Advances in International Marketing |
2010 |
--- |
JAJ Press/Elsevier |
Iuris scripta historica |
2010 |
--- |
Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België |
Griffioenreeks |
2010 |
--- |
Athenaeum-Polak & Van Gennep |
Paragraphes |
2010 |
--- |
Université de Montréal |
Studies in writing |
2010 |
--- |
Pergamon |
Middeleeuwse verzamelhandschriften uit de Nederlanden |
2010 |
--- |
Verloren |
The Florida James Joyce series |
2010 |
--- |
University Press of Florida |
Kierkegaard Werken / e.a. |
2010 |
--- |
Damon |
Linguistica Antverpiensia, new series : themes in translation studies |
2010 |
--- |
Artesis Hogeschool Antwerpen, Hoger Instituut voor Vertalers en Tolken |
Corpus Vitrearum, Belgium, Checklists |
2010 |
--- |
Harvey Miller Publishers |
Yearbook of the Alamire Foundation |
2010 |
--- |
Alamire Foundation |
Ars disputandi supplement series |
2010 |
--- |
Ars Disputandi |
Leuven Chinese studies |
2010 |
--- |
K.U. Leuven, Ferdinand Verbiest Institute |
Aula orientalis / e.a. |
2010 |
--- |
Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België : Klasse der Letteren |
2010 |
--- |
Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België |
Doctoral Series |
2010 |
--- |
International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation |
Licht op Japan |
2010 |
--- |
Amsterdam University Press |
Wijsgerige verkenningen |
2010 |
--- |
Van Gorcum |
Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale |
2010 |
--- |
Sismel |
Réflexions faites |
2010 |
--- |
Impressions nouvelles |
Romanice : Berliner Schriften zur romanischen Kultur- und Literaturgeschichte |
2010 |
--- |
Weidler Buchverlag |
Religion et sciences humaines |
2010 |
--- |
L'Harmattan |
Irish studies in Europe |
2010 |
--- |
Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier (WTV) |
Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth century / e.a. |
2010 |
--- |
Voltaire Foundation |
Mercure du Nord |
2010 |
--- |
Presses de l'université Laval |
Urbanism fascicles OSA |
2010 |
--- |
SUN architecture, Boom |
Nouveaux actes sémiotiques / e.a. |
2010 |
--- |
Filosofische diagnosen |
2010 |
--- |
Boom |
Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse academie van België voor wetenschappen en kunsten |
2010 |
--- |
Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België |
Vlees en beton |
2010 |
--- |
University of Ghent |
Advanced series in management |
2010 |
--- |
Pergamon |
Advances in applied business strategy |
2010 |
--- |
JAI Press/Elsevier |
Research in competence-based management |
2010 |
--- |
JAI Press/Elsevier |
Cahier voor literatuurwetenschap |
2010 |
--- |
Gentsche Sosseteit |
Het groene gras / e.a. |
2010 |
--- |
Boom Juridische Uitgevers |
Acta philosophica Fennica |
2010 |
--- |
Philosophical Society of Finland |
SUERF studies |
2010 |
--- |
Société universitaire européenne de recherches financières |
De sociale staat van Vlaanderen |
2010 |
--- |
Studiedienst van de Vlaamse Regering |
Beiträge zur historischen und systematischen Schulbuchforschung / e.a. |
2010 |
--- |
Julius Klinkhardt |
Civiltà italiana |
2010 |
--- |
Associazione internazionale professori d'Italiano |
Institut historique Belge de Rome : études de philologie, d'archéologie et d'histoire anciennes |
2010 |
--- |
Institut historique belge de Rome |
Tributes |
2010 |
--- |
King's College Publications |
Pro Memorie. Bijdragen tot de rechtsgeschiedenis |
2010 |
--- |
Verloren |
Handelingen van de Contactfora |
2010 |
--- |
Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België |
Explorations in/of urbanism |
2010 |
--- |
SUN architecture, Boom |
Transgressions : cultural studies and education |
2010 |
--- |
Sense |
Clavis kunsthistorische monografieën |
2010 |
--- |
Stichting Clavis |
Linguistic series |
2010 |
--- |
Menha Publishers |
Philosophical perspectives on mathematical practice |
2010 |
--- |
King's College Publications |
Women in Africa and the diaspora |
2010 |
--- |
University of Wisconsin Press |
Jean Cocteau cahiers |
2010 |
--- |
Editions Non Lieu |
Research in global strategic management |
2010 |
--- |
JAI Press/Elsevier |
Information technology and law series |
2010 |
--- |
Asser |
La Libellula |
2010 |
--- |
Acicastello |
Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard |
2010 |
--- |
Harvey Miller Publishers |
The ISPRS International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences |
2010 |
--- |
ICOMOS & ISPRS Committee for Documentation of Cultural Heritage |
Publications de l'institut d'études médiévales |
2010 |
--- |
Institut d'études médiévales de l'Université catholique de Louvain |
Deaf Education |
2010 |
--- |
Gallaudet University Press |
Linguistic Insights |
2010 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
SEL-reeks |
2010 |
--- |
Ginkgo/Academia Press |
Participation in Broadband Society |
2010 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
European Civil Society Book Series |
2010 |
--- |
Nomos |
Il secolo lungo. Letteratura italiana 1796-1918 |
2010 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child |
2010 |
--- |
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers |
2010 |
--- |
NAi010 Publishers |
Relicta Monografieën |
2010 |
--- |
Agentschap Onroerend Erfgoed |
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the English-Speaking World |
2010 |
--- |
Presses Universitaires de Nancy |
ASSER International Sports Law Series |
2010 |
--- |
T.M.C. Asser Press |
Amsterdam German Studies |
2010 |
--- |
--- |
Amsterdam Studies in Theology and Religion |
2010 |
--- |
VU University Press |
Ancient Commentators on Aristotle |
2010 |
--- |
Bristol Classical Press |
Carthage Studies |
2010 |
--- |
Ghent University Department of Archaeology |
Chrétiens et Sociétés. Documents et Mémoires |
2010 |
--- |
--- |
Collection Latomus |
2010 |
--- |
--- |
Collection de l'École française de Rome |
2010 |
--- |
École française de Rome |
2010 |
--- |
DDR-Diskurse |
2010 |
--- |
--- |
Écritures |
2010 |
--- |
Éditions universitaires de Dijon |
Frontiers of Business Ethics |
2010 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
Geert Grote Pen |
2010 |
--- |
Stichting Geert Grote Pen |
Gorgias Handbooks |
2010 |
--- |
--- |
GRAMM-R. Etudes de linguistique française |
2010 |
--- |
P.I.E. Peter Lang |
Greco, Arabo, Latino. Le vie del sapere. Studi |
2010 |
--- |
PLUS-Pisa University Press |
Handbook of the Philosophy of Science |
2010 |
--- |
Elsevier |
Heidegger-Jahrbuch |
2010 |
--- |
Alber |
International Studies in Social History |
2010 |
--- |
--- |
La licorne |
2010 |
--- |
Presses universitaires de Rennes |
Les essentiels Hermès |
2010 |
--- |
CNRS éditions |
Nineteenth-Century Ireland Series |
2010 |
--- |
Four Courts Press |
Pure and Applied Differential Geometry |
2010 |
--- |
Shaker Verlag |
Research in maritime history |
2010 |
--- |
International Maritime Economic History Association |
Resources for Biblical Study |
2010 |
--- |
Society of Biblical Literature |
Rivages linguistiques |
2010 |
--- |
Presses Universitaires de Rennes |
SF Storyworlds |
2010 |
--- |
Gylphi |
Studies in Medieval and early Renaissance Art History |
2010 |
--- |
Harvey Miller Publishers |
Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy |
2010 |
--- |
The Catholic University of America Press |
Studies in the Thought of Paul Ricoeur |
2010 |
--- |
Lexington Books |
SVR-Studie |
2010 |
--- |
Vlaamse Overheid |
Warburg Institute Colloquia |
2010 |
--- |
--- |
Worldviews, Science and Us: Bridging Knowledge and Its Implications for Our Perspectives of the World |
2010 |
--- |
World Scientific: Singapore |
Zorginnovatie |
2010 |
--- |
BoomLemma |
Academisch literair |
2014 |
--- |
Garant |
Ancient and Medieval Philosophy |
2014 |
--- |
Universitaire Pers Leuven / Leuven University Press |
Cahiers Politiestudies |
2014 |
--- |
Maklu |
Current Issues in Islam |
2014 |
--- |
Universitaire Pers Leuven / Leuven University Press |
Figures of the Unconscious |
2014 |
--- |
Universitaire Pers Leuven / Leuven University Press |
Gandaius Publicaties. Update in de criminologie. |
2014 |
--- |
Maklu |
Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP, UGent) |
2014 |
--- |
Maklu |
International Law |
2014 |
--- |
Intersentia |
Kadoc-Artes |
2014 |
--- |
Universitaire Pers Leuven / Leuven University Press |
Kadoc-Studies on Religion, Culture and Society |
2014 |
--- |
Universitaire Pers Leuven / Leuven University Press |
Law and Cosmopolitan Values |
2014 |
--- |
Intersentia |
Lieven Gevaert Series |
2014 |
--- |
Universitaire Pers Leuven / Leuven University Press |
Mediaevalia Lovaniensia |
2014 |
--- |
Universitaire Pers Leuven / Leuven University Press |
Publicaties van de Vlaams-Nederlandse Vereniging voor Nieuwe Geschiedenis |
2014 |
--- |
Shaker Publishing |
Reeks van het Belgisch Genootschap voor Arbeids- en Socialezekerheidsrecht |
2014 |
--- |
die Keure |
Series on Transitional Justice |
2014 |
--- |
Intersentia |
BAR International series |
2010 |
--- |
British Archaeological Reports |
Contemporary Literary Criticism |
2010 |
--- |
Gale ( United States of America) |
Foundations and trends in entrepreneurship |
2010 |
--- |
NOW Publishers |
Methods in Molecular Biology |
2010 |
--- |
Nova Science |
Advances in Molecular and Cellular Microbiology |
2010 |
--- |
--- |
Cahiers Jean Cocteau, nouvelle série |
2010 |
--- |
Editions Non Lieu |
Scripta Antiqua |
2010 |
--- |
Ausonius |
Pour une Histoire du Travail |
2010 |
--- |
Presses Universitaires de Rennes |
Cahiers de Philologie |
2010 |
--- |
Presses Universitaires du Septentrion |
Histoire et civilisations |
2010 |
--- |
Presses Universitaires du Septentrion |
Kairos, Série travaux communs |
2010 |
--- |
Presses de l'Université Laval |
New Visions of the Cosmopolitan |
2010 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
Internationales Jahrbuch für philosophische Anthropologie |
2010 |
--- |
Akademie Verlag |
Klassiker Auslegen |
2010 |
--- |
Akademie Verlag |
Beihefte zur Ökumenischen Rundschau |
2010 |
--- |
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt GmbH |
Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde |
2010 |
--- |
Böhlau |
Begriff und Konkretion |
2010 |
--- |
Duncker & Humblot |
Katholische Kirche im Dialog |
2010 |
--- |
Herder |
Quaestiones disputatae |
2010 |
--- |
Herder |
Historische Zeitschrift. Beihefte. Neue Folge |
2010 |
--- |
Oldenbourg |
Schriften zur Politischen Ökonomik/ Political Economics, Competition and Regulation |
2010 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
Diskursivitäten |
2010 |
--- |
Synchron-Wissenschaftsverlag der Autoren |
Rhein-Maas. Studien zur Geschichte, Sprache und Kultur |
2010 |
--- |
--- |
Colección Geografía para el siglo XXI, Serie Libros de Investigación |
2010 |
--- |
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
Cuadernos Deusto de Derechos humanos |
2010 |
--- |
Universidad de Deusto |
Fonti e Ricerche della Fondazione Papa Giovanni XXIII |
2010 |
--- |
Istituto Paolo VI |
Le arti del suono |
2010 |
--- |
Aracne editrice |
Biblioteca. Serie Storica |
2010 |
--- |
Edizione Sette Città |
Minima |
2010 |
--- |
Apeiron |
Egyptologische Uitgaven |
2010 |
--- |
Nederlands instituut voor het Nabije Oosten |
UCL Qatar Series in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage |
2010 |
--- |
Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation |
Wisdom Commentary |
2015 |
--- |
Liturgical Press |
Medieval Philosophy. Texts and Studies |
2015 |
--- |
Fordham University Press |
Research in Careers |
2015 |
--- |
Information Age |
Early Christianity and Its Literature |
2015 |
--- |
Langages |
2015 |
--- |
Armand Colin |
Bibliothèque d'Etude |
2015 |
--- |
2015 |
--- |
Publications du CRAHAM: Série Antique et Médiévale |
2015 |
--- |
Presses Universitaires de Caen |
Collection de l'Association belge pour le droit du travail et de la sécurité sociale |
2015 |
--- |
La Charte |
Theologische Wörterbuch zum Alten Testament |
2015 |
--- |
Kohlhammer |
Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society |
2015 |
--- |
Ibidem-Verlag |
Bonner biblische Beiträge |
2015 |
--- |
V&R unipress - Bonn University Press |
Modernisierung des öffentlichen Sektors |
2015 |
--- |
Nomos/Aschdorff |
Altertumskunde des Vorderen Orients |
2015 |
--- |
Ugarit |
Studies in Asian Art and Culture |
2015 |
--- |
EB-Verlag |
Grammatical analyses of African languages |
2015 |
--- |
Rüdiger Köppe |
Dissertatio Filosofia |
2015 |
--- |
NEPFIL online |
Centro studi sul Concilio Vaticano II |
2015 |
--- |
Lateran University Press |
Centro Italiano di studi di storia e d'arte Pistoia |
2015 |
--- |
Viella |
Italia comunale e signorile |
2015 |
--- |
Viella |
Quaderni di "Sacra Doctrina" |
2015 |
--- |
Studio Domenicano |
Bibliotheca Cumontiana, Scripta Minora |
2015 |
--- |
Institut historique belge de Rome |
Maaslandse monografieën |
2015 |
--- |
LGOG en Stichting Maaslandse Monografieën |
The EC and International Tax Law Series |
2015 |
--- |
International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation |
Trismegistos Online Publications |
2015 |
--- |
Trismegistos |
Leuven Global Governance Series |
2015 |
--- |
--- |
Lokale en provinciale politiek |
2015 |
--- |
--- |
Niod Studies on War, Holocaust and Genocide |
2015 |
--- |
--- |
Romantic Circles Praxis Series |
2015 |
--- |
--- |
Studies in Text and Print Culture |
2015 |
--- |
--- |
Essays and studies |
2014 |
--- |
Centre for Reformation and Renaissance studies - Victoria University in the University of Toronto |
Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment |
2014 |
--- |
Voltaire Foundation/University of Oxford |
Bibliography of the Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique |
2014 |
--- |
Brepols |
Ius Commune Europaeum |
2014 |
--- |
Intersentia |
Forum Modernes Theater |
2014 |
--- |
Narr Verlag |
CERME Proceedings reeks |
2015 |
--- |
2015 |
--- |
Praesens |
Innesti/ Crossroads |
2015 |
--- |
Edizioni Ca' Foscari (ECF) |
Neuphilologische Mitteilungen |
2015 |
--- |
Société Néophilologique de Helsinki |
Sciences pour la communication |
2015 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
Advances in Electronic Government, Digital Divide, and Regional Development (AEGDDRD) Book Series |
2015 |
--- |
Information Science Reference |
Jaarboek Armoede in België |
2015 |
--- |
Academia Press |
Bloomsbury Studies in Classical Reception |
2015 |
--- |
Bloomsbury |
Cahiers Claude Simon |
2015 |
--- |
Presses Universitaires de Rennes |
De Architectura |
2015 |
--- |
Picard |
ECPR Monograph Series |
2015 |
--- |
Enjeux internationaux |
2015 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
European connections |
2015 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
2015 |
--- |
Edizioni Università di Trieste |
Issues in Toxicology |
2015 |
--- |
Royal Society of Chemistry |
Lifespan communication: Children, families, and aging |
2015 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
LinguaCom - Talen voor beginners |
2015 |
--- |
CommArt International |
Lódz Studies in Language |
2015 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy |
2015 |
--- |
--- |
Middle Kingdom Studies |
2015 |
--- |
Golden House |
Ouverture philosophique |
2015 |
--- |
L'Harmattan |
PALATIUM e-Publications |
2015 |
--- |
K.U.Leuven (niet OSA) |
Philosophie Hellénistique et Romaine |
2015 |
--- |
Schwabe/ Brepols |
PRME Book Series |
2015 |
--- |
Greenleaf Publishing |
2015 |
--- |
Presses de l'Université de Montréal |
Questions de communication |
2015 |
--- |
Presses Universitaires de Nancy |
REAL Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature |
2015 |
--- |
Narr Francke Attempto |
SBL Ancient Israel and Its Literature |
2015 |
--- |
SBL Press |
Studies in European political science |
2015 |
--- |
Studies in Social Sciences, Philosophy and History of Ideas |
2015 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Prague. Nouvelle Série |
2015 |
--- |
O.P.S. |
Yearbook of Moving Image Studies |
2015 |
--- |
Büchner |
Hellenica |
2015 |
--- |
Edizioni dell'Orso |
Documenta rerum ecclesiasticarum instaurata |
2016 |
--- |
Canterbury Press |
Plutarchea Hypomnemata |
2015 |
--- |
Leuven University Press |
The Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series (CBQMS) |
2016 |
--- |
Catholic Biblical Association of America |
Puspika |
2015 |
--- |
Oxbow books |
Beiträge zur kulturwissenschaftlichen Süd- und Ostasienforschung |
2016 |
--- |
Ergon Verlag |
Aquilafuente |
2016 |
--- |
Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca |
Archeopress Egyptology |
2016 |
--- |
Archaeopress |
Biblische Notizen Neue Folge |
2016 |
--- |
Herder |
Byzantine and Neohellenic Studies |
2016 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
Contemporary African Linguistics |
2016 |
--- |
Language Science Press |
Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy |
2016 |
--- |
--- |
Culture Antiche : Studi e testi |
2016 |
--- |
Helios |
Culture Territori Linguaggi |
2016 |
--- |
Università degli studi di Perugia |
Études luxembourgeoises. Luxemburg-Studien |
2016 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
European Perspectives on Music Education |
2016 |
--- |
Helbling |
Graham Greene studies |
2016 |
--- |
University Press of North Georgia |
Strathmore Studies in Law |
2016 |
--- |
Strathmore University Press |
Jaarboek De Achttiende Eeuw |
2016 |
--- |
Verloren |
Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts |
2016 |
--- |
Winkler |
Le Romantisme et après en France |
2016 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
L'Europe alimentaire |
2016 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
Lingue culture mediazioni |
2016 |
--- |
LED Edizioni |
Material and Visual Culture of Ancient Egypt |
2016 |
--- |
Lockwood Books |
McDonald Institute Monographs |
2016 |
--- |
McDonald Institute for Archaeological Researc |
Morphological investigations |
2016 |
--- |
Language Science Press |
2016 |
--- |
European Commission |
Österreichisches Deutsch – Sprache der Gegenwart |
2016 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
Polymnia. Studi di Filologia Classica |
2016 |
--- |
Edizioni Università di Trieste |
Quaderni del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell'Università di Torino |
2016 |
--- |
Editoriale scientifica |
RILEM Proceedings |
2016 |
--- |
Rivista di Studi Fenici |
2016 |
--- |
Institutum l'Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo Antico |
Studi jaspersiani |
2016 |
--- |
Orthotes |
Studi storici sulla Tarda Antichità diretti da Domenico Vera |
2016 |
--- |
Edipuglia |
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics |
2016 |
--- |
IOS Press |
Studies voor praktische theologie |
2016 |
--- |
Halewijn |
The anthropology of tourism: Heritage, mobility, and society |
2016 |
--- |
Lexington |
Translation and Multilingual Natural Language Processing |
2016 |
--- |
Language Science Press |
Travaux de Linguistique |
2016 |
--- |
Duculot |
World Scientific Studies in International Economics |
2016 |
--- |
World Scientific |
Transactions on Petri nets and other models of concurrency |
2016 |
--- |
Springer |
Vita Traductiva |
2016 |
--- |
York University |
Ædificare. Revue internationale d’histoire de la construction |
2017 |
--- |
Classiques Garnier |
Artes (Institut historique belge de Rome) |
2017 |
--- |
Institut historique belge de Rome |
Border Regions Series |
2017 |
--- |
Garland |
Catholic Biblical Quarterly-Monograph Series |
2016 |
--- |
Catholic Biblical Association of America |
Collection de la Casa de Velázquez |
2017 |
--- |
Casa de Velázquez |
Dieux, Hommes et Religions / Gods, Humans and Religions |
2017 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
DiGeSt - Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies |
2017 |
--- |
Centrum voor Ziekenhuis- en Verplegingswetenschap |
Dixit Grammatica |
2017 |
--- |
L'Harmattan |
Donner Raison |
2017 |
--- |
Lessius |
Early Modern Catholicism and the Visual Arts |
2015 |
--- |
Saint Joseph's University Press |
Églises d'Afrique |
2017 |
--- |
L'Harmattan |
Études (Institut historique belge de Rome) |
2017 |
--- |
Institut historique belge de Rome |
Exploring Complexity |
2017 |
--- |
World Scientific |
FICHL Publication Series |
2017 |
--- |
Torkel Opsahl Academic Epublisher (TOAEP) |
Flumen Sapientiae |
2017 |
--- |
Aracne |
Geological Society, Special Publications |
2015 |
--- |
Geological Society of London |
Histoire contemporaine |
2017 |
--- |
Publications de la Sorbonne |
Humanitas Supplementum |
2016 |
--- |
Coimbra University Press |
International Review of History Education |
2017 |
--- |
Information Age |
Investigação |
2017 |
--- |
Coimbra University Press |
Les ouvrages du CRASC |
2017 |
--- |
Mobilités & Sociétés |
2017 |
--- |
Publications de la Sorbonne |
Monographien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums |
2017 |
--- |
Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums |
Orient & Méditerranée |
2017 |
--- |
De Boccard |
Politica e religione : annuario di teologia politica |
2017 |
--- |
Morcelliana |
Politique européenne |
2017 |
--- |
L'Harmattan |
Przestrzenie Życia Społecznego |
2015 |
--- |
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszalek |
RIPE (Re-Visionary Interpretations of the Public Enterprise) |
2017 |
--- |
Nordicom |
Roman 20-50 |
2017 |
--- |
Roman 20-50 |
Routledge New Security Studies |
2017 |
--- |
Garland |
Routledge South Asian Religion Series |
2017 |
--- |
Garland |
Studies in Interpretation Series |
2017 |
--- |
Gallaudet University Press |
Cross-Border Crime Colloquium series |
2017 |
--- |
Boom Lemma |
River Publishers Series in Renewable Energy |
2017 |
--- |
River Publishers |
TRANSÜD, Arbeiten zur Theorie und Praxis des Übersetzens und Dolmetschens |
2017 |
--- |
Frank und Timme |
Tsantsa. Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Ethnologischen Gesellschaft |
2017 |
--- |
Seismo |
Vernon Series in Economics |
2017 |
--- |
Vernon Press |
Viella Historical Research |
2017 |
--- |
Viella |
Violence, Desire, and the Sacred |
2015 |
--- |
Bloomsbury |
World Scientific Handbook in Financial Economics Series |
2017 |
--- |
World Scientific |
Journal of the Arnold Schönberg Center |
2017 |
--- |
Arnold Schönberg Center |
Schriftenreihe der DGAP |
2017 |
--- |
Studien und Dokumente zur Geschichte der romanischen Literaturen |
2017 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
Sociologia, cambiamento e politica sociale |
2017 |
--- |
FrancoAngeli |
Contesti Antropologici - Anthropological contexts |
2017 |
--- |
UnipaPress |
Cahiers africains |
2017 |
--- |
L'Harmattan |
Patrimonio culturale di interesse religioso |
2017 |
--- |
FrancoAngeli |
Voorrechten en hypotheken : artikelsgewijze commentaar met overzicht van rechtspraak en rechtsleer |
2017 |
--- |
Kluwer |
dubsar |
2020 |
--- |
Zaphon |
wEdge, Cutting-Edge Researches in Cuneiform Studies |
2020 |
--- |
Zaphon |
Beiträge zur Süd- und Ostasienforschung |
2017 |
--- |
Ergon |
Studi AISV |
2016 |
--- |
MES proceedings |
2017 |
--- |
International Mathematics Education and Society |
Beiträge zur Holocaustforschung des Wiener Wiesenthal Instituts für Holocaust-Studien (VWI) |
2017 |
--- |
new academic press |
Aansprakelijkheids- en Verzekeringsrecht |
2016 |
--- |
Intersentia |
Cruces y bordes la voz de la otredad |
2016 |
--- |
Arachne |
Echo. Collana di traduttologia e discipline della mediazione linguistica |
2016 |
--- |
Aracne |
Global Perspectives on Legal History |
2016 |
--- |
Max Planck Institute for European Legal History |
Kultur – Herrschaft – Differenz |
2016 |
--- |
Narr Francke Attempto |
Processi formativi e scienze dell'educazione. Pedagogia speciale e dell'inclusione (PFS-SPIN) |
2016 |
--- |
Guerini |
Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English |
2016 |
--- |
University of Helsinki VARIENG Research Unit |
Theologie der Liturgie |
2016 |
--- |
Friedrich Pustet |
AbcTaxa |
2016 |
--- |
Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen |
Aging & Social Change |
2016 |
--- |
Common Ground Publishing |
Archéo.doct |
2016 |
--- |
Publications de la Sorbonne |
Breakthroughs in Mimetic Theory |
2016 |
--- |
Michigan State University Press |
Byzas |
2016 |
--- |
Ege Yayınları |
Colección Derecho y Tecnología |
2016 |
--- |
Universidad de San Andrés |
Cuadernos Artesanos de Comunicación |
2016 |
--- |
Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social |
Data Handling in Science and Technology |
2016 |
--- |
Elsevier |
Discourses of Weakness and Resource Regimes |
2016 |
--- |
Campus Verlag |
Elte Jurisprudence |
2016 |
--- |
ELTE Eötvös Kiadó |
Estudios hispánicos en el contexto global. Hispanic Studies in the Global Context. Hispanistik im globalen Kontext |
2016 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
Geological Society of America Special Papers |
2016 |
--- |
Geological Society of America |
Handbook of statistics |
2016 |
--- |
Elsevier |
Hebrew Bible Monographs |
2016 |
--- |
Sheffield Phoenix Press |
Histoire de la diplomatie et des relations internationales |
2016 |
--- |
Pedone |
Histoires Croisées |
2016 |
--- |
Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal |
History and Philosophy of Technoscience |
2016 |
--- |
Garland |
Innovations in Traditional Foods |
2016 |
--- |
Academic Press/Elsevier |
LUCIS: Debates on Islam & Society |
2016 |
--- |
Leiden University Press |
Maastricht Law Series |
2016 |
--- |
Boom Lemma |
Migration and Development |
2016 |
--- |
CNR Edizioni (Consiglio Nazionale della Ricerche) |
Monographien zur Geschichte des Mittelalters |
2016 |
--- |
A. Hiersemann |
Moving Texts/Testi Mobili |
2016 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
Music Theory & Analysis |
2016 |
--- |
Leuven University Press |
Perspectives in Economic and Social History |
2016 |
--- |
Garland |
Perspectives on Higher Education |
2016 |
--- |
Studera Press |
Philosophical Projections |
2016 |
--- |
Religion and society, III Serie |
2016 |
--- |
CISRECO Edizioni |
Research in Global Child Advocacy |
2016 |
--- |
Information Age |
Romanistik in Geschichte und Gegenwart |
2016 |
--- |
Helmut Buske |
Routledge Research in Phenomenology |
2016 |
--- |
Garland |
Routledge Studies in Sustainability |
2016 |
--- |
Garland |
Routledge Studies on Political Parties and Party Systems |
2016 |
--- |
Garland |
SBL Ancient Near East Monographs series |
2016 |
--- |
SBL Press |
SBL Early Judaism and its Literature |
2016 |
--- |
SBL Press |
Schriften der Luther-Agricola-Gesellschaft |
2016 |
--- |
Luther-Agricola-Seura |
Seminari e Convegni |
2016 |
--- |
Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa |
Series in Music |
2016 |
--- |
Vernon Press |
Sports & Religion |
2016 |
--- |
Mercer University Press |
Studi AItLA |
2016 |
--- |
Officina 21 |
Studien und Texte aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung |
2016 |
--- |
Heidelberg University |
Studien zur Pragmatik |
2016 |
--- |
Narr Francke Attempto |
Studies in Human Rights in Education |
2016 |
--- |
Wolf Legal |
Studies on Cultural Transfer and Transmission |
2016 |
--- |
Barkhuis |
WCTRS book series |
2016 |
--- |
Academic Press/Elsevier |
Lage Landen Studies (LLS) |
2016 |
--- |
Academia Press |
Standen en Landen |
2016 |
--- |
ASP - Academic and Scientific Publishers |
Administratieve Rechtsbibliotheek |
2016 |
--- |
Die Keure |
Begasoz Seminaries |
2016 |
--- |
Die Keure |
Actualia familierecht |
2016 |
--- |
Die Keure |
Instituut verbintenissenrecht KUL |
2016 |
--- |
Die Keure |
Strafprocesrecht en politierecht |
2016 |
--- |
Die Keure |
Bibliotheek omgevingsrecht |
2016 |
--- |
Die Keure |
Bibliotheek Grondwettelijk Recht |
2016 |
--- |
Die Keure |
Migratie- en migrantenrecht |
2016 |
--- |
Die Keure |
Patrimonium |
2018 |
--- |
Die Keure |
Justitie en Samenleving |
2018 |
--- |
Die Keure |
Goederenrecht |
2018 |
--- |
Die Keure |
A Smithsonian Contribution to Knowledge |
2017 |
--- |
Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press |
Advanced Nanomaterials |
2017 |
--- |
Academic Press/Elsevier |
ANEJOS DE VELEIA series minor |
2017 |
--- |
Universidad del País Vasco |
Antennae |
2017 |
--- |
Valiz |
Artes |
2017 |
--- |
Orde van advocaten Leuven |
British Archaeological Reports (BAR) |
2017 |
--- |
British Archaeological Reports |
Cahiers voor praktische theologie |
2017 |
--- |
Halewijn |
Carcinogenesis |
2017 |
--- |
Lexington |
Colección Tibón: Estudios traductológicos |
2017 |
--- |
Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Servicio de Publicaciones y DIfusión Científica |
Collection DIVAgations |
2017 |
--- |
Presses Universitaires de Liège |
Contributions to the Study of Flemish Primitives |
2017 |
--- |
Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium |
Cuadernos de América sin Nombre |
2017 |
--- |
Universidad de Alicante |
Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change Series VIII, Christian Philosophical Studies |
2017 |
--- |
The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy |
Die Aufklärung in der Romania |
2017 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
Duisburg Papers on Research in Language and Culture |
2017 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
Echo |
2017 |
--- |
Aracne |
European Political, Economic, and Security Issues |
2017 |
--- |
Nova Science |
Form and meaning in language |
2017 |
--- |
Center for the Study of Language & Information (CSLI) |
Forum: Österreich |
2017 |
--- |
Frank und Timme |
Hors Serie |
2017 |
--- |
Presses Universitaires de Rennes |
Humanités numériques |
2017 |
--- |
L'Harmattan |
Ist. per le scienze religiose-Bologna. Testi, ricerche e fonti |
2017 |
--- |
Il Mulino |
Jahrbuch für Geschichte des ländlichen Raumes |
2017 |
--- |
Studien Verlag |
Kulturelle und technische Werte historischer Bauten |
2017 |
--- |
Birkhäuser |
L’invention des syndicalismes |
2017 |
--- |
Publications de la Sorbonne |
Lingüística |
2017 |
--- |
Editorial Universidad de Sevilla |
marru. Studien zur Vorderasiatischen Archäologie / Studies in Near and Middle Eastern Archaeology |
2017 |
--- |
Zaphon |
Natures en Sociétés |
2017 |
--- |
Museum national d'histoire naturelle |
Phänomenologische Forschungen, Beihefte |
2017 |
--- |
Felix Meiner Verlag |
Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn 2018 |
2017 |
--- |
Universität Heidelberg |
Ruralia |
2017 |
--- |
Sidestone Press |
Scritti di Diritto Privato Europeo e Internazionale |
2017 |
--- |
Aracne |
Short Studies in Private International Law |
2017 |
--- |
T.M.C. Asser Press |
Stanford Monographs in African Languages |
2017 |
--- |
Center for the Study of Language & Information (CSLI) |
Studies in Belgian History |
2017 |
--- |
Algemeen Rijksarchief |
Studies in Comparative Political Economy and Public Policy |
2017 |
--- |
University of Toronto Press |
Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy |
2017 |
--- |
Northwestern University Press |
Translational and Applied Genomics |
2017 |
--- |
Academic Press/Elsevier |
Trismegistos Online Publications Special Series |
2017 |
--- |
Trismegistos |
Velfærdsstat og velfærdssamfund |
2017 |
--- |
Frydenlund |
Verba: Anuario Galego de Filoloxía. Anexos |
2017 |
--- |
Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico da USC |
Handelingen der Maatschappij voor Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde te Gent |
2017 |
--- |
Skribis |
ICCI (Informatiecentrum voor het Bedrijfsrevisoraat) |
2017 |
--- |
Maklu |
GERN Research Paper Series |
2017 |
--- |
Maklu |
Anejos de AEspA |
2018 |
--- |
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas |
Anthem Frontiers of Global Political Economy and Development |
2018 |
--- |
Anthem/Plurus/Union Bridge |
Arti della performance: orizzonti e culture |
2018 |
--- |
Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna |
Biblioteca de philosophia |
2018 |
--- |
Herder |
Biblioteca Palazzeschi |
2018 |
--- |
Società Editrice Fiorentina |
Cambridge Semitic Languages and Cultures |
2018 |
--- |
Open Book Publishers |
CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
2018 |
--- |
CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Colección Teología de los tiempos |
2018 |
--- |
Universidad Alberto Hurtado |
Colección: Filosofía y Pensamiento |
2018 |
--- |
Ed. Universidad de Granada |
Collection Déviance et Société |
2018 |
--- |
Médecine et Hygiène, RMS éditions |
Critical Perspectives on Social Science |
2018 |
--- |
Vernon Press |
Direito economia sociedade |
2018 |
--- |
Blucher |
Distant Worlds Journal Special Issues |
2018 |
--- |
Propylaeum |
Edition Medienwissenschaft |
2018 |
--- |
Transcript Verlag |
Epoché |
2018 |
--- |
Ratio et Revelatio |
Études d'archéologie et d'histoire ancienne |
2018 |
--- |
De Boccard |
Etudes Ricoeuriennes |
2018 |
--- |
University Library System, University of Pittsburgh |
Eugen Fink Gesamtausgabe, Band 2 |
2018 |
--- |
Alber |
Food and Foodways |
2018 |
--- |
University of Arkansas Press |
Frontiers in Psychiatry |
2018 |
--- |
Frontiers Media |
Frontiers research topics |
2018 |
--- |
Frontiers Media |
Global Communication |
2018 |
--- |
Open Book Publishers |
Gorgias Studies in the Ancient Near East Series |
2018 |
--- |
Gorgias |
History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis |
2018 |
--- |
Brill |
Klöster als Innovationslabore. Studien und Texte |
2018 |
--- |
Schnell & Steiner |
Koninklijke Academiën van België |
2018 |
--- |
Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België |
Letras Modernas |
2018 |
--- |
Linguistic Insights - Studies in Language and Communication |
2018 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
Lumen Vitae |
2018 |
--- |
Lumen Vitae |
New directions in theorizing qualitative research |
2018 |
--- |
Myers Education Press |
Nuovi Orizzonti di Inconscio e Società. Studi |
2018 |
--- |
: "una scheda di valutazione da parte dei nostri lettori esperti" |
Palgrave Studies in Prisons and Penology |
2018 |
--- |
Springer International Publishing AG |
Politique Europennee |
2018 |
--- |
L'Harmattan |
Quaderni della Bibliotheca Hertziana |
2018 |
--- |
Campisano |
Research series |
2018 |
--- |
Ethniko Idryma Erevnon - Institouto Istorikon Erevnon |
Romanica Gandensia |
2018 |
--- |
Joris |
Routledge Studies in Crime and Society |
2018 |
--- |
Taylor & Francis |
Routledge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Philosophy |
2018 |
--- |
Taylor & Francis |
Routledge Studies in World Literatures and the Environment |
2018 |
--- |
Taylor & Francis |
Russia’s Great War and Revolution |
2018 |
--- |
Slavica Publishers |
Schriften zum Strafrecht |
2018 |
--- |
Duncker & Humblot |
Science politique (Bruxelles) |
2018 |
--- |
Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles |
Shorts Series |
2018 |
--- |
Bristol University Press |
Sociología política para los desafíos del siglo XXI |
2018 |
--- |
Peter Lang |
Storie di Paesaggi Medievali (SPM) |
2018 |
--- |
All'Insegna del Giglio |
Studi e fonti di storia toscana |
2018 |
--- |
ED.IT di Umberto Coscarelli |
Studia Byzantina Upsaliensia |
2018 |
--- |
Rabén Prisma |
The Archaeology of Anatolia |
2018 |
--- |
Cambridge Scholars Publishing |
Transitioning to Sustainability |
2018 |
--- |
Translationswissenschaft |
2018 |
--- |
Narr Francke Attempto |
VAKKI Publications |
2018 |
--- |
VAKKI ry |
Pubblicazioni del Centro Interuniversitario per la Storia della Tradizione Aristotelica |
2018 |
--- |
Edizioni ETS |
Textyles - Revue des lettres belges de langue française |
2018 |
--- |
Ker éditions |
L'occhio e lo spirito |
2018 |
--- |
Mimesis |
Cahiers de l'ILSL |
2018 |
--- |
Université de Lausanne, Centre de linguistique et des sciences du langage |
Nieuwe Tijdingen. Over vroegmoderne geschiedenis |
2018 |
--- |
Leuven University Press |
Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities |
2018 |
--- |
Royal Museum for Central Africa |
In Practice |
2018 |
--- |
Mer B&L |
Studia Fennica |
2018 |
--- |
Verloren: Schrift en Schriftdragers in de Nederlanden in de Middeleeuwen (SSNM) |
2018 |
--- |
Verloren |
Etudes françaises |
2019 |
--- |
Université de Montréal |
Anejos de Archivo Español de Arqueología |
2019 |
--- |
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas |
Archidoc |
2019 |
--- |
Groupe d'ateliers de recherche |
Beiruter Texte und Studien |
2019 |
--- |
Ergon Verlag |
Brave New World |
2019 |
--- |
NBC - Bot Uitgevers |
Burleigh Dodds series in agricultural science |
2019 |
--- |
Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing |
CA2RE+ |
2019 |
--- |
Edições Universitárias Lusófona |
Caméras subjectives |
2019 |
--- |
Impressions nouvelles |
Conference proceedings |
2019 |
--- |
Contemporary issues in air transport |
2019 |
--- |
Mosby |
Ecclesia orans: Studi e Ricerche |
2019 |
--- |
Editrice Domenicana Italiana |
Estudos & Colóquios |
2019 |
--- |
OpenEdition Press |
European Yearbook of Constitutional Law |
2019 |
--- |
T.M.C. Asser Press |
Food Chemistry, Function and Analysis |
2019 |
--- |
Royal Society of Chemistry |
Global Europe: Legal and Policy Issues of the EU’s External Action |
2019 |
--- |
T.M.C. Asser Press |
Hermes. Collana di Scienze del Linguaggio |
2019 |
--- |
New Digital Frontiers/UNIPA |
Le orbite. Studi di teoria letteraria, letterature straniere e comparate |
2019 |
--- |
Prospero |
OE Case Files |
2019 |
--- |
Punctum |
Pamphlet |
2019 |
--- |
Vlaams Architectuurinstituut (VAi) |
Personen- en familierecht, Afl. 94 |
2019 |
--- |
Kluwer |
Phenomenology and Mind |
2019 |
--- |
Rosenberg & Sellier |
Pontes Philologici |
2019 |
--- |
Filologicheskii fakul'tet Belgradskogo universiteta |
SBL Septuagint and Cognate Studies |
2019 |
--- |
Society of Biblical Literature |
Serie Arabica Veritas |
2019 |
--- |
UCOPress, Editorial Universidad de Córdoba |
2019 |
--- |
Editorial Universidad de Sevilla |
Studi di Eikasmós Online |
2019 |
--- |
Patron |
Studia Philogica Pragensia (SPP) |
2019 |
--- |
Karolinum |
Studies in Baroque Art |
2019 |
--- |
Harvey Miller |
Studies in World Literature |
2019 |
--- |
Ibidem-Verlag |
Texts and Studies, Third Series |
2019 |
--- |
Gorgias |
The Antioch Bible |
2019 |
--- |
Gorgias |
The Theological Librarian's Handbook |
2019 |
--- |
American Theological Library Association |
TransÜD |
2019 |
--- |
Frank und Timme |
wEdge |
2019 |
--- |
Zaphon |
Algemene Praktische Rechtsverzameling |
2019 |
--- |
Kluwer |
Cuadernos de Trabajo en Ética de la Investigación |
2021 |
--- |
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) |
Pliegos Hispánicos, serie "Intersecciones" |
2021 |
--- |
Universitas Studiorum |
Forum for Architecture and Urbanism (FAU) |
2021 |
--- |
La scuola di Pitagora editrice |
Centro per la storia dell'Università di Padova serie?) |
2020 |
--- |
FrancoAngeli |
Nuove Geografie. Strumenti di lavoro |
2021 |
--- |
FrancoAngeli |
Harvey Miller - Art History (Outside a Series) |
2021 |
--- |
Brepols/Harvey Miller |
Biblio 17 |
2019 |
--- |
Narr Francke Attempto Verlag |
Armoede en sociale uitsluiting Jaarboek 2022 |
2019 |
--- |
Acco Uitgeverij |
Recht op herstellen: aansprakelijkheids- en verbintenisrechtelijke implicaties van de circulaire economie |
2019 |
--- |
Die Keure |
Het administratief cassatieberoep |
2019 |
--- |
Die Keure |
25 jaar Vlaamse wooncode - 1 jaar Vlaamse Codex Wonen van 2021 |
2019 |
--- |
Die Keure |
Het personeel toepassingsgebied van aanvullende pensioenregelingen voor werknemers |
2019 |
--- |
Die Keure |
Collectieve arbeidsverhoudingen in de publieke sector doorgelicht |
2019 |
--- |
Die Keure |
Handboek Ruimtelijke Uitvoeringsplannen |
2019 |
--- |
Die Keure |
De sluier rond anonimiteit opgelicht... |
2019 |
--- |
Die Keure |
HistoriANT 2022-10. Jaarboek voor Antwerpse geschiedenis |
2019 |
--- |
Gompel&Svacina bv |
EU Criminal Policy: Advances and Challenges |
2019 |
--- |
Maklu Uitgevers |
Contemporary Challenges and Alternatives to International Criminal Justice |
2019 |
--- |
Maklu Uitgevers |
Actualia en ontwikkelingen in duurzaamheidsrapportering - Actualités et évolutions en matière de reporting des informations de durabilité |
2019 |
--- |
Maklu Uitgevers |
Chesterton, the New Atheism, and an Apologetics of Common Sense |
2019 |
--- |
Peeters uitgeverij |
The Sources of Celsus's Criticism of Jesus |
2019 |
--- |
Peeters uitgeverij |
Power in the New Testament |
2019 |
--- |
Peeters uitgeverij |
Praying to the Temple: Divine Presence in Solomon's Prayer |
2019 |
--- |
Peeters uitgeverij |
The Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles in Armenian |
2019 |
--- |
Peeters uitgeverij |
Sharing Myths, Texts and Sanctuaries in the South Caucasus |
2019 |
--- |
Peeters uitgeverij |
Troubling Texts in the New Testament |
2019 |
--- |
Peeters uitgeverij |
Care Ethics, Religion, and Spiritual Traditions |
2019 |
--- |
Peeters uitgeverij |
‘To Draw and Assemble All People unto God’: The Spiritual Journey of Maria van Oisterwijk (1470/80-1547) |
2019 |
--- |
Peeters uitgeverij |
Collected Essays on the Greek Bible and Greek Lexicography |
2019 |
--- |
Peeters uitgeverij |
The Catholic Church and Its Orthodox Sister Churches Twenty-Five Years after Balamand |
2019 |
--- |
Peeters uitgeverij |
The Real Israel Disembarked: The Phoenician Origins of Samaria |
2019 |
--- |
Peeters uitgeverij |
Asking Questions in Biblical Texts |
2019 |
--- |
Peeters uitgeverij |
Proverbs Volume II |
2019 |
--- |
Peeters uitgeverij |
On Using Sources in Graeco-Roman, Jewish and Early Christian Literature |
2019 |
--- |
Peeters uitgeverij |
The Semantics of רַע (bad) in Ancient and Mishnaic Hebrew |
2019 |
--- |
Peeters uitgeverij |
Scriptures in the Making: Texts and Their Transmission in Late Second Temple Judaism |
2019 |
--- |
Peeters uitgeverij |
The Iconography of Magic |
2019 |
--- |
Peeters uitgeverij |
The Gospels and Their Receptions |
2019 |
--- |
Peeters uitgeverij |
Reaching for Perfection |
2019 |
--- |
Peeters uitgeverij |
About Shelters and Encounters |
2019 |
--- |
Peeters uitgeverij |
A Polyglot Edition of the Book of Ben Sira with a Synopsis of the Hebrew Manuscripts |
2019 |
--- |
Peeters uitgeverij |
Job ou sortir de la cendre |
2019 |
--- |
Peeters uitgeverij |
Handboek Bestuurskunde - Derde editie |
2019 |
--- |
Vanden Broele |
Holland, historisch tijdschrift |
--- |
2022 |
Historische Vereniging Oud-Holland |