Naast de verschillende dienstverleningen aan de Vlaamse overheid dragen de onderzoekers van ECOOM ook bij tot het academisch onderzoek in verschillende onderzoeksdomeinen.
Publicaties filteren
Toole, A., Czarnitzki, D., Rammer, C. (2015)
University research alliances, absorptive capacity, and the contribution of startups to employment growth
In: Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 24 (5), pp. 532-549
Andries, P., Czarnitzki, D. (2014)
Small firm innovation performance and employee involvement
In: Small Business Economics, 43 (1), pp. 21-38
Andries, P., Thorwarth, S. (2014)
Should firms outsource their basic research? The impact of firm size on in-house versus outsourced R&D productivity
In: Creativity and Innovation Management, 23(3), pp. 303-317
Boosten, K., Vandevelde, K., Derycke, H., te Kaat, A., Van Rossem, R. (2014)
Careers of Doctorate Holers Survey 2010
In: R&D and Innovation in Belgium Research Series 13. Belspo
Cappelli, R., Czarnitzki, D., Kraft, K. (2014)
Sources of spillovers for imitation and innovation
In: Research Policy, 43(1), pp. 115-120
Czarnitzki, D., Etro, F., Kraft, K. (2014)
Endogenous market structures and innovation by leaders: an empirical test
In: Economica, 81(321), pp. 117-139
Czarnitzki, D., Lopes Bento, C. (2014)
Innovation subsidies: Does the funding source matter for innovation intensity and performance? Empirical evidence from Germany
In: Industry and Innovation, 21(5), pp. 380-409
Czarnitzki, D., Rammer, C., Toole, A. (2014)
University spinoffs and the “Performance premium”
In: Small Business Economics, 43(2), pp. 309-332
Andries, P., Bruylant, A., Delanote, J., Hoskens, M. (2013)
Innovation efforts of Flemish enterprises: Core results of the CIS2011 survey
In: Debackere K., Veugelers R. (Eds.), Flemish Indicator Book on Science, Technology and Innovation, Chapt. 9. Brussels (Belgium): Flemish Government, pp. 145-160
Andries, P., Bruylant, A., Delanote, J., Hoskens, M., Van Criekingen, K., Vanhaverbeke, S. (2013)
R&D activities of Flemish enterprises
In: Debackere K., Veugelers R. (Eds.), Flemish Indicator Book on Science, Technology and Innovation, Chapt. 5. Brussels (Belgium): Flemish Government, pp. 71-90