Naast de verschillende dienstverleningen aan de Vlaamse overheid dragen de onderzoekers van ECOOM ook bij tot het academisch onderzoek in verschillende onderzoeksdomeinen.
Publicaties filteren
Desmet, S., Van Dierdonck, R., Van Looy, B., Gemmel, P. (2013)
Servitization: or why services management is relevant for manufacturing environments
In: Chapt. 18. Essex (UK): Pearson Education Limited, pp. 430-442
Desmet, S., Van Looy, B., Gemmel, P., Van Dierdonck, R. (2013)
The nature of services
In: Service Management - An Integrated Approach, Chapt. 1. Essex (UK): Pearson Education Limited, pp. 3-22
Engels, T.C.E., Goos, P., Dexters, N. & Spruyt, E.H.J. (2013)
Group size, h-index, and efficiency in publishing in top journals explain expert panel assessments of research group quality and productivity
In: Research Evaluation, 22, pp. 224-236
Fanelli, D., Glänzel, W. (2013)
Bibliometric evidence for a hierarchy of the sciences
In: PLoS One, 8(6), e66938
Fanelli, D., Glänzel, W. (2013)
Papers published in PNAS reflect the Hierarchy of the Sciences
In: Proceedings of ISSI 2013 – The 14th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, Vienna, Austria, Vol. II, pp. 2080–2082
Gemmel, P., Van Looy, B. (2013)
The nature of service management
In: Service Management - An Integrated Approach, Chapt. 2. Essex (UK): Pearson Education Limited, pp. 23-36
Gemmel, P., Van Looy, B. (2013)
The service concept
In: Service Management - An Integrated Approach, Chapt. 3. Essex (UK): Pearson Education Limited, pp. 37-52
Gemmel, P., Van Looy, B., Van Dierdonck, R., (2013)
Service Management: an integrated approach
Gemmel, P., Verweire, K., Van Ossel, G., Bruggeman, W., Van Dierdonck, R., Van Looy, B. (2013)
Performance measurement systems in service firms
In: G Service Management - An Integrated Approach, Chapt. 13. Essex (UK): Pearson Education Limited, pp. 303-337
Glänzel, W. (2013)
High-end performance or outlier? Evaluating the tail of scientometric distribution
In: Scientometrics, 97(1), pp. 13-23