In: Beleidsrapport STORE-23-026, Steunpunt Economie en Ondernemen
Gorrens, B., Volckaert, A. (2023)
Kernindicatoren 2022 Catalisti
In: Beleidsrapport STORE-23-001, Steunpunt Economie en Ondernemen
Gorrens, B., Volckaert, A. (2023)
Kernindicatoren 2022 Flanders' Food
In: Beleidsrapport STORE-23-005, Steunpunt Economie en Ondernemen
Guns, R., Arhiliuc, C. (2023)
Disciplinary collaboration rates in the social sciences and humanities: what is the influence of classification type?
In: Scientometrics.
DOI: 10.1007/s11192-023-04719-0
Hassan, W., Volckaert, A. (2023)
Mid-term review Vlaamse Speerpunt Clusters
In: Beleidsrapport STORE-23-017, Steunpunt Economie en Ondernemen
Jonker, H., Delmarcelle, O., (2023)
Disentangling the societal discourse on covid-19 in Belgium: scientists communicating in the written press during the recent public health crisis”, Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy (Georgia Institute of Technology, 24-26 mei)
Konings, J., Magerman, G., Van Esbroeck, D. (2023)
Impactevaluatie VLAIO, coronamaatregelen 2021
In: Beleidsrapport STORE-23-033, Steunpunt Economie en Ondernemen
Li, R., Guns, R., Engels, T. C. E., Zhang, L., & Huang, Y. (2023)
Tracking the featured topics of the International Science of Team Science conference series and their evolution during 2010–2019
In: Scientometrics
Li, R., Guns, R., Engels, T. C. E., Zhang, L., & Huang, Y. (2023)
Understanding and identification: The life cycle stages of research team development
In: Proceedings of ISSI 2023
Mortier, A., Levecque, K. Wille, L. (2023)
Are PhD holders still involved in research after leaving the university?
In: ECOOM briefs N°44, December 2023